/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2024 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "backend.h" #include "d12.h" #include "com_ref.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/windebug.h" #include "common/array.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CACHE_SIZE 10 typedef struct DDCacheInfo { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC format; /* this value is likely released, only used to check if the texture supplied by DD is different, do not rely on it pointing to valid memory! */ ID3D11Texture2D * srcTex; ID3D12Resource ** d12Res; ID3D11Fence ** fence; ID3D12Fence ** d12Fence; UINT64 fenceValue; bool ready; RECT dirtyRects[D12_MAX_DIRTY_RECTS]; unsigned nbDirtyRects; } DDCacheInfo; typedef struct DDInstance { D12Backend base; HDESK desktop; ID3D12Device3 ** d12device; ID3D11Device5 ** device; ID3D11DeviceContext4 ** context; IDXGIOutputDuplication ** dup; bool release; DDCacheInfo cache[CACHE_SIZE]; DDCacheInfo * current; bool lastPosValid; DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION lastPos; void * shapeBuffer; unsigned shapeBufferSize; } DDInstance; static void d12_dd_openDesktop(DDInstance * this); static bool d12_dd_handleFrameUpdate(DDInstance * this, IDXGIResource * res); static void d12_dd_handlePointerMovement(DDInstance * this, DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION * pos, CapturePointer * pointer, bool * changed); static void d12_dd_handlePointerShape(DDInstance * this, CapturePointer * pointer, size_t size, bool * changed); static bool d12_dd_getCache(DDInstance * this, ID3D11Texture2D * srcTex, DDCacheInfo ** result); static bool d12_dd_convertResource(DDInstance * this, ID3D11Texture2D * srcTex, DDCacheInfo * cache); static bool d12_dd_create(D12Backend ** instance, unsigned frameBuffers) { DDInstance * this = calloc(1, sizeof(*this)); if (!this) { DEBUG_ERROR("out of memory"); return false; } *instance = &this->base; return true; } static bool d12_dd_init( D12Backend * instance, bool debug, ID3D12Device3 * device, IDXGIAdapter1 * adapter, IDXGIOutput * output) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, instance); bool result = false; HRESULT hr; comRef_scopePush(10); // try to open the desktop so we can capture the secure desktop d12_dd_openDesktop(this); comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIAdapter, _adapter); hr = IDXGIAdapter1_QueryInterface( adapter, &IID_IDXGIAdapter, (void **)_adapter); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to get the IDXGIAdapter interface"); goto exit; } static const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 }; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevel; // create a DirectX11 context comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11Device , d11device); comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11DeviceContext, d11context); hr = D3D11CreateDevice( *_adapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_VIDEO_SUPPORT | (debug ? D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG : 0), featureLevels, ARRAY_LENGTH(featureLevels), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, d11device, &featureLevel, d11context); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the D3D11Device", hr); goto exit; } // get the updated interfaces comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11DeviceContext4, d11context4); hr = ID3D11DeviceContext_QueryInterface( *d11context, &IID_ID3D11DeviceContext4, (void **)d11context4); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to get the ID3D11Context4 interface", hr); goto exit; } comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11Device5, d11device5); hr = ID3D11Device_QueryInterface( *d11device, &IID_ID3D11Device5, (void **)d11device5); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to get the ID3D11Device5 interface", hr); goto exit; } // try to reduce the latency comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIDevice1, dxgi1); hr = ID3D11Device_QueryInterface( *d11device, &IID_IDXGIDevice1, (void **)dxgi1); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("failed to query the DXGI interface from the device", hr); goto exit; } IDXGIDevice1_SetMaximumFrameLatency(*dxgi1, 1); // duplicate the output comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIOutput5 , output5); comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIOutputDuplication, dup ); hr = IDXGIOutput_QueryInterface(output, &IID_IDXGIOutput5, (void **)output5); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WARN("IDXGIOutput5 is not available, " "please update windows for improved performance!"); DEBUG_WARN("Falling back to IDXGIOutput1"); comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIOutput1, output1); hr = IDXGIOutput_QueryInterface(output, &IID_IDXGIOutput1, (void **)output1); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to query IDXGIOutput1 from the output"); goto exit; } // we try this twice in case we still get an error on re-initialization for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { hr = IDXGIOutput1_DuplicateOutput(*output1, *(IUnknown **)d11device, dup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) break; Sleep(200); } } else { static const DXGI_FORMAT supportedFormats[] = { DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT }; // we try this twice in case we still get an error on re-initialization for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { hr = IDXGIOutput5_DuplicateOutput1( *output5, *(IUnknown **)d11device, 0, ARRAY_LENGTH(supportedFormats), supportedFormats, dup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) break; // if access is denied we just keep trying until it isn't if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) --i; Sleep(200); } } if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("DuplicateOutput Failed", hr); goto exit; } ID3D12Device3_AddRef(device); comRef_toGlobal(this->d12device, &device ); comRef_toGlobal(this->device , d11device5 ); comRef_toGlobal(this->context , d11context4); comRef_toGlobal(this->dup , dup ); result = true; exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } static bool d12_dd_deinit(D12Backend * instance) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, instance); if (this->release) { IDXGIOutputDuplication_ReleaseFrame(*this->dup); this->release = false; } if (this->desktop) { CloseDesktop(this->desktop); this->desktop = NULL; } memset(this->cache, 0, sizeof(this->cache)); return true; } static void d12_dd_free(D12Backend ** instance) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, *instance); free(this->shapeBuffer); free(this); *instance = NULL; } static CaptureResult d12_dd_hResultToCaptureResult(const HRESULT status) { switch(status) { case S_OK: return CAPTURE_RESULT_OK; case DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT: return CAPTURE_RESULT_TIMEOUT; case WAIT_ABANDONED: case DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST: case DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: return CAPTURE_RESULT_REINIT; default: return CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; } } static CaptureResult d12_dd_capture(D12Backend * instance, unsigned frameBufferIndex) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, instance); HRESULT hr; CaptureResult result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; comRef_scopePush(10); DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO frameInfo = {0}; comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIResource, res); retry: if (this->release) { IDXGIOutputDuplication_ReleaseFrame(*this->dup); this->release = false; } hr = IDXGIOutputDuplication_AcquireNextFrame( *this->dup, 1000, &frameInfo, res); result = d12_dd_hResultToCaptureResult(hr); if (result != CAPTURE_RESULT_OK) { if (result == CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR) DEBUG_WINERROR("AcquireNextFrame failed", hr); if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST) { hr = ID3D11Device5_GetDeviceRemovedReason(*this->device); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Device Removed", hr); result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; } } goto exit; } this->release = true; // if we have a new frame if (frameInfo.LastPresentTime.QuadPart != 0) if (!d12_dd_handleFrameUpdate(this, *res)) { result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; goto exit; } bool postPointer = false; CapturePointer pointer = {0}; // if the pointer has moved if (frameInfo.LastMouseUpdateTime.QuadPart != 0) d12_dd_handlePointerMovement(this, &frameInfo.PointerPosition, &pointer, &postPointer); // if the pointer shape has changed if (frameInfo.PointerShapeBufferSize > 0) d12_dd_handlePointerShape(this, &pointer, frameInfo.PointerShapeBufferSize, &postPointer); if (postPointer) d12_updatePointer(&pointer, this->shapeBuffer, this->shapeBufferSize); // if this was not a frame update, go back and try again if (frameInfo.LastPresentTime.QuadPart == 0) { comRef_release(res); goto retry; } exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } static CaptureResult d12_dd_sync(D12Backend * instance, ID3D12CommandQueue * commandQueue) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, instance); if (!this->current) return CAPTURE_RESULT_TIMEOUT; DDCacheInfo * cache = this->current; if (ID3D11Fence_GetCompletedValue(*cache->fence) < cache->fenceValue) ID3D12CommandQueue_Wait(commandQueue, *cache->d12Fence, cache->fenceValue); return CAPTURE_RESULT_OK; } static ID3D12Resource * d12_dd_fetch(D12Backend * instance, unsigned frameBufferIndex, const RECT * dirtyRects[static D12_MAX_DIRTY_RECTS], unsigned * nbDirtyRects) { DDInstance * this = UPCAST(DDInstance, instance); if (!this->current) return NULL; *dirtyRects = this->current->dirtyRects; *nbDirtyRects = this->current->nbDirtyRects; ID3D12Resource_AddRef(*this->current->d12Res); return *this->current->d12Res; } static void d12_dd_openDesktop(DDInstance * this) { this->desktop = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, GENERIC_READ); if (!this->desktop) DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to open the desktop", GetLastError()); else { if (!SetThreadDesktop(this->desktop)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to set the thread desktop", GetLastError()); CloseDesktop(this->desktop); this->desktop = NULL; } } if (!this->desktop) { DEBUG_INFO("The above error(s) will prevent LG from being able to capture " "the secure desktop (UAC dialogs)"); DEBUG_INFO("This is not a failure, please do not report this as an issue."); DEBUG_INFO("To fix this, install and run the Looking Glass host as a " "service."); DEBUG_INFO("looking-glass-host.exe InstallService"); } } static bool d12_dd_handleFrameUpdate(DDInstance * this, IDXGIResource * res) { bool result = false; comRef_scopePush(1); comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11Texture2D, srcTex); HRESULT hr = IDXGIResource_QueryInterface( res, &IID_ID3D11Texture2D, (void **)srcTex); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to obtain the D3D11Texture2D interface", hr); goto exit; } if (!d12_dd_getCache(this, *srcTex, &this->current)) goto exit; /** * Even though we have not performed any copy/draw operations we still need to * use a fence. Because we share this texture with DirectX12 it is able to * read from it before the desktop duplication API has finished updating it.*/ ++this->current->fenceValue; ID3D11DeviceContext4_Signal( *this->context, *this->current->fence, this->current->fenceValue); // handle damage tracking this->current->nbDirtyRects = 0; if (this->base.trackDamage) { /* Get the frame damage, if there is too many damage rects, we disable * damage tracking for the frame and assume full frame damage */ UINT requiredSize; hr = IDXGIOutputDuplication_GetFrameDirtyRects(*this->dup, sizeof(this->current->dirtyRects), this->current->dirtyRects, &requiredSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr != DXGI_ERROR_MORE_DATA) { DEBUG_WINERROR("GetFrameDirtyRects failed", hr); goto exit; } } else { unsigned nbDirtyRects = requiredSize / sizeof(*this->current->dirtyRects); // if there is only one damage rect and it covers the entire frame if (nbDirtyRects == 1 && this->current->dirtyRects[0].left == 0 && this->current->dirtyRects[0].top == 0 && this->current->dirtyRects[0].right == this->current->format.Width && this->current->dirtyRects[0].bottom == this->current->format.Height) goto fullDamage; this->current->nbDirtyRects = nbDirtyRects; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT moveRects[ (ARRAY_LENGTH(this->current->dirtyRects) - this->current->nbDirtyRects) / 2 ]; hr = IDXGIOutputDuplication_GetFrameMoveRects(*this->dup, sizeof(moveRects), moveRects, &requiredSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { this->current->nbDirtyRects = 0; if (hr != DXGI_ERROR_MORE_DATA) { DEBUG_WINERROR("GetFrameMoveRects failed", hr); goto exit; } } /* Move rects are seemingly not generated on Windows 10, but incase it * becomes a thing in the future we still need to implement this */ const unsigned moveRectCount = requiredSize / sizeof(*moveRects); for(DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *moveRect = moveRects; moveRect < moveRects + moveRectCount; ++moveRect) { /* According to WebRTC source comments, the DirectX capture API may * randomly return unmoved rects, which should be skipped to avoid * unnecessary work */ if (moveRect->SourcePoint.x == moveRect->DestinationRect.left && moveRect->SourcePoint.y == moveRect->DestinationRect.top) continue; /* Add the source rect to the dirty array */ this->current->dirtyRects[this->current->nbDirtyRects++] = (RECT) { .left = moveRect->SourcePoint.x, .top = moveRect->SourcePoint.y, .right = moveRect->SourcePoint.x + (moveRect->DestinationRect.right - moveRect->DestinationRect.left), .bottom = moveRect->SourcePoint.y + (moveRect->DestinationRect.bottom - moveRect->DestinationRect.top) }; /* Add the destination rect to the dirty array */ this->current->dirtyRects[this->current->nbDirtyRects++] = moveRect->DestinationRect; } } fullDamage: result = true; exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } static void d12_dd_handlePointerMovement(DDInstance * this, DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION * pos, CapturePointer * pointer, bool * changed) { bool setPos = false; // if the last position is valid, check against it for changes if (this->lastPosValid) { // update the position only if the pointer is visible and it has moved if (pos->Visible && ( pos->Position.x != this->lastPos.Position.x || pos->Position.y != this->lastPos.Position.y)) setPos = true; // if the visibillity has changed if (pos->Visible != this->lastPos.Visible) *changed = true; } else { // update the position only if the pointer is visible setPos = pos->Visible; // this is the first update, we need to send it *changed = true; } pointer->visible = pos->Visible; if (setPos) { pointer->positionUpdate = true; pointer->x = pos->Position.x; pointer->y = pos->Position.y; *changed = true; } memcpy(&this->lastPos, pos, sizeof(*pos)); this->lastPosValid = true; } static void d12_dd_handlePointerShape(DDInstance * this, CapturePointer * pointer, size_t size, bool * changed) { HRESULT hr; DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO info; retry: if (this->shapeBufferSize < size) { free(this->shapeBuffer); this->shapeBuffer = malloc(size); if (!this->shapeBuffer) { DEBUG_ERROR("out of memory"); this->shapeBufferSize = 0; return; } this->shapeBufferSize = size; } UINT s; hr = IDXGIOutputDuplication_GetFramePointerShape( *this->dup, this->shapeBufferSize, this->shapeBuffer, &s, &info); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_MORE_DATA) { size = s; goto retry; } DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to get the pointer shape", hr); return; } switch(info.Type) { case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR: pointer->format = CAPTURE_FMT_COLOR; break; case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MASKED_COLOR: pointer->format = CAPTURE_FMT_MASKED; break; case DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MONOCHROME: pointer->format = CAPTURE_FMT_MONO; break; default: DEBUG_ERROR("Unsupporter cursor format"); return; } pointer->shapeUpdate = true; pointer->width = info.Width; pointer->height = info.Height; pointer->pitch = info.Pitch; pointer->hx = info.HotSpot.x; pointer->hy = info.HotSpot.y; *changed = true; } static bool d12_dd_getCache(DDInstance * this, ID3D11Texture2D * srcTex, DDCacheInfo ** result) { *result = NULL; D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC srcDesc; ID3D11Texture2D_GetDesc(srcTex, &srcDesc); unsigned freeSlot = CACHE_SIZE; for(unsigned i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; ++i) { DDCacheInfo * cache = &this->cache[i]; if (!cache->ready) { freeSlot = min(freeSlot, i); continue; } // check for a resource match if (cache->srcTex != srcTex) continue; // check if the match is not valid if (cache->format.Width != srcDesc.Width || cache->format.Height != srcDesc.Height || cache->format.Format != srcDesc.Format) { // break out and allow this entry to be rebuilt cache->ready = false; freeSlot = i; break; } // found, so return it *result = cache; return true; } // cache is full if (freeSlot == CACHE_SIZE) return false; // convert the resource if (!d12_dd_convertResource(this, srcTex, &this->cache[freeSlot])) return false; // return the new cache entry *result = &this->cache[freeSlot]; return true; } static bool d12_dd_convertResource(DDInstance * this, ID3D11Texture2D * srcTex, DDCacheInfo * cache) { bool result = false; HRESULT hr; comRef_scopePush(10); D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC srcDesc; ID3D11Texture2D_GetDesc(srcTex, &srcDesc); // get the DXGI resource interface so we can create the shared handle comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIResource1, dxgiRes); hr = ID3D11Texture2D_QueryInterface( srcTex, &IID_IDXGIResource1, (void **)dxgiRes); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to obtain the shared ID3D11Resource1 interface", hr); goto exit; } // create the shared handle HANDLE sharedHandle; hr = IDXGIResource1_CreateSharedHandle( *dxgiRes, NULL, DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE_READ, NULL, &sharedHandle); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the shared handle", hr); goto exit; } // open the resource as a DirectX12 resource comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Resource, dst); hr = ID3D12Device3_OpenSharedHandle( *this->d12device, sharedHandle, &IID_ID3D12Resource, (void **)dst); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to open the D3D12Resource from the handle", hr); CloseHandle(sharedHandle); goto exit; } // close the shared handle CloseHandle(sharedHandle); // create the sync fence comRef_defineLocal(ID3D11Fence, fence); hr = ID3D11Device5_CreateFence( *this->device, 0, D3D11_FENCE_FLAG_SHARED, &IID_ID3D11Fence, (void **)fence); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the fence", hr); goto exit; } // create the fence shared handle hr = ID3D11Fence_CreateSharedHandle( *fence, NULL, GENERIC_ALL, NULL, &sharedHandle); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the fence shared handle", hr); goto exit; } // open the fence as a DirectX12 fence comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Fence, d12Fence); hr = ID3D12Device3_OpenSharedHandle( *this->d12device, sharedHandle, &IID_ID3D12Fence, (void **)d12Fence); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to open the D3D12Fence from the handle", hr); CloseHandle(sharedHandle); goto exit; } // close the shared handle CloseHandle(sharedHandle); // store the details cache->srcTex = srcTex; comRef_toGlobal(cache->d12Res , dst ); comRef_toGlobal(cache->fence , fence ); comRef_toGlobal(cache->d12Fence, d12Fence); memcpy(&cache->format, &srcDesc, sizeof(srcDesc)); cache->fenceValue = 0; cache->ready = true; result = true; exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } const D12Backend D12Backend_DD = { .name = "Desktop Duplication", .codeName = "DD", .create = d12_dd_create, .init = d12_dd_init, .deinit = d12_dd_deinit, .free = d12_dd_free, .capture = d12_dd_capture, .sync = d12_dd_sync, .fetch = d12_dd_fetch };