* registering stuff event system
* simply by removing a ton of unneeded generics
* separate RegistryEvent and RegistrarEvent
* add logic for removing hooks when a plugin is disabled
* cleanup more
* swap around the way things are registered
* block further hook registrations for JavaPlugin
* Slightly more extensible to support registry mod API
* rename some types
* more moving/renaming
* remove 'hook' name
* Rename to 'lifecycle'
* move more impls for the server
* add priorities
* added lock for bootstrap event registration
* slight refactor to allow 'register anywhere' event types
* Move event type list to server impl
* use builder pattern to create event handler configurations
* add some more javadocs
* fix some issues, slight refactors
* call predicate and method renames
* add owner aware events
* rebased and refactored owner aware events
* add single helper method for registering simple handler
* compile fixes
* check owner and fix generics on register helper
* javadoc fixes and a few type renames
* more javadoc fixes
* move service loader file to correct location
* rename to Monitorable and Prioritizable
* add invalidation system for events after running them
* block reloading plugins in certain situations
* update test plugin
* remove dummy events
* rebase
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
1d522878 PR-966: Introduce getRespawnLocation as a replacement for getBedSpawnLocation
cc01b745 PR-965: Add DragonBattle#setPreviouslyKilled
28e3702f SPIGOT-6921, PR-957: Add methods to remove all enchantments on an ItemStack
8872404e PR-961: Add BlockData#copyTo
4054cc7b PR-956: Add method to get an offline player's location
CraftBukkit Changes:
292ec79e0 SPIGOT-7568: Call EntityChangeBlockEvent for DecoratedPot
b44bf5aa8 SPIGOT-7575: SuspiciousStewMeta creates invalid PotionEffect data
161784713 PR-1340: Centralize the conversion from and to Minecraft / Bukkit registry items even more and add a test case for them
b93c5a30d PR-1338: Introduce getRespawnLocation as a replacement for getBedSpawnLocation
fb973486c SPIGOT-7570: PrepareItemCraftEvent#isRepair() always returns false
c9c24535e PR-1337: Add DragonBattle#setPreviouslyKilled
c8b4da803 SPIGOT-6921, PR-1330: Add methods to remove all enchantments on an ItemStack
95bc1c4f5 PR-1333: Add BlockData#copyTo
36e2f9ce1 PR-1329: Add method to get an offline player's location
Spigot Changes:
c198da22 SPIGOT-7563: Update to latest release of bungeecord-chat
When a plugin listens to the EntityAddToWorld and EntityRemoveFromWorld events, I don't believe there is currently any method of directly obtaining which world the entity was actually added to/removed from. Using event.getEntity().getWorld() works in many cases, but not all. Specifically, when an entity is teleported from one world to another, the location of the entity is updated prior to the removal event being called. This means that when an entity goes through a nether/end portal or is teleported between worlds with a command, a plugin listening to the EntityRemoveFromWorldEvent has no way of determining which world the entity was actually removed from (without relying on other events).
To resolve this, I've added the world as a field in the events along with a getter to retrieve it. I also removed an unused import and made the documentation more clear on the event behaviour when chunks load/unload.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
63c208dd Remove no longer used import
70be76c7 PR-958: Further clarify deprecation of TAG_CONTAINER_ARRAY
ae21f4ac PR-955: Add methods to place structures with block/entity transformers
e3d960f2 SPIGOT-7547: Remark that Damageable#setAbsorptionAmount() is capped to a specific value
b125516c Fix typo in RecipeChoice.ExactChoice docs
309497c1 Add EntityMountEvent and EntityDismount Event
2fd45ae3 Improve ItemFactory#enchantItem consistency
2b198268 PR-933: Define native persistent data types for lists
CraftBukkit Changes:
771182f70 PR-1327: Add methods to place structures with block/entity transformers
e41ad4c82 SPIGOT-7567: SpawnReason for SNOWMAN is reported as BUILD_IRONGOLEM
76931e8bd Add EntityMountEvent and EntityDismount Event
9b29b21c7 PR-1183: Better handle lambda expression and renaming of classes in Commodore
1462ebe85 Reformat Commodore.java
9fde4c037 PR-1324: Improve ItemFactory#enchantItem consistency
4e419c774 PR-1295: Define native persistent data types for lists
dd8cca388 SPIGOT-7562: Fix Score#getScore and Score#isScoreSet
690278200 Only fetch an online UUID in online mode
1da8d9a53 Fire PreLogin events even in offline mode
2e88514ad PR-1325: Use CraftBlockType and CraftItemType instead of CraftMagicNumbers to convert between minecraft and bukkit block / item representation
Spigot Changes:
864e4acc Restore accidentally removed package-info.java
f91a10d5 Remove obsolete EntityMountEvent and EntityDismountEvent
828f0593 SPIGOT-7558: Deprecate silenceable lightning API as sound is now client-side and cannot be removed
cdc4e035 Remove obsolete patch fetching correct mode UUIDs
49e36b8e Merge related BungeeCord patches
6e87b9ab Remove obsolete firing of PreLogin events in offline mode
5c76b183 Remove redundant patch dealing with exceptions in the crash reporter
3a2219d1 Remove redundant patch logging cause of unexpected exception
This is a lot but basically adds a method to disable the dropping of experience and drops experience by default.
This way things that require XP to be dropped manually (via modification), they can drop XP themselves when needed but without touching anywhere else that may drop xp.
It should be noted this causes breakNaturally() to now drop experience.
The maven repository sessions used by the maven library loader requires
the java.version property to later evaluate the active profiles of
dependencies when downloading them during the plugin loader logic.
This commit fixes this by passing all system properties as a hopefully
future-proof way to provide the required data to said session.
There was a TODO left there regarding the translated death
message being used by plugins to identify the cause of death. This
should be mitigated now because the LegacyComponentSerializer default
implemenation uses our custom flattener which renders vanilla
translatable components to their English representation.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
0c7aedbc SPIGOT-7554, PR-954: Add DecoratedPotInventory
CraftBukkit Changes:
53ebb05e3 SPIGOT-7554, PR-1323: Add DecoratedPotInventory
33a2d8773 Ensure that PlayerMoveEvent is always fired where applicable
7df18510f SPIGOT-7555: Don't cast ItemFlags to byte
19aec59ea Use provided case for non-existent OfflinePlayers
Spigot Changes:
e7ce55a3 Remove obsolete PlayerMoveEvent improvements
3e5e22c0 Remove obsolete lowercasing of non existent OfflinePlayer names
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
cc9aa21a SPIGOT-6399, SPIGOT-7344: Clarify collidable behavior for player entities
f23325b6 Add API for per-world simulation distances
26e1774e Add API for per-world view distances
0b541e60 Add PlayerLoginEvent#getRealAddress
5f027d2d PR-949: Add Vector#fromJOML() overloads for read-only vector types
CraftBukkit Changes:
bcf56171a PR-1321: Clean up some stuff which got missed during previous PRs
7f833a2d1 SPIGOT-7462: Players no longer drop XP after dying near a Sculk Catalyst
752aac669 Implement APIs for per world view and simulation distances
57d7ef433 Preserve empty enchantment tags for glow effect
465ec3fb4 Remove connected check on setScoreboard
f90ce621e Use one PermissibleBase for all command blocks
5876cca44 SPIGOT-7550: Fix creation of Arrow instances
f03fc3aa3 SPIGOT-7549: ServerTickManager#setTickRate incorrect Precondition
9d7f49b01 SPIGOT-7548: Fix wrong spawn location for experience orb and dropped item
Spigot Changes:
ed9ba9a4 Drop no longer required patch ignoring -o option
86b5dd6a SPIGOT-7546: Fix hardcoded check for outdated client message
aa7cde7a Remove obsolete APIs for per world view and simulation distances
6dff577e Remove obsolete patch preserving empty `ench` tags
a3bf95b8 Remove obsolete PlayerLoginEvent#getRealAddress
1b02f5d6 Remove obsolete connected check on setScoreboard patch
acf717eb Remove obsolete command block PermissibleBase patch
053fa2a9 Remove redundant patch dealing with null tile entities
Some types that have registries support existing without
being in a registry and therefore have no key. This is part
one of supporting that, adding a Registry#getKey(Object) method
to be able to get the key for an object so we can remove Keyed
from such objects.
This also deprecates Keyed#getKey on TrimMaterial and TrimPattern
as these are the 2 offending types currently in the api.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
f29cb801 Separate checkstyle-suppressions file is not required
86f99bbe SPIGOT-7540, PR-946: Add ServerTickManager API
d4119585 SPIGOT-6903, PR-945: Add BlockData#getMapColor
b7a2ed41 SPIGOT-7530, PR-947: Add Player#removeResourcePack
9dd56255 SPIGOT-7527, PR-944: Add WindCharge#explode()
994a6163 Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries
CraftBukkit Changes:
b3b43a6ad Add Checkstyle check for unused imports
13fb3358e SPIGOT-7544: Scoreboard#getEntries() doesn't get entries but class names
3dda99c06 SPIGOT-7540, PR-1312: Add ServerTickManager API
2ab4508c0 SPIGOT-6903, PR-1311: Add BlockData#getMapColor
1dbdbbed4 PR-1238: Remove unnecessary sign ticking
659728d2a MC-264285, SPIGOT-7439, PR-1237: Fix unbreakable flint and steel is completely consumed while igniting creeper
e37e29ce0 Increase outdated build delay
c00438b39 SPIGOT-7530, PR-1313: Add Player#removeResourcePack
492dd80ce SPIGOT-7527, PR-1310: Add WindCharge#explode()
e11fbb9d7 Upgrade MySQL driver
9f3a0bd2a Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries
60d16d7ca PR-1306: Centralize Bukkit and Minecraft entity conversion
Spigot Changes:
06d602e7 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
01bb6ba7 PR-936: Add new PersistentDataContainer methods and clean up docs
bc145b90 PR-940: Create registry for banner pattern and cat type
CraftBukkit Changes:
cb2ea54de SPIGOT-7440, PR-1292: Fire EntityTeleportEvent for end gateways
4fea66e44 PR-1299: Add new PersistentDataContainer methods and clean up docs
b483a20db PR-1303: Create registry for banner pattern and cat type
4642dd526 SPIGOT-7535: Fix maps not having an ID and also call MapInitializeEvent in more places
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
cdfe62e4 Update to Minecraft 1.20.4
CraftBukkit Changes:
51eea725f Update to Minecraft 1.20.4
Spigot Changes:
ce0f71e4 Update to Minecraft 1.20.4
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9a294519 SPIGOT-7533, 943: Add missing Poses for 1.20.3
be2884c4 Add unique ID to PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent
d9c1eb83 Add additional @MinecraftExperimental annotations
68f5bb6a SPIGOT-7526: Add missing PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent statuses
CraftBukkit Changes:
368c48be1 Fix formatting issue in previous commit
da8f91f31 SPIGOT-7534: Error when chunk with decorated pot trying to save
d20c9291a SPIGOT-7532: Entity#isValid() returns false after server restart
ec1fa2ead PR-1309: Add tests for Bukkit Pose
5a7080b58 Add unique ID to PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent
0fd734950 SPIGOT-7528: Fix certain custom shaped recipes