Was able to reuse many of the android patches, but several had to be re-done. On Android, ghc is a stage2 build, so can compile, but not run TH code. But debian's ghc on armel cannot even compile TH code, so it has to be patched out. Some haskell packages have been updated to new versions, including yesod and DAV, and their patches had to be redone. The Makefile now has 2 new targets. The first is run on a companion x86 system to do the build and get TH splices. Then the second target is run the same source tree on the arm system to build without needing TH. This commit was sponsored by Svenne Krap.
351 lines
11 KiB
351 lines
11 KiB
From 8c9e29d3716bcbbfc3144cf1f8af0569212a5878 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dummy <dummy@example.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 06:33:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove more TH
Text/Cassius.hs | 23 ---------
Text/Css.hs | 151 ------------------------------------------------------
Text/CssCommon.hs | 4 --
Text/Lucius.hs | 46 +----------------
4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Text/Cassius.hs b/Text/Cassius.hs
index ce05374..ae56b0a 100644
--- a/Text/Cassius.hs
+++ b/Text/Cassius.hs
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ module Text.Cassius
, renderCss
, renderCssUrl
-- * Parsing
- , cassius
- , cassiusFile
- , cassiusFileDebug
- , cassiusFileReload
-- * ToCss instances
-- ** Color
, Color (..)
@@ -27,11 +23,8 @@ module Text.Cassius
, AbsoluteUnit (..)
, AbsoluteSize (..)
, absoluteSize
- , EmSize (..)
- , ExSize (..)
, PercentageSize (..)
, percentageSize
- , PixelSize (..)
-- * Internal
, cassiusUsedIdentifiers
) where
@@ -42,25 +35,9 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.CssCommon
-import Text.Lucius (lucius)
import qualified Text.Lucius
import Text.IndentToBrace (i2b)
-cassius :: QuasiQuoter
-cassius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteExp lucius . i2b }
-cassiusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-cassiusFile fp = do
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
- quoteExp cassius contents
-cassiusFileDebug, cassiusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-cassiusFileDebug = cssFileDebug True [|Text.Lucius.parseTopLevels|] Text.Lucius.parseTopLevels
-cassiusFileReload = cassiusFileDebug
-- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
cassiusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
diff --git a/Text/Css.hs b/Text/Css.hs
index fb06dd2..954e574 100644
--- a/Text/Css.hs
+++ b/Text/Css.hs
@@ -169,22 +169,6 @@ cssUsedIdentifiers toi2b parseBlocks s' =
(scope, rest') = go rest
go' (Attr k v) = k ++ v
-cssFileDebug :: Bool -- ^ perform the indent-to-brace conversion
- -> Q Exp
- -> Parser [TopLevel Unresolved]
- -> FilePath
- -> Q Exp
-cssFileDebug toi2b parseBlocks' parseBlocks fp = do
- s <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- let vs = cssUsedIdentifiers toi2b parseBlocks s
- c <- mapM vtToExp vs
- cr <- [|cssRuntime toi2b|]
- parseBlocks'' <- parseBlocks'
- return $ cr `AppE` parseBlocks'' `AppE` (LitE $ StringL fp) `AppE` ListE c
combineSelectors :: HasLeadingSpace
-> [Contents]
-> [Contents]
@@ -290,18 +274,6 @@ cssRuntime toi2b parseBlocks fp cd render' = unsafePerformIO $ do
addScope scope = map (DerefIdent . Ident *** CDPlain . fromString) scope ++ cd
-vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
-vtToExp (d, vt) = do
- d' <- lift d
- c' <- c vt
- return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d]
- where
- c :: VarType -> Q Exp
- c VTPlain = [|CDPlain . toCss|]
- c VTUrl = [|CDUrl|]
- c VTUrlParam = [|CDUrlParam|]
- c VTMixin = [|CDMixin|]
getVars :: Monad m => [(String, String)] -> Content -> m [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars _ ContentRaw{} = return []
getVars scope (ContentVar d) =
@@ -345,111 +317,8 @@ compressBlock (Block x y blocks mixins) =
cc (ContentRaw a:ContentRaw b:c) = cc $ ContentRaw (a ++ b) : c
cc (a:b) = a : cc b
-blockToMixin :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> Block Unresolved
- -> Q Exp
-blockToMixin r scope (Block _sel props subblocks mixins) =
- [|Mixin
- { mixinAttrs = concat
- $ $(listE $ map go props)
- : map mixinAttrs $mixinsE
- -- FIXME too many complications to implement sublocks for now...
- , mixinBlocks = [] -- foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks) []
- }|]
- {-
- . foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks)
- . (concatMap mixinBlocks $mixinsE ++)
- |]
- -}
- where
- mixinsE = return $ ListE $ map (derefToExp []) mixins
- go (Attr x y) = conE 'Attr
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope x)
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope y)
- subGo (Block sel' b c d) = blockToCss r scope $ Block sel' b c d
-blockToCss :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> Block Unresolved
- -> Q Exp
-blockToCss r scope (Block sel props subblocks mixins) =
- [|((Block
- { blockSelector = $(selectorToBuilder r scope sel)
- , blockAttrs = concat
- $ $(listE $ map go props)
- : map mixinAttrs $mixinsE
- , blockBlocks = ()
- , blockMixins = ()
- } :: Block Resolved):)
- . foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks)
- . (concatMap mixinBlocks $mixinsE ++)
- |]
- where
- mixinsE = return $ ListE $ map (derefToExp []) mixins
- go (Attr x y) = conE 'Attr
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope x)
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope y)
- subGo (hls, Block sel' b c d) =
- blockToCss r scope $ Block sel'' b c d
- where
- sel'' = combineSelectors hls sel sel'
-selectorToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> [Contents] -> Q Exp
-selectorToBuilder r scope sels =
- contentsToBuilder r scope $ intercalate [ContentRaw ","] sels
-contentsToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> [Content] -> Q Exp
-contentsToBuilder r scope contents =
- appE [|mconcat|] $ listE $ map (contentToBuilder r scope) contents
-contentToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> Content -> Q Exp
-contentToBuilder _ _ (ContentRaw x) =
- [|fromText . pack|] `appE` litE (StringL x)
-contentToBuilder _ scope (ContentVar d) =
- case d of
- DerefIdent (Ident s)
- | Just val <- lookup s scope -> [|fromText . pack|] `appE` litE (StringL val)
- _ -> [|toCss|] `appE` return (derefToExp [] d)
-contentToBuilder r _ (ContentUrl u) =
- [|fromText|] `appE`
- (varE r `appE` return (derefToExp [] u) `appE` listE [])
-contentToBuilder r _ (ContentUrlParam u) =
- [|fromText|] `appE`
- ([|uncurry|] `appE` varE r `appE` return (derefToExp [] u))
-contentToBuilder _ _ ContentMixin{} = error "contentToBuilder on ContentMixin"
type Scope = [(String, String)]
-topLevelsToCassius :: [TopLevel Unresolved]
- -> Q Exp
-topLevelsToCassius a = do
- r <- newName "_render"
- lamE [varP r] $ appE [|CssNoWhitespace . foldr ($) []|] $ fmap ListE $ go r [] a
- where
- go _ _ [] = return []
- go r scope (TopBlock b:rest) = do
- e <- [|(++) $ map TopBlock ($(blockToCss r scope b) [])|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopAtBlock name s b:rest) = do
- let s' = contentsToBuilder r scope s
- e <- [|(:) $ TopAtBlock $(lift name) $(s') $(blocksToCassius r scope b)|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopAtDecl dec cs:rest) = do
- e <- [|(:) $ TopAtDecl $(lift dec) $(contentsToBuilder r scope cs)|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopVar k v:rest) = go r ((k, v) : scope) rest
-blocksToCassius :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> [Block Unresolved]
- -> Q Exp
-blocksToCassius r scope a = do
- appE [|foldr ($) []|] $ listE $ map (blockToCss r scope) a
renderCss :: Css -> TL.Text
renderCss css =
toLazyText $ mconcat $ map go tops
@@ -518,23 +387,3 @@ renderBlock haveWhiteSpace indent (Block sel attrs () ())
| haveWhiteSpace = fromString ";\n"
| otherwise = singleton ';'
-instance Lift Mixin where
- lift (Mixin a b) = [|Mixin a b|]
-instance Lift (Attr Unresolved) where
- lift (Attr k v) = [|Attr k v :: Attr Unresolved |]
-instance Lift (Attr Resolved) where
- lift (Attr k v) = [|Attr $(liftBuilder k) $(liftBuilder v) :: Attr Resolved |]
-liftBuilder :: Builder -> Q Exp
-liftBuilder b = [|fromText $ pack $(lift $ TL.unpack $ toLazyText b)|]
-instance Lift Content where
- lift (ContentRaw s) = [|ContentRaw s|]
- lift (ContentVar d) = [|ContentVar d|]
- lift (ContentUrl d) = [|ContentUrl d|]
- lift (ContentUrlParam d) = [|ContentUrlParam d|]
- lift (ContentMixin m) = [|ContentMixin m|]
-instance Lift (Block Unresolved) where
- lift (Block a b c d) = [|Block a b c d|]
-instance Lift (Block Resolved) where
- lift (Block a b () ()) = [|Block $(liftBuilder a) b () ()|]
diff --git a/Text/CssCommon.hs b/Text/CssCommon.hs
index 719e0a8..8c40e8c 100644
--- a/Text/CssCommon.hs
+++ b/Text/CssCommon.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
@@ -156,6 +155,3 @@ showSize :: Rational -> String -> String
showSize value' unit = printf "%f" value ++ unit
where value = fromRational value' :: Double
-mkSizeType "EmSize" "em"
-mkSizeType "ExSize" "ex"
-mkSizeType "PixelSize" "px"
diff --git a/Text/Lucius.hs b/Text/Lucius.hs
index c2c4352..8b2bb9c 100644
--- a/Text/Lucius.hs
+++ b/Text/Lucius.hs
@@ -8,13 +8,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
module Text.Lucius
( -- * Parsing
- lucius
- , luciusFile
- , luciusFileDebug
- , luciusFileReload
-- ** Mixins
- , luciusMixin
- , Mixin
+ -- luciusMixin
+ Mixin
-- ** Runtime
, luciusRT
, luciusRT'
@@ -40,11 +36,8 @@ module Text.Lucius
, AbsoluteUnit (..)
, AbsoluteSize (..)
, absoluteSize
- , EmSize (..)
- , ExSize (..)
, PercentageSize (..)
, percentageSize
- , PixelSize (..)
-- * Internal
, parseTopLevels
, luciusUsedIdentifiers
@@ -66,18 +59,6 @@ import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Control.Arrow (second)
--- |
--- >>> renderCss ([lucius|foo{bar:baz}|] undefined)
--- "foo{bar:baz}"
-lucius :: QuasiQuoter
-lucius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusFromString }
-luciusFromString :: String -> Q Exp
-luciusFromString s =
- topLevelsToCassius
- $ either (error . show) id $ parse parseTopLevels s s
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = many whiteSpace1 >> return ()
@@ -217,17 +198,6 @@ parseComment = do
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "*/"
return $ ContentRaw ""
-luciusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-luciusFile fp = do
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
- luciusFromString contents
-luciusFileDebug, luciusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-luciusFileDebug = cssFileDebug False [|parseTopLevels|] parseTopLevels
-luciusFileReload = luciusFileDebug
parseTopLevels :: Parser [TopLevel Unresolved]
parseTopLevels =
@@ -376,15 +346,3 @@ luciusRTMinified tl scope = either Left (Right . renderCss . CssNoWhitespace) $
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
luciusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
luciusUsedIdentifiers = cssUsedIdentifiers False parseTopLevels
-luciusMixin :: QuasiQuoter
-luciusMixin = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusMixinFromString }
-luciusMixinFromString :: String -> Q Exp
-luciusMixinFromString s' = do
- r <- newName "_render"
- case fmap compressBlock $ parse parseBlock s s of
- Left e -> error $ show e
- Right block -> blockToMixin r [] block
- where
- s = concat ["mixin{", s', "}"]