[Host] Convert installer to setup service instead of scheduled task

This commit is contained in:
TheCakeIsNaOH 2020-08-11 15:32:35 -05:00 committed by Geoffrey McRae
parent a5ad531004
commit 7dba6b9b08

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@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ Function ShowHelpMessage
!define line3 "/D=path\to\install\folder - Change install directory$\r$\n"
!define line4 " (Must be uppercase, the last option given and no quotes)$\r$\n$\r$\n"
!define line5 "/startmenu - create start menu shortcut$\r$\n"
!define line6 "/desktop - create desktop shortcut"
MessageBox MB_OK "${line1}${line2}${line3}${line4}${line5}${line6}"
!define line6 "/desktop - create desktop shortcut$\r$\n"
!define line7 "/noservice - do not create a service to auto start and elevate the host"
MessageBox MB_OK "${line1}${line2}${line3}${line4}${line5}${line6}${line7}"
@ -79,8 +80,10 @@ Function .onInit
Var /GLOBAL option_startMenu
Var /GLOBAL option_desktop
Var /GlOBAL option_noservice
StrCpy $option_startMenu 0
StrCpy $option_desktop 0
StrCpy $option_noservice 0
Push $R0
@ -92,6 +95,10 @@ Function .onInit
IfErrors +2 0
StrCpy $option_desktop 1
${GetOptions} $cmdLineParams '/noservice' $R0
IfErrors +2 0
StrCpy $option_noservice 1
Pop $R0
@ -129,10 +136,12 @@ Section "-Install" Section1
Section "Auto Start Looking-Glass" Section2
Section "Looking-Glass Service" Section2
nsExec::Exec 'SCHTASKS /Delete /F /TN "Looking Glass"'
nsExec::Exec 'SCHTASKS /Create /TN "Looking Glass" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST /TR "$INSTDIR\looking-glass-host.exe"'
${If} $option_noservice == 0
nsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\looking-glass-host.exe" UninstallService'
nsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\looking-glass-host.exe" InstallService'
@ -160,7 +169,7 @@ SectionEnd
Section "Uninstall" Section6
SetShellVarContext all
nsExec::Exec 'SCHTASKS /Delete /F /TN "Looking Glass"'
nsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\looking-glass-host.exe" UninstallService'
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Looking-Glass"
Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Looking-Glass-Host.lnk
@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ SectionEnd
;Description text for selection of install items
LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install Files into $INSTDIR"
LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create scheduled task to automatically start Looking-Glass."
LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create service to automatically start Looking-Glass."
LangString DESC_Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create desktop shortcut icon."
LangString DESC_Section4 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create start menu shortcut."