This could avoid a memory leak. It would only happen when the meter didn't look at sofar.
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{- Metered IO and actions
- Copyright 2012-2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, BangPatterns #-}
module Utility.Metered where
import Common
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(sizeOf))
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits.Utils
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
{- An action that can be run repeatedly, updating it on the bytes processed.
- Note that each call receives the total number of bytes processed, so
- far, *not* an incremental amount since the last call. -}
type MeterUpdate = (BytesProcessed -> IO ())
nullMeterUpdate :: MeterUpdate
nullMeterUpdate _ = return ()
combineMeterUpdate :: MeterUpdate -> MeterUpdate -> MeterUpdate
combineMeterUpdate a b = \n -> a n >> b n
{- Total number of bytes processed so far. -}
newtype BytesProcessed = BytesProcessed Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class AsBytesProcessed a where
toBytesProcessed :: a -> BytesProcessed
fromBytesProcessed :: BytesProcessed -> a
instance AsBytesProcessed BytesProcessed where
toBytesProcessed = id
fromBytesProcessed = id
instance AsBytesProcessed Integer where
toBytesProcessed i = BytesProcessed i
fromBytesProcessed (BytesProcessed i) = i
instance AsBytesProcessed Int where
toBytesProcessed i = BytesProcessed $ toInteger i
fromBytesProcessed (BytesProcessed i) = fromInteger i
instance AsBytesProcessed Int64 where
toBytesProcessed i = BytesProcessed $ toInteger i
fromBytesProcessed (BytesProcessed i) = fromInteger i
instance AsBytesProcessed FileOffset where
toBytesProcessed sz = BytesProcessed $ toInteger sz
fromBytesProcessed (BytesProcessed sz) = fromInteger sz
addBytesProcessed :: AsBytesProcessed v => BytesProcessed -> v -> BytesProcessed
addBytesProcessed (BytesProcessed i) v =
let (BytesProcessed n) = toBytesProcessed v
in BytesProcessed $! i + n
zeroBytesProcessed :: BytesProcessed
zeroBytesProcessed = BytesProcessed 0
{- Sends the content of a file to an action, updating the meter as it's
- consumed. -}
withMeteredFile :: FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> (L.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
withMeteredFile f meterupdate a = withBinaryFile f ReadMode $ \h ->
hGetContentsMetered h meterupdate >>= a
{- Sends the content of a file to a Handle, updating the meter as it's
- written. -}
streamMeteredFile :: FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Handle -> IO ()
streamMeteredFile f meterupdate h = withMeteredFile f meterupdate $ L.hPut h
{- Writes a ByteString to a Handle, updating a meter as it's written. -}
meteredWrite :: MeterUpdate -> Handle -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
meteredWrite meterupdate h = void . meteredWrite' meterupdate h
meteredWrite' :: MeterUpdate -> Handle -> L.ByteString -> IO BytesProcessed
meteredWrite' meterupdate h = go zeroBytesProcessed . L.toChunks
go sofar [] = return sofar
go sofar (c:cs) = do
S.hPut h c
let !sofar' = addBytesProcessed sofar $ S.length c
meterupdate sofar'
go sofar' cs
meteredWriteFile :: MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
meteredWriteFile meterupdate f b = withBinaryFile f WriteMode $ \h ->
meteredWrite meterupdate h b
{- Applies an offset to a MeterUpdate. This can be useful when
- performing a sequence of actions, such as multiple meteredWriteFiles,
- that all update a common meter progressively. Or when resuming.
offsetMeterUpdate :: MeterUpdate -> BytesProcessed -> MeterUpdate
offsetMeterUpdate base offset = \n -> base (offset `addBytesProcessed` n)
{- This is like L.hGetContents, but after each chunk is read, a meter
- is updated based on the size of the chunk.
- All the usual caveats about using unsafeInterleaveIO apply to the
- meter updates, so use caution.
hGetContentsMetered :: Handle -> MeterUpdate -> IO L.ByteString
hGetContentsMetered h = hGetMetered h Nothing
{- Reads from the Handle, updating the meter after each chunk is read.
- Stops at EOF, or when the requested number of bytes have been read.
- Closes the Handle at EOF, but otherwise leaves it open.
- Note that the meter update is run in unsafeInterleaveIO, which means that
- it can be run at any time. It's even possible for updates to run out
- of order, as different parts of the ByteString are consumed.
hGetMetered :: Handle -> Maybe Integer -> MeterUpdate -> IO L.ByteString
hGetMetered h wantsize meterupdate = lazyRead zeroBytesProcessed
lazyRead sofar = unsafeInterleaveIO $ loop sofar
loop sofar = do
c <- S.hGet h (nextchunksize (fromBytesProcessed sofar))
if S.null c
then do
hClose h
return $ L.empty
else do
let !sofar' = addBytesProcessed sofar (S.length c)
meterupdate sofar'
if keepgoing (fromBytesProcessed sofar')
then do
{- unsafeInterleaveIO causes this to be
- deferred until the data is read from the
- ByteString. -}
cs <- lazyRead sofar'
return $ L.append (L.fromChunks [c]) cs
else return $ L.fromChunks [c]
keepgoing n = case wantsize of
Nothing -> True
Just sz -> n < sz
nextchunksize n = case wantsize of
Nothing -> defaultChunkSize
Just sz ->
let togo = sz - n
in if togo < toInteger defaultChunkSize
then fromIntegral togo
else defaultChunkSize
{- Same default chunk size Lazy ByteStrings use. -}
defaultChunkSize :: Int
defaultChunkSize = 32 * k - chunkOverhead
k = 1024
chunkOverhead = 2 * sizeOf (1 :: Int) -- GHC specific
{- Runs an action, watching a file as it grows and updating the meter. -}
watchFileSize :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> m a -> m a
watchFileSize f p a = bracket
(liftIO $ forkIO $ watcher zeroBytesProcessed)
(liftIO . void . tryIO . killThread)
(const a)
watcher oldsz = do
v <- catchMaybeIO $ toBytesProcessed <$> getFileSize f
newsz <- case v of
Just sz | sz /= oldsz -> do
p sz
return sz
_ -> return oldsz
threadDelay 500000 -- 0.5 seconds
watcher newsz
data OutputHandler = OutputHandler
{ quietMode :: Bool
, stderrHandler :: String -> IO ()
{- Parses the String looking for a command's progress output, and returns
- Maybe the number of bytes done so far, and any any remainder of the
- string that could be an incomplete progress output. That remainder
- should be prepended to future output, and fed back in. This interface
- allows the command's output to be read in any desired size chunk, or
- even one character at a time.
type ProgressParser = String -> (Maybe BytesProcessed, String)
{- Runs a command and runs a ProgressParser on its output, in order
- to update a meter.
commandMeter :: ProgressParser -> OutputHandler -> MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
commandMeter progressparser oh meterupdate cmd params =
outputFilter cmd params Nothing
(feedprogress zeroBytesProcessed [])
feedprogress prev buf h = do
b <- S.hGetSome h 80
if S.null b
then return ()
else do
unless (quietMode oh) $ do
S.hPut stdout b
hFlush stdout
let s = w82s (S.unpack b)
let (mbytes, buf') = progressparser (buf++s)
case mbytes of
Nothing -> feedprogress prev buf' h
(Just bytes) -> do
when (bytes /= prev) $
meterupdate bytes
feedprogress bytes buf' h
handlestderr h = unlessM (hIsEOF h) $ do
stderrHandler oh =<< hGetLine h
handlestderr h
{- Runs a command, that may display one or more progress meters on
- either stdout or stderr, and prevents the meters from being displayed.
- The other command output is handled as configured by the OutputHandler.
demeterCommand :: OutputHandler -> FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
demeterCommand oh cmd params = demeterCommandEnv oh cmd params Nothing
demeterCommandEnv :: OutputHandler -> FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO Bool
demeterCommandEnv oh cmd params environ = outputFilter cmd params environ
(\outh -> avoidProgress True outh stdouthandler)
(\errh -> avoidProgress True errh $ stderrHandler oh)
stdouthandler l =
unless (quietMode oh) $
putStrLn l
{- To suppress progress output, while displaying other messages,
- filter out lines that contain \r (typically used to reset to the
- beginning of the line when updating a progress display).
avoidProgress :: Bool -> Handle -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
avoidProgress doavoid h emitter = unlessM (hIsEOF h) $ do
s <- hGetLine h
unless (doavoid && '\r' `elem` s) $
emitter s
avoidProgress doavoid h emitter
:: FilePath
-> [CommandParam]
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> (Handle -> IO ())
-> (Handle -> IO ())
-> IO Bool
outputFilter cmd params environ outfilter errfilter = catchBoolIO $ do
(_, Just outh, Just errh, pid) <- createProcess p
{ std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = CreatePipe
void $ async $ tryIO (outfilter outh) >> hClose outh
void $ async $ tryIO (errfilter errh) >> hClose errh
ret <- checkSuccessProcess pid
return ret
p = (proc cmd (toCommand params))
{ env = environ }
-- | Limit a meter to only update once per unit of time.
-- It's nice to display the final update to 100%, even if it comes soon
-- after a previous update. To make that happen, a total size has to be
-- provided.
rateLimitMeterUpdate :: NominalDiffTime -> Maybe Integer -> MeterUpdate -> IO MeterUpdate
rateLimitMeterUpdate delta totalsize meterupdate = do
lastupdate <- newMVar (toEnum 0 :: POSIXTime)
return $ mu lastupdate
mu lastupdate n@(BytesProcessed i) = case totalsize of
Just t | i >= t -> meterupdate n
_ -> do
now <- getPOSIXTime
prev <- takeMVar lastupdate
if now - prev >= delta
then do
putMVar lastupdate now
meterupdate n
else putMVar lastupdate prev