Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly. This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing Bukkit Changes: 122289ff Add FaceAttachable interface to handle Grindstone facing in common with Switches a6db750e SPIGOT-5647: ZombieVillager entity should have getVillagerType() CraftBukkit Changes: bbe3d58e SPIGOT-5650: Lectern.setPage(int) causes a NullPointerException 3075579f Add FaceAttachable interface to handle Grindstone facing in common with Switches 95bd4238 SPIGOT-5647: ZombieVillager entity should have getVillagerType() 4d975ac3 SPIGOT-5617: setBlockData does not work when NotPlayEvent is called by redstone current
64 lines
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64 lines
2.2 KiB
From bcfbc728fd05e1d34c7db822258ca12d4875aafb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aikar <aikar@aikar.co>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 15:24:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Provide E/TE/Chunk count stat methods
Provides counts without the ineffeciency of using .getEntities().size()
which creates copy of the collections.
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
index 16b78bd02e..c06b10c6b1 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
@@ -278,6 +278,48 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
private int waterAnimalSpawn = -1;
private int ambientSpawn = -1;
+ // Paper start - Provide fast information methods
+ public int getEntityCount() {
+ int ret = 0;
+ for (net.minecraft.server.Entity entity : world.entitiesById.values()) {
+ if (entity.isChunkLoaded()) {
+ ++ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getTileEntityCount() {
+ // We don't use the full world tile entity list, so we must iterate chunks
+ Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<PlayerChunk> chunks = world.getChunkProvider().playerChunkMap.visibleChunks;
+ int size = 0;
+ for (net.minecraft.server.PlayerChunk playerchunk : chunks.values()) {
+ net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = playerchunk.getChunk();
+ if (chunk == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ size += chunk.tileEntities.size();
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ public int getTickableTileEntityCount() {
+ return world.tileEntityListTick.size();
+ }
+ public int getChunkCount() {
+ int ret = 0;
+ for (PlayerChunk chunkHolder : world.getChunkProvider().playerChunkMap.visibleChunks.values()) {
+ if (chunkHolder.getChunk() != null) {
+ ++ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getPlayerCount() {
+ return world.players.size();
+ }
+ // Paper end
private static final Random rand = new Random();
public CraftWorld(WorldServer world, ChunkGenerator gen, Environment env) {