This does not change the overall license of the git-annex program, which was already AGPL due to a number of sources files being AGPL already. Legally speaking, I'm adding a new license under which these files are now available; I already released their current contents under the GPL license. Now they're dual licensed GPL and AGPL. However, I intend for all my future changes to these files to only be released under the AGPL license, and I won't be tracking the dual licensing status, so I'm simply changing the license statement to say it's AGPL. (In some cases, others wrote parts of the code of a file and released it under the GPL; but in all cases I have contributed a significant portion of the code in each file and it's that code that is getting the AGPL license; the GPL license of other contributors allows combining with AGPL code.)
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013-2015 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Status where
import Command
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.Content.Direct
import Config
import Git.Status
import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.FilePath
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $ noCommit $ noMessages $
withGlobalOptions [jsonOptions] $
command "status" SectionCommon
"show the working tree status"
paramPaths (seek <$$> optParser)
data StatusOptions = StatusOptions
{ statusFiles :: CmdParams
, ignoreSubmodules :: Maybe String
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser StatusOptions
optParser desc = StatusOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> optional (strOption
( long "ignore-submodules"
<> help "passed on to git status"
<> metavar "WHEN"
seek :: StatusOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = withWords (commandAction . start o) (statusFiles o)
start :: StatusOptions -> [FilePath] -> CommandStart
start o locs = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ getStatus ps locs
getstatus <- ifM isDirect
( return (maybe (pure Nothing) statusDirect . simplifiedStatus)
, return (pure . simplifiedStatus)
forM_ l $ \s -> maybe noop displayStatus =<< getstatus s
ifM (liftIO cleanup)
( stop
, giveup "git status failed"
ps = case ignoreSubmodules o of
Nothing -> []
Just s -> [Param $ "--ignore-submodules="++s]
-- Prefer to show unstaged status in this simplified status.
simplifiedStatus :: StagedUnstaged Status -> Maybe Status
simplifiedStatus (StagedUnstaged { unstaged = Just s }) = Just s
simplifiedStatus (StagedUnstaged { staged = Just s }) = Just s
simplifiedStatus _ = Nothing
displayStatus :: Status -> Annex ()
-- Renames not shown in this simplified status
displayStatus (Renamed _ _) = noop
displayStatus s = do
let c = statusChar s
absf <- fromRepo $ fromTopFilePath (statusFile s)
f <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile absf
unlessM (showFullJSON $ JSONChunk [("status", [c]), ("file", f)]) $
liftIO $ putStrLn $ [c] ++ " " ++ f
-- Git thinks that present direct mode files are typechanged.
-- (On crippled filesystems, git instead thinks they're modified.)
-- Check their content to see if they are modified or not.
statusDirect :: Status -> Annex (Maybe Status)
statusDirect (TypeChanged t) = statusDirect' t
statusDirect s@(Modified t) = ifM crippledFileSystem
( statusDirect' t
, pure (Just s)
statusDirect s = pure (Just s)
statusDirect' :: TopFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Status)
statusDirect' t = do
absf <- fromRepo $ fromTopFilePath t
f <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile absf
v <- liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus f)
case v of
Nothing -> return $ Just $ Deleted t
Just s
| not (isSymbolicLink s) ->
checkkey f s =<< catKeyFile f
| otherwise -> Just <$> checkNew f t
checkkey f s (Just k) = ifM (sameFileStatus k f s)
( return Nothing
, return $ Just $ Modified t
checkkey f _ Nothing = Just <$> checkNew f t
checkNew :: FilePath -> TopFilePath -> Annex Status
checkNew f t = ifM (isJust <$> catObjectDetails (Git.Ref.fileRef f))
( return (Modified t)
, return (Untracked t)