/* Looking Glass - KVM FrameRelay (KVMFR) Client Copyright (C) 2017 Geoffrey McRae <geoff@hostfission.com> https://looking-glass.hostfission.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "IVSHMEM.h" #include <windows.h> #include <setupapi.h> #include "vendor/kvm-guest-drivers-windows/ivshmem/Public.h" #include "common/debug.h" IVSHMEM * IVSHMEM::m_instance = NULL; IVSHMEM::IVSHMEM() : m_initialized(false), m_handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_gotSize(false), m_gotPeerID(false), m_gotMemory(false) { } IVSHMEM::~IVSHMEM() { DeInitialize(); } bool IVSHMEM::Initialize() { if (m_initialized) DeInitialize(); HDEVINFO deviceInfoSet; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA infData = NULL; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA deviceInterfaceData; deviceInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs(NULL, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_ALLCLASSES | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); ZeroMemory(&deviceInterfaceData, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA)); deviceInterfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA); while (true) { if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(deviceInfoSet, NULL, &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_IVSHMEM, 0, &deviceInterfaceData) == FALSE) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { DEBUG_ERROR("Unable to enumerate the device, is it attached?"); break; } DEBUG_ERROR("SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces failed"); break; } DWORD reqSize = 0; SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfoSet, &deviceInterfaceData, NULL, 0, &reqSize, NULL); if (!reqSize) { DEBUG_ERROR("SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail"); break; } infData = static_cast<PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA>(malloc(reqSize)); ZeroMemory(infData, reqSize); infData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA); if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfoSet, &deviceInterfaceData, infData, reqSize, NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail"); break; } m_handle = CreateFile(infData->DevicePath, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUG_ERROR("CreateFile returned INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE"); break; } m_initialized = true; break; } if (infData) free(infData); SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(deviceInfoSet); return m_initialized; } void IVSHMEM::DeInitialize() { if (!m_initialized) return; if (m_gotMemory) { if (!DeviceIoControl(m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_RELEASE_MMAP, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); m_memory = NULL; } if (m_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(m_handle); m_initialized = false; m_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_gotSize = false; m_gotPeerID = false; m_gotVectors = false; m_gotMemory = false; } bool IVSHMEM::IsInitialized() { return m_initialized; } UINT64 IVSHMEM::GetSize() { if (!m_initialized) return 0; if (m_gotSize) return m_size; IVSHMEM_SIZE size; if (!DeviceIoControl(m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_REQUEST_SIZE, NULL, 0, &size, sizeof(IVSHMEM_SIZE), NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return 0; } m_gotSize = true; m_size = static_cast<UINT64>(size); return m_size; } UINT16 IVSHMEM::GetPeerID() { if (!m_initialized) return 0; if (m_gotPeerID) return m_peerID; IVSHMEM_PEERID peerID; if (!DeviceIoControl(m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_REQUEST_SIZE, NULL, 0, &peerID, sizeof(IVSHMEM_PEERID), NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return 0; } m_gotPeerID = true; m_peerID = static_cast<UINT16>(peerID); return m_peerID; } UINT16 IVSHMEM::GetVectors() { if (!m_initialized) return 0; if (!m_gotVectors) return 0; return m_vectors; } void * IVSHMEM::GetMemory() { if (!m_initialized) return NULL; if (m_gotMemory) return m_memory; // this if define can be removed later once everyone is un the latest version // old versions of the IVSHMEM driver ignore the input argument, as such this // is completely backwards compatible #if defined(IVSHMEM_CACHE_WRITECOMBINED) IVSHMEM_MMAP_CONFIG config; config.cacheMode = IVSHMEM_CACHE_WRITECOMBINED; #endif IVSHMEM_MMAP map; ZeroMemory(&map, sizeof(IVSHMEM_MMAP)); if (!DeviceIoControl( m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_REQUEST_MMAP, #if defined(IVSHMEM_CACHE_WRITECOMBINED) &config, sizeof(IVSHMEM_MMAP_CONFIG), #else NULL , 0, #endif &map , sizeof(IVSHMEM_MMAP ), NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return NULL; } m_gotSize = true; m_gotPeerID = true; m_gotMemory = true; m_gotVectors = true; m_size = static_cast<UINT64>(map.size ); m_peerID = static_cast<UINT16>(map.peerID ); m_vectors = static_cast<UINT16>(map.vectors); m_memory = map.ptr; return m_memory; } HANDLE IVSHMEM::CreateVectorEvent(UINT16 vector) { if (!m_initialized) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUG_ERROR("CreateEvent Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } IVSHMEM_EVENT msg; msg.event = event; msg.singleShot = false; msg.vector = vector; if (!DeviceIoControl(m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_REGISTER_EVENT, &msg, sizeof(IVSHMEM_EVENT), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); CloseHandle(event); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return event; } bool IVSHMEM::RingDoorbell(UINT16 peerID, UINT16 door) { if (!m_initialized) return false; IVSHMEM_RING msg; msg.peerID = peerID; msg.vector = door; if (!DeviceIoControl(m_handle, IOCTL_IVSHMEM_RING_DOORBELL, &msg, sizeof(IVSHMEM_RING), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) { DEBUG_ERROR("DeviceIoControl Failed: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return false; } return true; }