2014-05-11 17:13:09 -07:00
* Backbone localStorage Adapter
* Version 1.1.7
* https://github.com/jeromegn/Backbone.localStorage
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof require === 'function') {
module.exports = factory(require("backbone"));
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["backbone"], function(Backbone) {
// Use global variables if the locals are undefined.
return factory(Backbone || root.Backbone);
} else {
}(this, function(Backbone) {
// A simple module to replace `Backbone.sync` with *localStorage*-based
// persistence. Models are given GUIDS, and saved into a JSON object. Simple
// as that.
// Hold reference to Underscore.js and Backbone.js in the closure in order
// to make things work even if they are removed from the global namespace
// Generate four random hex digits.
function S4() {
return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
// Generate a pseudo-GUID by concatenating random hexadecimal.
function guid() {
return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());
function contains(array, item) {
var i = array.length;
while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return true;
return false;
function extend(obj, props) {
for (var key in props) obj[key] = props[key]
return obj;
// Our Store is represented by a single JS object in *localStorage*. Create it
// with a meaningful name, like the name you'd give a table.
// window.Store is deprectated, use Backbone.LocalStorage instead
Backbone.LocalStorage = window.Store = function(name, serializer) {
if( !this.localStorage ) {
throw "Backbone.localStorage: Environment does not support localStorage."
this.name = name;
this.serializer = serializer || {
serialize: function(item) {
return _.isObject(item) ? JSON.stringify(item) : item;
// fix for "illegal access" error on Android when JSON.parse is passed null
deserialize: function (data) {
return data && JSON.parse(data);
var store = this.localStorage().getItem(this.name);
this.records = (store && store.split(",")) || [];
extend(Backbone.LocalStorage.prototype, {
// Save the current state of the **Store** to *localStorage*.
save: function() {
2014-10-15 19:01:30 -07:00
var store = this.localStorage().getItem(this.name);
this.records = _.union(this.records, store && store.split(","));
2014-05-11 17:13:09 -07:00
this.localStorage().setItem(this.name, this.records.join(","));
// Add a model, giving it a (hopefully)-unique GUID, if it doesn't already
// have an id of it's own.
create: function(model) {
if (!model.id) {
model.id = guid();
model.set(model.idAttribute, model.id);
this.localStorage().setItem(this.name+"-"+model.id, this.serializer.serialize(model));
return this.find(model) !== false;
// Update a model by replacing its copy in `this.data`.
update: function(model) {
this.localStorage().setItem(this.name+"-"+model.id, this.serializer.serialize(model));
var modelId = model.id.toString();
if (!contains(this.records, modelId)) {
return this.find(model) !== false;
// Retrieve a model from `this.data` by id.
find: function(model) {
2014-10-09 20:08:21 -07:00
var store = this.localStorage().getItem(this.name);
this.records = (store && store.split(",")) || [];
2014-05-11 17:13:09 -07:00
return this.serializer.deserialize(this.localStorage().getItem(this.name+"-"+model.id));
// Return the array of all models currently in storage.
findAll: function() {
2014-10-09 20:08:21 -07:00
var store = this.localStorage().getItem(this.name);
this.records = (store && store.split(",")) || [];
2014-05-11 17:13:09 -07:00
var result = [];
for (var i = 0, id, data; i < this.records.length; i++) {
id = this.records[i];
data = this.serializer.deserialize(this.localStorage().getItem(this.name+"-"+id));
if (data != null) result.push(data);
return result;
// Delete a model from `this.data`, returning it.
destroy: function(model) {
if (model.isNew())
return false
var modelId = model.id.toString();
for (var i = 0, id; i < this.records.length; i++) {
if (this.records[i] === modelId) {
this.records.splice(i, 1);
return model;
localStorage: function() {
return localStorage;
// Clear localStorage for specific collection.
_clear: function() {
var local = this.localStorage(),
itemRe = new RegExp("^" + this.name + "-");
// Remove id-tracking item (e.g., "foo").
// Match all data items (e.g., "foo-ID") and remove.
for (var k in local) {
if (itemRe.test(k)) {
this.records.length = 0;
// Size of localStorage.
_storageSize: function() {
return this.localStorage().length;
// localSync delegate to the model or collection's
// *localStorage* property, which should be an instance of `Store`.
// window.Store.sync and Backbone.localSync is deprecated, use Backbone.LocalStorage.sync instead
Backbone.LocalStorage.sync = window.Store.sync = Backbone.localSync = function(method, model, options) {
var store = model.localStorage || model.collection.localStorage;
var resp, errorMessage;
//If $ is having Deferred - use it.
var syncDfd = Backbone.$ ?
(Backbone.$.Deferred && Backbone.$.Deferred()) :
(Backbone.Deferred && Backbone.Deferred());
try {
switch (method) {
case "read":
resp = model.id != undefined ? store.find(model) : store.findAll();
case "create":
resp = store.create(model);
case "update":
resp = store.update(model);
case "delete":
resp = store.destroy(model);
} catch(error) {
if (error.code === 22 && store._storageSize() === 0)
errorMessage = "Private browsing is unsupported";
errorMessage = error.message;
if (resp) {
if (options && options.success) {
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.success(model, resp, options);
} else {
if (syncDfd) {
} else {
errorMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage
: "Record Not Found";
if (options && options.error)
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.error(model, errorMessage, options);
} else {
if (syncDfd)
// add compatibility with $.ajax
// always execute callback for success and error
if (options && options.complete) options.complete(resp);
return syncDfd && syncDfd.promise();
Backbone.ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model) {
if(model.localStorage || (model.collection && model.collection.localStorage)) {
return Backbone.localSync;
return Backbone.ajaxSync;
// Override 'Backbone.sync' to default to localSync,
// the original 'Backbone.sync' is still available in 'Backbone.ajaxSync'
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model).apply(this, [method, model, options]);
return Backbone.LocalStorage;