Added Maybe POSIXTime to SafeDropProof, which gets set when the proof is based on a LockedCopy. If there are several LockedCopies, it uses the closest expiry time. That is not optimal, it may be that the proof expires based on one LockedCopy but another one has not expired. But that seems unlikely to really happen, and anyway the user can just re-run a drop if it fails due to expiry. Pass the SafeDropProof to removeKey, which is responsible for checking it for expiry in situations where that could be a problem. Which really only means in Remote.Git. Made Remote.Git check expiry when dropping from a local remote. Checking expiry when dropping from a P2P remote is not yet implemented. P2P.Protocol.remove has SafeDropProof plumbed through to it for that purpose. Fixing the remaining 2 build warnings should complete this work. Note that the use of a POSIXTime here means that if the clock gets set forward while git-annex is in the middle of a drop, it may say that dropping took too long. That seems ok. Less ok is that if the clock gets turned back a sufficient amount (eg 5 minutes), proof expiry won't be noticed. It might be better to use the Monotonic clock, but that doesn't advance when a laptop is suspended, and while there is the linux Boottime clock, that is not available on other systems. Perhaps a combination of POSIXTime and the Monotonic clock could detect laptop suspension and also detect clock being turned back? There is a potential future flag day where p2pDefaultLockContentRetentionDuration is not assumed, but is probed using the P2P protocol, and peers that don't support it can no longer produce a LockedCopy. Until that happens, when git-annex is communicating with older peers there is a risk of data loss when a ssh connection closes during LOCKCONTENT.
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{- BitTorrent remote.
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Remote.BitTorrent (remote) where
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Construct
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Logs.Web
import Types.UrlContents
import Types.CleanupActions
import Messages.Progress
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Url.Parse
import Backend.URL
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Tmp
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex.Url as Url
import Remote.Helper.ExportImport
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Network.URI
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import Data.Torrent
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType
{ typename = "bittorrent"
, enumerate = list
, generate = gen
, configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser []
, setup = giveup "not supported"
, exportSupported = exportUnsupported
, importSupported = importUnsupported
, thirdPartyPopulated = False
-- There is only one bittorrent remote, and it always exists.
list :: Bool -> Annex [Git.Repo]
list _autoinit = do
r <- liftIO $ Git.Construct.remoteNamed "bittorrent" (pure Git.Construct.fromUnknown)
return [r]
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r _ rc gc rs = do
c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
cst <- remoteCost gc c expensiveRemoteCost
return $ Just Remote
{ uuid = bitTorrentUUID
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = uploadKey
, retrieveKeyFile = downloadKey
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = Nothing
-- Bittorrent does its own hash checks.
, retrievalSecurityPolicy = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
, removeKey = dropKey
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkKey
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = exportUnsupported
, importActions = importUnsupported
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, gitconfig = gc
, localpath = Nothing
, getRepo = return r
, readonly = True
, appendonly = False
, untrustworthy = False
, availability = pure GloballyAvailable
, remotetype = remote
, mkUnavailable = return Nothing
, getInfo = return []
, claimUrl = Just (pure . isSupportedUrl)
, checkUrl = Just checkTorrentUrl
, remoteStateHandle = rs
downloadKey :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> VerifyConfig -> Annex Verification
downloadKey key _file dest p _ = do
get . map (torrentUrlNum . fst . getDownloader) =<< getBitTorrentUrls key
-- While bittorrent verifies the hash in the torrent file,
-- the torrent file itself is downloaded without verification,
-- so the overall download is not verified.
return UnVerified
get [] = giveup "could not download torrent"
get urls = do
showOutput -- make way for download progress bar
ok <- untilTrue urls $ \(u, filenum) -> do
registerTorrentCleanup u
ifM (downloadTorrentFile u)
( downloadTorrentContent key u dest filenum p
, return False
unless ok $
get []
uploadKey :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
uploadKey _ _ _ _ = giveup "upload to bittorrent not supported"
dropKey :: Maybe SafeDropProof -> Key -> Annex ()
dropKey _ k = mapM_ (setUrlMissing k) =<< getBitTorrentUrls k
{- We punt and don't try to check if a torrent has enough seeders
- with all the pieces etc. That would be quite hard.. and even if
- implemented, it tells us nothing about the later state of the torrent.
checkKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
checkKey = giveup "cannot reliably check torrent status"
getBitTorrentUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
getBitTorrentUrls key = filter supported <$> getUrls key
supported u =
let (u', dl) = (getDownloader u)
in dl == OtherDownloader && isSupportedUrl u'
isSupportedUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isSupportedUrl u = isTorrentMagnetUrl u || isTorrentUrl u
isTorrentUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isTorrentUrl = maybe False (\u -> ".torrent" `isSuffixOf` uriPath u) . parseURIPortable
isTorrentMagnetUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isTorrentMagnetUrl u = "magnet:" `isPrefixOf` u && checkbt (parseURIPortable u)
checkbt (Just uri) | "xt=urn:btih:" `isInfixOf` uriQuery uri = True
checkbt _ = False
checkTorrentUrl :: URLString -> Annex UrlContents
checkTorrentUrl u = do
registerTorrentCleanup u
ifM (downloadTorrentFile u)
( torrentContents u
, giveup "could not download torrent file"
{- To specify which file inside a multi-url torrent, the file number is
- appended to the url. -}
torrentUrlWithNum :: URLString -> Int -> URLString
torrentUrlWithNum u n = u ++ "#" ++ show n
torrentUrlNum :: URLString -> (URLString, Int)
torrentUrlNum u
| '#' `elem` u =
let (n, ru) = separate (== '#') (reverse u)
in (reverse ru, fromMaybe 1 $ readish $ reverse n)
| otherwise = (u, 1)
{- A Key corresponding to the URL of a torrent file. -}
torrentUrlKey :: URLString -> Annex Key
torrentUrlKey u = return $ fromUrl (fst $ torrentUrlNum u) Nothing False
{- Temporary filename to use to store the torrent file. -}
tmpTorrentFile :: URLString -> Annex RawFilePath
tmpTorrentFile u = fromRepo . gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation =<< torrentUrlKey u
{- A cleanup action is registered to delete the torrent file
- when git-annex exits.
- This allows multiple actions that use the same torrent file
- directory to run in a single git-annex run, and only download the
- torrent file once.
registerTorrentCleanup :: URLString -> Annex ()
registerTorrentCleanup u = Annex.addCleanupAction (TorrentCleanup u) $
liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink =<< tmpTorrentFile u
{- Downloads the torrent file. (Not its contents.) -}
downloadTorrentFile :: URLString -> Annex Bool
downloadTorrentFile u = do
torrent <- tmpTorrentFile u
ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist (fromRawFilePath torrent))
( return True
, do
showAction "downloading torrent file"
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir torrent)
if isTorrentMagnetUrl u
then withOtherTmp $ \othertmp -> do
kf <- keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
let metadir = othertmp P.</> "torrentmeta" P.</> kf
createAnnexDirectory metadir
ok <- downloadMagnetLink u
(fromRawFilePath metadir)
(fromRawFilePath torrent)
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive
(fromRawFilePath metadir)
return ok
else withOtherTmp $ \othertmp -> do
withTmpFileIn (fromRawFilePath othertmp) "torrent" $ \f h -> do
liftIO $ hClose h
resetAnnexFilePerm (toRawFilePath f)
ok <- Url.withUrlOptions $
Url.download nullMeterUpdate Nothing u f
when ok $
liftIO $ moveFile (toRawFilePath f) torrent
return ok
downloadMagnetLink :: URLString -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
downloadMagnetLink u metadir dest = ifM download
( liftIO $ do
ts <- filter (".torrent" `isSuffixOf`)
<$> dirContents metadir
case ts of
(t:[]) -> do
moveFile (toRawFilePath t) (toRawFilePath dest)
return True
_ -> return False
, return False
download = runAria
[ Param "--bt-metadata-only"
, Param "--bt-save-metadata"
, Param u
, Param "--seed-time=0"
, Param "--summary-interval=0"
, Param "-d"
, File metadir
downloadTorrentContent :: Key -> URLString -> FilePath -> Int -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
downloadTorrentContent k u dest filenum p = do
torrent <- tmpTorrentFile u
withOtherTmp $ \othertmp -> do
kf <- keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
let downloaddir = othertmp P.</> "torrent" P.</> kf
createAnnexDirectory downloaddir
f <- wantedfile torrent
let dlf = fromRawFilePath downloaddir </> f
ifM (download torrent downloaddir <&&> liftIO (doesFileExist dlf))
( do
liftIO $ moveFile (toRawFilePath dlf) (toRawFilePath dest)
-- The downloaddir is not removed here,
-- so if aria downloaded parts of other
-- files, and this is called again, it will
-- resume where it left off.
-- withOtherTmp registers a cleanup action
-- that will clean up leftover files when
-- git-annex terminates.
return True
, return False
download torrent tmpdir = ariaProgress (fromKey keySize k) p
[ Param $ "--select-file=" ++ show filenum
, File (fromRawFilePath torrent)
, Param "-d"
, File (fromRawFilePath tmpdir)
, Param "--seed-time=0"
, Param "--summary-interval=0"
, Param "--file-allocation=none"
-- Needed so aria will resume partially downloaded files
-- in multi-file torrents.
, Param "--check-integrity=true"
{- aria2c will create part of the directory structure
- contained in the torrent. It may download parts of other files
- in addition to the one we asked for. So, we need to find
- out the filename we want based on the filenum.
wantedfile torrent = do
fs <- liftIO $ map fst <$> torrentFileSizes torrent
if length fs >= filenum
then return (fs !! (filenum - 1))
else giveup "Number of files in torrent seems to have changed."
checkDependencies :: Annex ()
checkDependencies = do
missing <- liftIO $ filterM (not <$$> inSearchPath) deps
unless (null missing) $
giveup $ "need to install additional software in order to download from bittorrent: " ++ unwords missing
deps =
[ "aria2c"
, "btshowmetainfo"
ariaParams :: [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
ariaParams ps = do
opts <- map Param . annexAriaTorrentOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
return (ps ++ opts)
runAria :: [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
runAria ps = progressCommand "aria2c" =<< ariaParams ps
-- Parse aria output to find "(n%)" and update the progress meter
-- with it.
ariaProgress :: Maybe Integer -> MeterUpdate -> [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
ariaProgress Nothing _ ps = runAria ps
ariaProgress (Just sz) meter ps = do
oh <- mkOutputHandler
liftIO . commandMeter (parseAriaProgress sz) oh Nothing meter "aria2c"
=<< ariaParams ps
parseAriaProgress :: Integer -> ProgressParser
parseAriaProgress totalsize = go [] . reverse . splitc '\r'
go remainder [] = (Nothing, Nothing, remainder)
go remainder (x:xs) = case readish (findpercent x) of
Nothing -> go (x++remainder) xs
Just p -> (Just (frompercent p), Nothing, remainder)
-- "(N%)"
findpercent = takeWhile (/= '%') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '(')
frompercent p = toBytesProcessed $ totalsize * p `div` 100
{- Used only if the haskell torrent library is not available. -}
btshowmetainfo :: FilePath -> String -> IO [String]
btshowmetainfo torrent field =
findfield [] . lines <$> readProcess "btshowmetainfo" [torrent]
findfield c [] = reverse c
findfield c (l:ls)
| l == fieldkey = multiline c ls
| fieldkey `isPrefixOf` l =
findfield ((drop (length fieldkey) l):c) ls
| otherwise = findfield c ls
multiline c (l:ls)
| " " `isPrefixOf` l = multiline (drop 3 l:c) ls
| otherwise = findfield c ls
multiline c [] = findfield c []
fieldkey = field ++ take (14 - length field) (repeat '.') ++ ": "
{- Examines the torrent file and gets the list of files in it,
- and their sizes.
torrentFileSizes :: RawFilePath -> IO [(FilePath, Integer)]
torrentFileSizes torrent = do
let mkfile = joinPath . map (scrub . decodeBL)
b <- B.readFile (fromRawFilePath torrent)
return $ case readTorrent b of
Left e -> giveup $ "failed to parse torrent: " ++ e
Right t -> case tInfo t of
SingleFile { tLength = l, tName = f } ->
[ (mkfile [f], l) ]
MultiFile { tFiles = fs, tName = dir } ->
map (\tf -> (mkfile $ dir:filePath tf, fileLength tf)) fs
files <- getfield "files"
if null files
then do
fnl <- getfield "file name"
szl <- map readish <$> getfield "file size"
case (fnl, szl) of
((fn:[]), (Just sz:[])) -> return [(scrub fn, sz)]
_ -> parsefailed (show (fnl, szl))
else do
v <- getfield "directory name"
case v of
(d:[]) -> return $ map (splitsize d) files
_ -> parsefailed (show v)
getfield = btshowmetainfo (fromRawFilePath torrent)
parsefailed s = giveup $ "failed to parse btshowmetainfo output for torrent file: " ++ show s
-- btshowmetainfo outputs a list of "filename (size)"
splitsize d l = (scrub (d </> fn), sz)
sz = fromMaybe (parsefailed l) $ readish $
reverse $ takeWhile (/= '(') $ dropWhile (== ')') $
reverse l
fn = reverse $ drop 2 $
dropWhile (/= '(') $ dropWhile (== ')') $ reverse l
-- a malicious torrent file might try to do directory traversal
scrub f = if isAbsolute f || any (== "..") (splitPath f)
then giveup "found unsafe filename in torrent!"
else f
torrentContents :: URLString -> Annex UrlContents
torrentContents u = convert
<$> (liftIO . torrentFileSizes =<< tmpTorrentFile u)
convert [(fn, sz)] = UrlContents (Just sz) (Just fn)
convert l = UrlMulti $ map mkmulti (zip l [1..])
mkmulti ((fn, sz), n) =
(torrentUrlWithNum u n, Just sz, joinPath $ drop 1 $ splitPath fn)