Converted warning and similar to use StringContainingQuotedPath. Most warnings are static strings, some do refer to filepaths that need to be quoted, and others don't need quoting. Note that, since quote filters out control characters of even UnquotedString, this makes all warnings safe, even when an attacker sneaks in a control character in some other way. When json is being output, no quoting is done, since json gets its own quoting. This does, as a side effect, make warning messages in json output not be indented. The indentation is only needed to offset warning messages underneath the display of the file they apply to, so that's ok. Sponsored-by: Brett Eisenberg on Patreon
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{- git-annex plumbing command (for use by old assistant, and users)
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.TransferKey where
import Command
import Annex.Content
import Logs.Location
import Annex.Transfer
import qualified Remote
import Types.Remote
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $
command "transferkey" SectionPlumbing
"transfers a key from or to a remote"
paramKey (seek <--< optParser)
data TransferKeyOptions = TransferKeyOptions
{ keyOptions :: CmdParams
, fromToOptions :: FromToOptions
, fileOption :: AssociatedFile
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser TransferKeyOptions
optParser desc = TransferKeyOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> parseFromToOptions
<*> (AssociatedFile <$> optional (strOption
( long "file" <> metavar paramFile
<> help "the associated file"
instance DeferredParseClass TransferKeyOptions where
finishParse v = TransferKeyOptions
<$> pure (keyOptions v)
<*> finishParse (fromToOptions v)
<*> pure (fileOption v)
seek :: TransferKeyOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = withKeys (commandAction . start o) (keyOptions o)
start :: TransferKeyOptions -> (SeekInput, Key) -> CommandStart
start o (_, key) = startingCustomOutput key $ case fromToOptions o of
ToRemote dest -> toPerform key (fileOption o) =<< getParsed dest
FromRemote src -> fromPerform key (fileOption o) =<< getParsed src
toPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
toPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
upload' (uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p -> do
tryNonAsync (Remote.storeKey remote key file p) >>= \case
Right () -> do
Remote.logStatus remote key InfoPresent
return True
Left e -> do
warning (UnquotedString (show e))
return False
fromPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
fromPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
download' (uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
logStatusAfter key $ getViaTmp (retrievalSecurityPolicy remote) vc key file $ \t ->
tryNonAsync (Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file (fromRawFilePath t) p vc) >>= \case
Right v -> return (True, v)
Left e -> do
warning (UnquotedString (show e))
return (False, UnVerified)
vc = RemoteVerify remote
go :: Direction -> AssociatedFile -> (NotifyWitness -> Annex Bool) -> CommandPerform
go direction file a = notifyTransfer direction file a >>= liftIO . exitBool