/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2024 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "d12.h" #include "interface/capture.h" #include "common/array.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/windebug.h" #include "com_ref.h" #include "backend.h" #include "effect.h" #include "command_group.h" #include #include #include // definitions struct D12Interface { HMODULE d3d12; IDXGIFactory2 ** factory; ID3D12Device3 ** device; ID3D12CommandQueue ** copyQueue; ID3D12CommandQueue ** computeQueue; D12CommandGroup copyCommand; D12CommandGroup computeCommand; void * ivshmemBase; ID3D12Heap ** ivshmemHeap; CaptureGetPointerBuffer getPointerBufferFn; CapturePostPointerBuffer postPointerBufferFn; D12Backend * backend; D12Effect * rgb24; // capture format tracking D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC captureFormat; unsigned formatVer; // output format tracking D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC dstFormat; // options bool debug; unsigned frameBufferCount; // must be last struct { // the size of the frame buffer unsigned size; // the frame buffer it itself FrameBuffer * frameBuffer; // the resource backed by the framebuffer ID3D12Resource ** resource; } frameBuffers[0]; }; // gloabls struct DX12 DX12 = {0}; ComScope * d12_comScope = NULL; // defines // locals static struct D12Interface * this = NULL; // forwards static bool d12_enumerateDevices( IDXGIFactory2 ** factory, IDXGIAdapter1 ** adapter, IDXGIOutput ** output); static ID3D12Resource * d12_frameBufferToResource( unsigned frameBufferIndex, FrameBuffer * frameBuffer, unsigned size); // implementation static const char * d12_getName(void) { return "D12"; } static void d12_initOptions(void) { } static bool d12_create( CaptureGetPointerBuffer getPointerBufferFn, CapturePostPointerBuffer postPointerBufferFn, unsigned frameBuffers) { this = calloc(1, offsetof(struct D12Interface, frameBuffers) + sizeof(this->frameBuffers[0]) * frameBuffers); if (!this) { DEBUG_ERROR("failed to allocate D12Interface struct"); return false; } this->debug = false; this->d3d12 = LoadLibrary("d3d12.dll"); if (!this->d3d12) { DEBUG_ERROR("failed to load d3d12.dll"); free(this); return false; } DX12.D3D12CreateDevice = (typeof(DX12.D3D12CreateDevice)) GetProcAddress(this->d3d12, "D3D12CreateDevice"); DX12.D3D12GetDebugInterface = (typeof(DX12.D3D12GetDebugInterface)) GetProcAddress(this->d3d12, "D3D12GetDebugInterface"); DX12.D3D12SerializeVersionedRootSignature = (typeof(DX12.D3D12SerializeVersionedRootSignature)) GetProcAddress(this->d3d12, "D3D12SerializeVersionedRootSignature"); this->getPointerBufferFn = getPointerBufferFn; this->postPointerBufferFn = postPointerBufferFn; if (!d12_backendCreate(&D12Backend_DD, &this->backend, frameBuffers)) { DEBUG_ERROR("backend \"%s\" failed to create", this->backend->codeName); CloseHandle(this->d3d12); free(this); return false; } this->frameBufferCount = frameBuffers; return true; } static bool d12_init(void * ivshmemBase, unsigned * alignSize) { bool result = false; comRef_initGlobalScope(100, d12_comScope); comRef_scopePush(10); // create a DXGI factory comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIFactory2, factory); HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory2( this->debug ? DXGI_CREATE_FACTORY_DEBUG : 0, &IID_IDXGIFactory2, (void **)factory); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the DXGI factory", hr); goto exit; } // find the adapter and output we want to use comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIAdapter1, adapter); comRef_defineLocal(IDXGIOutput , output ); if (!d12_enumerateDevices(factory, adapter, output)) goto exit; if (this->debug) { comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Debug1, debug); hr = DX12.D3D12GetDebugInterface(&IID_ID3D12Debug1, (void **)debug); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("D3D12GetDebugInterface", hr); goto exit; } ID3D12Debug1_EnableDebugLayer(*debug); ID3D12Debug1_SetEnableGPUBasedValidation(*debug, TRUE); ID3D12Debug1_SetEnableSynchronizedCommandQueueValidation(*debug, TRUE); } // create the D3D12 device comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Device3, device); hr = DX12.D3D12CreateDevice( (IUnknown *)*adapter, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0, &IID_ID3D12Device3, (void **)device); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the DirectX12 device", hr); goto exit; } /* make this static as we downgrade the priority on failure and we want to remember it */ static D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC queueDesc = { .Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY, .Priority = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_REALTIME, .Flags = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_NONE, }; comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12CommandQueue, copyQueue); retryCreateCommandQueue: hr = ID3D12Device3_CreateCommandQueue( *device, &queueDesc, &IID_ID3D12CommandQueue, (void **)copyQueue); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (queueDesc.Priority == D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_GLOBAL_REALTIME) { DEBUG_WARN("Failed to create queue with real time priority"); queueDesc.Priority = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH; goto retryCreateCommandQueue; } DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create ID3D12CommandQueue (copy)", hr); goto exit; } ID3D12CommandQueue_SetName(*copyQueue, L"Copy"); // create the compute queue D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC computeQueueDesc = { .Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE, .Flags = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_NONE, }; queueDesc.Priority = queueDesc.Priority; comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12CommandQueue, computeQueue); hr = ID3D12Device3_CreateCommandQueue( *device, &computeQueueDesc, &IID_ID3D12CommandQueue, (void **)computeQueue); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the ID3D12CommandQueue (compute)", hr); goto exit; } ID3D12CommandQueue_SetName(*computeQueue, L"Compute"); if (!d12_commandGroupCreate( *device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY, &this->copyCommand, L"Copy")) goto exit; if (!d12_commandGroupCreate( *device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE, &this->computeCommand, L"Compute")) goto exit; // Create the IVSHMEM heap this->ivshmemBase = ivshmemBase; comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Heap, ivshmemHeap); hr = ID3D12Device3_OpenExistingHeapFromAddress( *device, ivshmemBase, &IID_ID3D12Heap, (void **)ivshmemHeap); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to open the framebuffer as a D3D12Heap", hr); goto exit; } // Adjust the alignSize based on the required heap alignment D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = ID3D12Heap_GetDesc(*ivshmemHeap); *alignSize = heapDesc.Alignment; // initialize the backend if (!d12_backendInit(this->backend, this->debug, *device, *adapter, *output)) goto exit; if (!d12_effectCreate(&D12Effect_RGB24, &this->rgb24, *device)) goto exit; comRef_toGlobal(this->factory , factory ); comRef_toGlobal(this->device , device ); comRef_toGlobal(this->copyQueue , copyQueue ); comRef_toGlobal(this->computeQueue, computeQueue ); comRef_toGlobal(this->ivshmemHeap , ivshmemHeap ); result = true; exit: comRef_scopePop(); if (!result) comRef_freeScope(&d12_comScope); return result; } static void d12_stop(void) { } static bool d12_deinit(void) { bool result = true; d12_effectFree(&this->rgb24); if (!d12_backendDeinit(this->backend)) result = false; d12_commandGroupFree(&this->copyCommand ); d12_commandGroupFree(&this->computeCommand); IDXGIFactory2 * factory = *this->factory; IDXGIFactory2_AddRef(factory); comRef_freeScope(&d12_comScope); if (IDXGIFactory2_Release(factory) != 0) DEBUG_WARN("MEMORY LEAK"); // zero the framebuffers memset(this->frameBuffers, 0, sizeof(*this->frameBuffers) * this->frameBufferCount); /* zero the formats so we properly reinit otherwise we wont detect the format change and setup the effect chain */ memset(&this->captureFormat, 0, sizeof(this->captureFormat)); memset(&this->dstFormat , 0, sizeof(this->dstFormat )); return result; } static void d12_free(void) { d12_backendFree(&this->backend); FreeLibrary(this->d3d12); free(this); this = NULL; } static CaptureResult d12_capture( unsigned frameBufferIndex, FrameBuffer * frameBuffer) { return d12_backendCapture(this->backend, frameBufferIndex); } static CaptureResult d12_waitFrame(unsigned frameBufferIndex, CaptureFrame * frame, const size_t maxFrameSize) { CaptureResult result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; comRef_scopePush(1); comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Resource, src); *src = d12_backendFetch(this->backend, frameBufferIndex); if (!*src) { DEBUG_ERROR("D12 backend failed to produce an expected frame: %u", frameBufferIndex); result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; goto exit; } D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC srcFormat = ID3D12Resource_GetDesc(*src); D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC dstFormat = srcFormat; // if the input format changed, reconfigure the effects if (dstFormat.Width != this->captureFormat.Width || dstFormat.Height != this->captureFormat.Height || dstFormat.Format != this->captureFormat.Format) { this->captureFormat = dstFormat; //TODO: loop through an effect array if (!d12_effectSetFormat(this->rgb24, *this->device, &srcFormat, &dstFormat)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set the effect input format"); goto exit; } // if the output format changed if (dstFormat.Width != this->dstFormat.Width || dstFormat.Height != this->dstFormat.Height || dstFormat.Format != this->dstFormat.Format) { ++this->formatVer; this->dstFormat = dstFormat; } } const unsigned int maxRows = maxFrameSize / (dstFormat.Width * 4); frame->formatVer = this->formatVer; frame->screenWidth = srcFormat.Width; frame->screenHeight = srcFormat.Height; frame->dataWidth = dstFormat.Width; frame->dataHeight = min(maxRows, dstFormat.Height); frame->frameWidth = srcFormat.Width; frame->frameHeight = srcFormat.Height; frame->truncated = maxRows < dstFormat.Height; frame->pitch = dstFormat.Width * 4; frame->stride = dstFormat.Width; frame->format = CAPTURE_FMT_BGR_32; frame->hdr = false; frame->hdrPQ = false; frame->rotation = CAPTURE_ROT_0; frame->damageRectsCount = 0; result = CAPTURE_RESULT_OK; exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } static CaptureResult d12_getFrame(unsigned frameBufferIndex, FrameBuffer * frameBuffer, const size_t maxFrameSize) { CaptureResult result = CAPTURE_RESULT_ERROR; comRef_scopePush(3); comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Resource, src); *src = d12_backendFetch(this->backend, frameBufferIndex); if (!*src) { DEBUG_ERROR("D12 backend failed to produce an expected frame: %u", frameBufferIndex); goto exit; } comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Resource, dst) *dst = d12_frameBufferToResource(frameBufferIndex, frameBuffer, maxFrameSize); if (!*dst) goto exit; // place a fence into the compute queue result = d12_backendSync(this->backend, *this->computeQueue); if (result != CAPTURE_RESULT_OK) goto exit; ID3D12Resource * next = *src; next = d12_effectRun( this->rgb24, *this->device, *this->computeCommand.gfxList, next); // copy into the framebuffer resource D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION srcLoc = { .pResource = next, .Type = D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE_SUBRESOURCE_INDEX, .SubresourceIndex = 0 }; D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION dstLoc = { .pResource = *dst, .Type = D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE_PLACED_FOOTPRINT, .PlacedFootprint = { .Offset = 0, .Footprint = { .Format = this->dstFormat.Format, .Width = this->dstFormat.Width, .Height = this->dstFormat.Height, .Depth = 1, .RowPitch = this->dstFormat.Width * 4 } } }; ID3D12GraphicsCommandList_CopyTextureRegion( *this->copyCommand.gfxList, &dstLoc, 0, 0, 0, &srcLoc, NULL); // execute all the commands d12_commandGroupExecute(*this->computeQueue, &this->computeCommand); d12_commandGroupWait(&this->computeCommand); if (!d12_commandGroupReset(&this->computeCommand)) goto exit; d12_commandGroupExecute(*this->copyQueue , &this->copyCommand ); d12_commandGroupWait(&this->copyCommand); if (!d12_commandGroupReset(&this->copyCommand)) goto exit; // signal the frame is complete framebuffer_set_write_ptr(frameBuffer, this->dstFormat.Height * this->dstFormat.Width * 4); result = CAPTURE_RESULT_OK; exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } static bool d12_enumerateDevices( IDXGIFactory2 ** factory, IDXGIAdapter1 ** adapter, IDXGIOutput ** output) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 adapterDesc; DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC outputDesc; for( int i = 0; IDXGIFactory2_EnumAdapters1(*factory, i, adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; ++i, comRef_release(adapter)) { HRESULT hr = IDXGIAdapter1_GetDesc1(*adapter, &adapterDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to get the device description", hr); comRef_release(adapter); return false; } // check for devices without D3D support static const UINT blacklist[][2] = { //VID , PID {0x1414, 0x008c}, // Microsoft Basic Render Driver {0x1b36, 0x000d}, // QXL {0x1234, 0x1111} // QEMU Standard VGA }; bool skip = false; for(int n = 0; n < ARRAY_LENGTH(blacklist); ++n) { if (adapterDesc.VendorId == blacklist[n][0] && adapterDesc.DeviceId == blacklist[n][1]) { DEBUG_INFO("Not using unsupported adapter: %ls", adapterDesc.Description); skip = true; break; } } if (skip) continue; // FIXME: Allow specifying the specific adapter for( int n = 0; IDXGIAdapter1_EnumOutputs(*adapter, n, output) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; ++n, comRef_release(output)) { IDXGIOutput_GetDesc(*output, &outputDesc); // FIXME: Allow specifying the specific output if (outputDesc.AttachedToDesktop) break; } if (*output) break; } if (!*output) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to locate a valid output device"); return false; } DEBUG_INFO("Device Name : %ls" , outputDesc.DeviceName); DEBUG_INFO("Device Description: %ls" , adapterDesc.Description); DEBUG_INFO("Device Vendor ID : 0x%x" , adapterDesc.VendorId); DEBUG_INFO("Device Device ID : 0x%x" , adapterDesc.DeviceId); DEBUG_INFO("Device Video Mem : %u MiB" , (unsigned)(adapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory / 1048576)); DEBUG_INFO("Device Sys Mem : %u MiB" , (unsigned)(adapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory / 1048576)); DEBUG_INFO("Shared Sys Mem : %u MiB" , (unsigned)(adapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory / 1048576)); return true; } static ID3D12Resource * d12_frameBufferToResource(unsigned frameBufferIndex, FrameBuffer * frameBuffer, unsigned size) { ID3D12Resource * result = NULL; comRef_scopePush(10); typeof(this->frameBuffers[0]) * fb = &this->frameBuffers[frameBufferIndex]; // nothing to do if the resource is already setup and is big enough if (fb->resource && fb->frameBuffer == frameBuffer && fb->size >= size) { result = *fb->resource; ID3D12Resource_AddRef(result); goto exit; } fb->size = size; fb->frameBuffer = frameBuffer; D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC desc = { .Dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER, .Alignment = D3D12_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT, .Width = size, .Height = 1, .DepthOrArraySize = 1, .MipLevels = 1, .Format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, .SampleDesc.Count = 1, .SampleDesc.Quality = 0, .Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR, .Flags = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_CROSS_ADAPTER }; comRef_defineLocal(ID3D12Resource, resource); HRESULT hr = ID3D12Device3_CreatePlacedResource( *this->device, *this->ivshmemHeap, (uintptr_t)framebuffer_get_data(frameBuffer) - (uintptr_t)this->ivshmemBase, &desc, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST, NULL, &IID_ID3D12Resource, (void **)resource); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_WINERROR("Failed to create the FrameBuffer ID3D12Resource", hr); goto exit; } // cache the resource comRef_toGlobal(fb->resource, resource); result = *fb->resource; ID3D12Resource_AddRef(result); exit: comRef_scopePop(); return result; } void d12_updatePointer(CapturePointer * pointer, void * shape, size_t shapeSize) { if (pointer->shapeUpdate) { void * dst; UINT dstSize; if (!this->getPointerBufferFn(&dst, &dstSize)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to obtain a buffer for the pointer shape"); pointer->shapeUpdate = false; } size_t copySize = min(dstSize, shapeSize); memcpy(dst, shape, copySize); } this->postPointerBufferFn(pointer); } struct CaptureInterface Capture_D12 = { .shortName = "D12", .asyncCapture = false, .getName = d12_getName, .initOptions = d12_initOptions, .create = d12_create, .init = d12_init, .stop = d12_stop, .deinit = d12_deinit, .free = d12_free, .capture = d12_capture, .waitFrame = d12_waitFrame, .getFrame = d12_getFrame };