#include "lg-renderer.h" #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "memcpySSE.h" struct LGR_Basic { bool initialized; LG_RendererFormat format; size_t texSize; size_t dataWidth; SDL_Renderer * renderer; SDL_Texture * texture; }; const char * lgr_basic_get_name() { return "Basic"; } bool lgr_basic_initialize(void ** opaque, const LG_RendererParams params, const LG_RendererFormat format) { // create our local storage *opaque = malloc(sizeof(struct LGR_Basic)); if (!*opaque) { DEBUG_INFO("Failed to allocate %lu bytes", sizeof(struct LGR_Basic)); return false; } memset(*opaque, 0, sizeof(struct LGR_Basic)); struct LGR_Basic * this = (struct LGR_Basic *)*opaque; this->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(params.window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | (params.vsync ? SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC : 0) ); if (!this->renderer) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create renderer"); return false; } Uint32 sdlFormat; switch(format.bpp) { case 24: sdlFormat = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24; break; case 32: sdlFormat = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888; break; default: DEBUG_ERROR("Unsupported bpp"); return false; } // calculate the texture size in bytes this->texSize = format.height * format.pitch; // create the target texture this->texture = SDL_CreateTexture( this->renderer, sdlFormat, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, format.width, format.height ); if (!this->texture) { DEBUG_ERROR("SDL_CreateTexture failed"); return false; } memcpy(&this->format, &format, sizeof(LG_RendererFormat)); this->dataWidth = this->format.width * (this->format.bpp / 8); this->initialized = true; return true; } void lgr_basic_deinitialize(void * opaque) { struct LGR_Basic * this = (struct LGR_Basic *)opaque; if (!this) return; if (this->texture) SDL_DestroyTexture(this->texture); if (this->renderer) SDL_DestroyRenderer(this->renderer); free(this); } bool lgr_basic_is_compatible(void * opaque, const LG_RendererFormat format) { const struct LGR_Basic * this = (struct LGR_Basic *)opaque; if (!this || !this->initialized) return false; return (memcmp(&this->format, &format, sizeof(LG_RendererFormat)) == 0); } void lgr_basic_on_resize(void * opaque, const int width, const int height) { const struct LGR_Basic * this = (struct LGR_Basic *)opaque; if (!this || !this->initialized) return; } bool lgr_basic_render(void * opaque, const LG_RendererRect destRect, const uint8_t * data, bool resample) { struct LGR_Basic * this = (struct LGR_Basic *)opaque; if (!this || !this->initialized) return false; int pitch; uint8_t * dest; if (SDL_LockTexture(this->texture, NULL, (void**)&dest, &pitch) != 0) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to lock the texture for update"); return false; } if (pitch == this->format.pitch) memcpySSE(dest, data, this->texSize); else { for(unsigned int y = 0; y < this->format.height; ++y) { memcpySSE(dest, data, this->dataWidth); dest += pitch; data += this->format.pitch; } } SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = destRect.x; rect.y = destRect.y; rect.w = destRect.w; rect.h = destRect.h; SDL_UnlockTexture(this->texture); SDL_RenderCopy(this->renderer, this->texture, NULL, &rect); SDL_RenderPresent(this->renderer); return true; } const LG_Renderer LGR_Basic = { .get_name = lgr_basic_get_name, .initialize = lgr_basic_initialize, .deinitialize = lgr_basic_deinitialize, .is_compatible = lgr_basic_is_compatible, .on_resize = lgr_basic_on_resize, .render = lgr_basic_render };