git grep writeFile finds some more that might also be problems, but for now I've concentrated on .git/annex/ log files. There are certianly cases where writeFile is not a problem too. This commit was sponsored by mo on Patreon.
281 lines
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281 lines
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{- git-annex fuzz generator
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.FuzzTest where
import Command
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git.Config
import Config
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.DiskFree
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Random (getStdRandom, random, randomR)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Concurrent
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $
command "fuzztest" SectionTesting
"generates fuzz test files"
paramNothing (withParams seek)
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek = withNothing start
start :: CommandStart
start = do
logf <- fromRepo gitAnnexFuzzTestLogFile
showStart "fuzztest" logf
logh <- liftIO $ openFile logf WriteMode
void $ forever $ fuzz logh
guardTest :: Annex ()
guardTest = unlessM (fromMaybe False . Git.Config.isTrue <$> getConfig key "") $
giveup $ unlines
[ "Running fuzz tests *writes* to and *deletes* files in"
, "this repository, and pushes those changes to other"
, "repositories! This is a developer tool, not something"
, "to play with."
, ""
, "Refusing to run fuzz tests, since " ++ keyname ++ " is not set!"
key = annexConfig "eat-my-repository"
(ConfigKey keyname) = key
fuzz :: Handle -> Annex ()
fuzz logh = do
fuzzer <- genFuzzAction
record logh $ flip Started fuzzer
result <- tryNonAsync $ runFuzzAction fuzzer
record logh $ flip Finished $
either (const False) (const True) result
record :: Handle -> (UTCTime -> TimeStampedFuzzAction) -> Annex ()
record h tmpl = liftIO $ do
now <- getCurrentTime
let s = show $ tmpl now
print s
hPrint h s
hFlush h
{- Delay for either a fraction of a second, or a few seconds, or up
- to 1 minute.
- The MinutesDelay is used as an opportunity to do housekeeping tasks.
randomDelay :: Delay -> Annex ()
randomDelay TinyDelay = liftIO $
threadDelay =<< getStdRandom (randomR (10000, 1000000))
randomDelay SecondsDelay = liftIO $
threadDelaySeconds =<< Seconds <$> getStdRandom (randomR (1, 10))
randomDelay MinutesDelay = do
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds =<< Seconds <$> getStdRandom (randomR (1, 60))
reserve <- annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig
free <- liftIO $ getDiskFree "."
case free of
Just have | have < reserve -> do
warning "Low disk space; fuzz test paused."
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
randomDelay MinutesDelay
_ -> noop
data Delay
= TinyDelay
| SecondsDelay
| MinutesDelay
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary Delay where
arbitrary = elements [TinyDelay, SecondsDelay, MinutesDelay]
data FuzzFile = FuzzFile FilePath
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
data FuzzDir = FuzzDir FilePath
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary FuzzFile where
arbitrary = FuzzFile <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary FuzzDir where
arbitrary = FuzzDir <$> arbitrary
class ToFilePath a where
toFilePath :: a -> FilePath
instance ToFilePath FuzzFile where
toFilePath (FuzzFile f) = f
instance ToFilePath FuzzDir where
toFilePath (FuzzDir d) = d
isFuzzFile :: FilePath -> Bool
isFuzzFile f = "fuzzfile_" `isPrefixOf` takeFileName f
isFuzzDir :: FilePath -> Bool
isFuzzDir d = "fuzzdir_" `isPrefixOf` d
mkFuzzFile :: FilePath -> [FuzzDir] -> FuzzFile
mkFuzzFile file dirs = FuzzFile $ joinPath (map toFilePath dirs) </> ("fuzzfile_" ++ file)
mkFuzzDir :: Int -> FuzzDir
mkFuzzDir n = FuzzDir $ "fuzzdir_" ++ show n
{- File is placed inside a directory hierarchy up to 4 subdirectories deep. -}
genFuzzFile :: IO FuzzFile
genFuzzFile = do
n <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, 4)
dirs <- replicateM n genFuzzDir
file <- show <$> (getStdRandom random :: IO Int)
return $ mkFuzzFile file dirs
{- Only 16 distinct subdirectories are used. When nested 4 deep, this
- yields 69904 total directories max, which is below the default Linux
- inotify limit of 81920. The goal is not to run the assistant out of
- inotify descriptors. -}
genFuzzDir :: IO FuzzDir
genFuzzDir = mkFuzzDir <$> (getStdRandom (randomR (1,16)) :: IO Int)
data TimeStampedFuzzAction
= Started UTCTime FuzzAction
| Finished UTCTime Bool
deriving (Read, Show)
data FuzzAction
= FuzzAdd FuzzFile
| FuzzDelete FuzzFile
| FuzzMove FuzzFile FuzzFile
| FuzzModify FuzzFile
| FuzzDeleteDir FuzzDir
| FuzzMoveDir FuzzDir FuzzDir
| FuzzPause Delay
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary FuzzAction where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (50, FuzzAdd <$> arbitrary)
, (50, FuzzDelete <$> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzMove <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzModify <$> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzDeleteDir <$> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzMoveDir <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (10, FuzzPause <$> arbitrary)
runFuzzAction :: FuzzAction -> Annex ()
runFuzzAction (FuzzAdd (FuzzFile f)) = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ parentDir f
n <- getStdRandom random :: IO Int
writeFile f $ show n ++ "\n"
runFuzzAction (FuzzDelete (FuzzFile f)) = liftIO $ nukeFile f
runFuzzAction (FuzzMove (FuzzFile src) (FuzzFile dest)) = liftIO $
rename src dest
runFuzzAction (FuzzModify (FuzzFile f)) = whenM isDirect $ liftIO $ do
n <- getStdRandom random :: IO Int
appendFile f $ show n ++ "\n"
runFuzzAction (FuzzDeleteDir (FuzzDir d)) = liftIO $
removeDirectoryRecursive d
runFuzzAction (FuzzMoveDir (FuzzDir src) (FuzzDir dest)) = liftIO $
rename src dest
runFuzzAction (FuzzPause d) = randomDelay d
genFuzzAction :: Annex FuzzAction
genFuzzAction = do
tmpl <- liftIO $ Prelude.head <$> sample' (arbitrary :: Gen FuzzAction)
-- Fix up template action to make sense in the current repo tree.
case tmpl of
FuzzAdd _ -> do
f <- liftIO newFile
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzAdd) f
FuzzDelete _ -> do
f <- liftIO $ existingFile 0 ""
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzDelete) f
FuzzMove _ _ -> do
src <- liftIO $ existingFile 0 ""
dest <- liftIO newFile
case (src, dest) of
(Just s, Just d) -> return $ FuzzMove s d
_ -> genFuzzAction
FuzzMoveDir _ _ -> do
md <- liftIO existingDir
case md of
Nothing -> genFuzzAction
Just d -> do
newd <- liftIO $ newDir (parentDir $ toFilePath d)
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzMoveDir d) newd
FuzzDeleteDir _ -> do
d <- liftIO existingDir
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzDeleteDir) d
FuzzModify _ -> do
f <- liftIO $ existingFile 0 ""
maybe genFuzzAction (return . FuzzModify) f
FuzzPause _ -> return tmpl
existingFile :: Int -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FuzzFile)
existingFile 0 _ = return Nothing
existingFile n top = do
dir <- existingDirIncludingTop
contents <- catchDefaultIO [] (getDirectoryContents dir)
let files = filter isFuzzFile contents
if null files
then do
let dirs = filter isFuzzDir contents
if null dirs
then return Nothing
else do
i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length dirs - 1)
existingFile (n - 1) (top </> dirs !! i)
else do
i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length files - 1)
return $ Just $ FuzzFile $ top </> dir </> files !! i
existingDirIncludingTop :: IO FilePath
existingDirIncludingTop = do
dirs <- filter isFuzzDir <$> getDirectoryContents "."
if null dirs
then return "."
else do
n <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, length dirs)
return $ ("." : dirs) !! n
existingDir :: IO (Maybe FuzzDir)
existingDir = do
d <- existingDirIncludingTop
return $ if isFuzzDir d
then Just $ FuzzDir d
else Nothing
newFile :: IO (Maybe FuzzFile)
newFile = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
f <- genFuzzFile
ifM (doesnotexist (toFilePath f))
( return $ Just f
, go (n - 1)
newDir :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FuzzDir)
newDir parent = go (100 :: Int)
go 0 = return Nothing
go n = do
(FuzzDir d) <- genFuzzDir
ifM (doesnotexist (parent </> d))
( return $ Just $ FuzzDir d
, go (n - 1)
doesnotexist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesnotexist f = isNothing <$> catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f)