2024-11-05 18:05:24 -08:00
// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { createCanvas, GlobalFonts, loadImage } from '@napi-rs/canvas';
import { join } from 'node:path';
import { mkdir, rm, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert';
const cwd = __dirname;
const fontsDir = join(cwd, '..', '..', 'fonts');
const imagesDir = join(cwd, '..', '..', 'images');
const trayIconsDir = join(imagesDir, 'tray-icons');
const trayIconsBaseDir = join(trayIconsDir, 'base');
const trayIconsAlertsDir = join(trayIconsDir, 'alert');
enum TrayIconSize {
Size16 = '16',
Size32 = '32',
Size48 = '48',
Size256 = '256',
type TrayIconValue = number | string | null;
type TrayIconImageRequest = Readonly<{
size: TrayIconSize;
value: TrayIconValue;
type TrayIconVariant = {
size: number;
maxCount: number;
badgePadding: number;
fontSize: number;
fontWeight: string;
fontOffsetY: number;
badgeShadowBlur: number;
badgeShadowOffsetY: number;
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image: string;
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const Inter = GlobalFonts.families.find(family => {
return family.family === 'Inter';
strictAssert(Inter != null, `Failed to load fonts from ${fontsDir}`);
const Constants = {
fontFamily: 'Inter',
badgeColor: 'rgb(244, 67, 54)',
badgeShadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
const Variants: Record<TrayIconSize, TrayIconVariant> = {
[TrayIconSize.Size16]: {
size: 16,
maxCount: 9,
badgePadding: 2,
fontSize: 8,
fontWeight: '500',
fontOffsetY: 0,
badgeShadowBlur: 0,
badgeShadowOffsetY: 0,
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image: join(trayIconsBaseDir, 'signal-tray-icon-16x16-base.png'),
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[TrayIconSize.Size32]: {
size: 32,
maxCount: 9,
badgePadding: 4,
fontSize: 12,
fontWeight: '500',
fontOffsetY: 0,
badgeShadowBlur: 1,
badgeShadowOffsetY: 1,
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image: join(trayIconsBaseDir, 'signal-tray-icon-32x32-base.png'),
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[TrayIconSize.Size48]: {
size: 48,
maxCount: 9,
badgePadding: 6,
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: '500',
fontOffsetY: -1,
badgeShadowBlur: 1,
badgeShadowOffsetY: 1,
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image: join(trayIconsBaseDir, 'signal-tray-icon-48x48-base.png'),
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[TrayIconSize.Size256]: {
size: 256,
maxCount: 9,
fontSize: 72,
fontWeight: '600',
fontOffsetY: 0,
badgePadding: 32,
badgeShadowBlur: 8,
badgeShadowOffsetY: 8,
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image: join(trayIconsBaseDir, 'signal-tray-icon-256x256-base.png'),
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function trayIconValueToText(
value: TrayIconValue,
variant: TrayIconVariant
): string {
if (value == null) {
return '';
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value.trim();
if (typeof value === 'number') {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value) || value < 0) {
throw new RangeError(`Unread count must be positive integer ${value}`);
if (value === 0) {
return '';
if (value > variant.maxCount) {
return `${variant.maxCount}+`;
return `${value}`;
throw new TypeError(`Invalid value ${value}`);
async function generateTrayIconImage(
request: TrayIconImageRequest
): Promise<Buffer> {
const variant = Variants[request.size];
if (variant == null) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid variant size (${request.size})`);
const text = trayIconValueToText(request.value, variant);
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const image = await loadImage(variant.image);
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const canvas = createCanvas(variant.size, variant.size);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (context == null) {
throw new Error('Failed to create 2d canvas context');
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
context.imageSmoothingQuality = 'high';
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, variant.size, variant.size);
if (text !== '') {
// Decrements by 1 until the badge fits within the canvas.
let currentFontSize = variant.fontSize;
while (currentFontSize > 4) {
const font = `${variant.fontWeight} ${currentFontSize}px ${Constants.fontFamily}`;
context.font = font;
context.textAlign = 'center';
context.textBaseline = 'middle';
context.textRendering = 'optimizeLegibility';
context.fontKerning = 'normal';
// All font settings should be set before now and should not change.
const capMetrics = context.measureText('X');
const textMetrics = context.measureText(text);
const textWidth = Math.ceil(
textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxRight + textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft
const textHeight = Math.ceil(
capMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + capMetrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent
const boxHeight = textHeight + variant.badgePadding * 2;
const boxWidth = Math.max(
boxHeight, // Ensures the badge is a circle
textWidth + variant.badgePadding * 2
// Needed to avoid cutting off the shadow blur
const boxMargin = variant.badgeShadowBlur;
const boxWidthWithMargins = boxWidth + boxMargin * 2;
if (boxWidthWithMargins > variant.size) {
currentFontSize -= 1;
const boxX = variant.size - boxWidth - boxMargin; // right aligned
const boxY = boxMargin;
const boxMidX = boxX + boxWidth / 2;
const boxMidY = boxY + boxHeight / 2;
const boxRadius = Math.ceil(boxHeight / 2);
context.roundRect(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, boxRadius);
context.fillStyle = Constants.badgeColor;
if (variant.badgeShadowBlur !== 0 || variant.badgeShadowOffsetY !== 0) {
context.shadowBlur = variant.badgeShadowBlur;
context.shadowOffsetX = 0;
context.shadowOffsetY = variant.badgeShadowOffsetY;
context.shadowColor = Constants.badgeShadowColor;
context.fillStyle = 'white';
context.fillText(text, boxMidX, boxMidY + variant.fontOffsetY);
if (currentFontSize <= 4) {
throw new Error(
`Badge text is too large for canvas size ${variant.size} (${text})`
return canvas.toBuffer('image/png');
function range(start: number, end: number): Array<number> {
const length = end - start + 1;
return Array.from({ length }, (_, index) => start + index);
async function main() {
try {
await rm(trayIconsAlertsDir, { recursive: true });
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw error;
const requests: Array<TrayIconImageRequest> = [];
for (const size of Object.values(TrayIconSize)) {
const variant = Variants[size];
const { maxCount } = variant;
const values = range(1, maxCount + 1);
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for (const value of values) {
requests.push({ size, value });
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await Promise.all(
2024-11-18 13:18:58 -08:00
requests.map(async ({ size, value }) => {
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const variant = Variants[size];
const text = trayIconValueToText(value, variant);
const fileDir = join(trayIconsAlertsDir);
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const fileName = `signal-tray-icon-${size}x${size}-alert-${text}.png`;
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const filePath = join(fileDir, fileName);
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const fileContents = await generateTrayIconImage({ size, value });
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console.log(`Writing "${fileName}"`);
await mkdir(fileDir, { recursive: true });
await writeFile(filePath, fileContents);
main().catch(error => {