/* Looking Glass - KVM FrameRelay (KVMFR) Client Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Geoffrey McRae https://looking-glass.hostfission.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "keybind.h" #include "main.h" #include "app.h" #include "core.h" #include "kb.h" #include "spice/spice.h" #include static void bind_fullscreen(int sc, void * opaque) { app_setFullscreen(!app_getFullscreen()); } static void bind_video(int sc, void * opaque) { g_state.stopVideo = !g_state.stopVideo; app_alert( LG_ALERT_INFO, g_state.stopVideo ? "Video Stream Disabled" : "Video Stream Enabled" ); if (g_state.stopVideo) core_stopFrameThread(); else core_startFrameThread(); } static void bind_rotate(int sc, void * opaque) { if (g_params.winRotate == LG_ROTATE_MAX-1) g_params.winRotate = 0; else ++g_params.winRotate; core_updatePositionInfo(); } static void bind_input(int sc, void * opaque) { g_state.ignoreInput = !g_state.ignoreInput; if (g_state.ignoreInput) core_setCursorInView(false); else g_state.ds->realignPointer(); app_alert( LG_ALERT_INFO, g_state.ignoreInput ? "Input Disabled" : "Input Enabled" ); } static void bind_quit(int sc, void * opaque) { g_state.state = APP_STATE_SHUTDOWN; } static void bind_mouseSens(int sc, void * opaque) { bool inc = (bool)opaque; if (inc) { if (g_cursor.sens < 9) ++g_cursor.sens; } else { if (g_cursor.sens > -9) --g_cursor.sens; } char msg[20]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Sensitivity: %s%d", g_cursor.sens > 0 ? "+" : "", g_cursor.sens); app_alert( LG_ALERT_INFO, msg ); } static void bind_ctrlAltFn(int sc, void * opaque) { const uint32_t ctrl = xfree86_to_ps2[KEY_LEFTCTRL]; const uint32_t alt = xfree86_to_ps2[KEY_LEFTALT ]; const uint32_t fn = xfree86_to_ps2[sc]; spice_key_down(ctrl); spice_key_down(alt ); spice_key_down(fn ); spice_key_up(ctrl); spice_key_up(alt ); spice_key_up(fn ); } static void bind_passthrough(int sc, void * opaque) { sc = xfree86_to_ps2[sc]; spice_key_down(sc); spice_key_up (sc); } void keybind_register(void) { app_registerKeybind(KEY_F, bind_fullscreen, NULL, "Full screen toggle"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_V, bind_video , NULL, "Video stream toggle"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_R, bind_rotate , NULL, "Rotate the output clockwise by 90° increments"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_Q, bind_quit , NULL, "Quit"); if (g_params.useSpiceInput) { app_registerKeybind(KEY_I , bind_input , NULL , "Spice keyboard & mouse toggle"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_INSERT, bind_mouseSens, (void*)true , "Increase mouse sensitivity in capture mode"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_DELETE, bind_mouseSens, (void*)false, "Descrease mouse sensitivity in capture mode"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F1 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F1 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F2 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F2 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F3 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F3 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F4 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F4 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F5 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F5 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F6 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F6 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F7 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F7 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F8 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F8 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F9 , bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F9 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F10, bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F10 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F11, bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F11 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_F12, bind_ctrlAltFn, NULL, "Send Ctrl+Alt+F12 to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_LEFTMETA , bind_passthrough, NULL, "Send LWin to the guest"); app_registerKeybind(KEY_RIGHTMETA, bind_passthrough, NULL, "Send RWin to the guest"); } }