This commit includes a paydown on technical debt incurred two years ago, when I didn't know that it was bad to make custom Read and Show instances for types. As the routes need Read and Show for Transfer, which includes a Key, and deriving my own Read instance of key was not practical, I had to finally clean that up. So the compact Key read and show functions are now file2key and key2file, and Read and Show are now derived instances. Changed all code that used the old instances, compiler checked. (There were a few places, particularly in Command.Unused, and the test suite where the Show instance continue to be used for legitimate comparisons; ie show key_x == show key_y (though really in a bloom filter))
943 lines
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943 lines
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{- git-annex test suite
- Copyright 2010,2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
import Test.HUnit
import Test.HUnit.Tools
import Test.QuickCheck
import System.Posix.Directory (changeWorkingDirectory)
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Env
import System.Posix.Process
import Control.Exception.Extensible
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO.HVFS (SystemFS(..))
import Text.JSON
import Common
import qualified Utility.SafeCommand
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.UUID
import qualified Backend
import qualified Git.CurrentRepo
import qualified Git.Filename
import qualified Locations
import qualified Types.KeySource
import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types
import qualified GitAnnex
import qualified Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Logs.Trust
import qualified Logs.Remote
import qualified Logs.Unused
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Key
import qualified Types.Messages
import qualified Config
import qualified Crypto
import qualified Utility.Path
import qualified Utility.FileMode
import qualified Utility.Gpg
import qualified Build.SysConfig
import qualified Utility.Format
-- for quickcheck
instance Arbitrary Types.Key.Key where
arbitrary = do
n <- arbitrary
b <- elements ['A'..'Z']
return Types.Key.Key {
Types.Key.keyName = n,
Types.Key.keyBackendName = [b],
Types.Key.keySize = Nothing,
Types.Key.keyMtime = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- runVerboseTests $ TestList [quickcheck, blackbox]
cleanup tmpdir
propigate r
propigate :: (Counts, Int) -> IO ()
propigate (Counts { errors = e , failures = f }, _)
| e+f > 0 = error "failed"
| otherwise = return ()
quickcheck :: Test
quickcheck = TestLabel "quickcheck" $ TestList
[ qctest "prop_idempotent_deencode_git" Git.Filename.prop_idempotent_deencode
, qctest "prop_idempotent_deencode" Utility.Format.prop_idempotent_deencode
, qctest "prop_idempotent_fileKey" Locations.prop_idempotent_fileKey
, qctest "prop_idempotent_key_encode" Types.Key.prop_idempotent_key_encode
, qctest "prop_idempotent_shellEscape" Utility.SafeCommand.prop_idempotent_shellEscape
, qctest "prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword" Utility.SafeCommand.prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword
, qctest "prop_idempotent_configEscape" Logs.Remote.prop_idempotent_configEscape
, qctest "prop_parentDir_basics" Utility.Path.prop_parentDir_basics
, qctest "prop_relPathDirToFile_basics" Utility.Path.prop_relPathDirToFile_basics
, qctest "prop_relPathDirToFile_regressionTest" Utility.Path.prop_relPathDirToFile_regressionTest
, qctest "prop_cost_sane" Config.prop_cost_sane
, qctest "prop_hmacWithCipher_sane" Crypto.prop_hmacWithCipher_sane
, qctest "prop_TimeStamp_sane" Logs.UUIDBased.prop_TimeStamp_sane
, qctest "prop_addLog_sane" Logs.UUIDBased.prop_addLog_sane
blackbox :: Test
blackbox = TestLabel "blackbox" $ TestList
-- test order matters, later tests may rely on state from earlier
[ test_init
, test_add
, test_reinject
, test_unannex
, test_drop
, test_get
, test_move
, test_copy
, test_lock
, test_edit
, test_fix
, test_trust
, test_fsck
, test_migrate
, test_unused
, test_describe
, test_find
, test_merge
, test_status
, test_version
, test_sync
, test_map
, test_uninit
, test_upgrade
, test_whereis
, test_hook_remote
, test_directory_remote
, test_rsync_remote
, test_bup_remote
, test_crypto
test_init :: Test
test_init = "git-annex init" ~: TestCase $ innewrepo $ do
git_annex "init" [reponame] @? "init failed"
reponame = "test repo"
test_add :: Test
test_add = "git-annex add" ~: TestList [basic, sha1dup, subdirs]
-- this test case runs in the main repo, to set up a basic
-- annexed file that later tests will use
basic = TestCase $ inmainrepo $ do
writeFile annexedfile $ content annexedfile
git_annex "add" [annexedfile] @? "add failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
writeFile sha1annexedfile $ content sha1annexedfile
git_annex "add" [sha1annexedfile, "--backend=SHA1"] @? "add with SHA1 failed"
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA1
writeFile wormannexedfile $ content wormannexedfile
git_annex "add" [wormannexedfile, "--backend=WORM"] @? "add with WORM failed"
annexed_present wormannexedfile
checkbackend wormannexedfile backendWORM
boolSystem "git" [Params "rm --force -q", File wormannexedfile] @? "git rm failed"
writeFile ingitfile $ content ingitfile
boolSystem "git" [Param "add", File ingitfile] @? "git add failed"
boolSystem "git" [Params "commit -q -a -m commit"] @? "git commit failed"
git_annex "add" [ingitfile] @? "add ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
sha1dup = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
writeFile sha1annexedfiledup $ content sha1annexedfiledup
git_annex "add" [sha1annexedfiledup, "--backend=SHA1"] @? "add of second file with same SHA1 failed"
annexed_present sha1annexedfiledup
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
subdirs = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
createDirectory "dir"
writeFile "dir/foo" $ content annexedfile
git_annex "add" ["dir"] @? "add of subdir failed"
createDirectory "dir2"
writeFile "dir2/foo" $ content annexedfile
changeWorkingDirectory "dir"
git_annex "add" ["../dir2"] @? "add of ../subdir failed"
test_reinject :: Test
test_reinject = "git-annex reinject/fromkey" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "drop" ["--force", sha1annexedfile] @? "drop failed"
writeFile tmp $ content sha1annexedfile
r <- annexeval $ Types.Backend.getKey backendSHA1 $
Types.KeySource.KeySource { Types.KeySource.keyFilename = tmp, Types.KeySource.contentLocation = tmp }
let key = Types.Key.key2file $ fromJust r
git_annex "reinject" [tmp, sha1annexedfile] @? "reinject failed"
git_annex "fromkey" [key, sha1annexedfiledup] @? "fromkey failed"
annexed_present sha1annexedfiledup
tmp = "tmpfile"
test_unannex :: Test
test_unannex = "git-annex unannex" ~: TestList [nocopy, withcopy]
nocopy = "no content" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile] @? "unannex failed with no copy"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
withcopy = "with content" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile, sha1annexedfile] @? "unannex failed"
unannexed annexedfile
git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile] @? "unannex failed on non-annexed file"
unannexed annexedfile
git_annex "unannex" [ingitfile] @? "unannex ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
test_drop :: Test
test_drop = "git-annex drop" ~: TestList [noremote, withremote, untrustedremote]
noremote = "no remotes" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
boolSystem "git" [Params "remote rm origin"]
@? "git remote rm origin failed"
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] @? "drop wrongly succeeded with no known copy of file"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" ["--force", annexedfile] @? "drop --force failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] @? "drop of dropped file failed"
git_annex "drop" [ingitfile] @? "drop ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
withremote = "with remote" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] @? "drop failed though origin has copy"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
untrustedremote = "untrusted remote" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] @? "untrust of origin failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] @? "drop wrongly suceeded with only an untrusted copy of the file"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
test_get :: Test
test_get = "git-annex get" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file already here failed"
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
unannexed ingitfile
git_annex "get" [ingitfile] @? "get ingitfile should be no-op"
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
unannexed ingitfile
test_move :: Test
test_move = "git-annex move" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] @? "move --from of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] @? "move --from of file already here failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] @? "move --to of file failed"
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] @? "move --to of file already there failed"
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
unannexed ingitfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", ingitfile] @? "move of ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", ingitfile] @? "move of ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
test_copy :: Test
test_copy = "git-annex copy" ~: TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] @? "copy --from of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] @? "copy --from of file already here failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] @? "copy --to of file already there failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] @? "move --to of file already there failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile
unannexed ingitfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
git_annex "copy" ["--to", "origin", ingitfile] @? "copy of ingitfile should be no-op"
unannexed ingitfile
inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile
git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", ingitfile] @? "copy of ingitfile should be no-op"
checkregularfile ingitfile
checkcontent ingitfile
test_lock :: Test
test_lock = "git-annex unlock/lock" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
-- regression test: unlock of not present file should skip it
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] @? "unlock failed to fail with not present file"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] @? "unlock failed"
unannexed annexedfile
-- write different content, to verify that lock
-- throws it away
changecontent annexedfile
writeFile annexedfile $ content annexedfile ++ "foo"
git_annex "lock" [annexedfile] @? "lock failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] @? "unlock failed"
unannexed annexedfile
changecontent annexedfile
git_annex "add" [annexedfile] @? "add of modified file failed"
runchecks [checklink, checkunwritable] annexedfile
c <- readFile annexedfile
assertEqual "content of modified file" c (changedcontent annexedfile)
r' <- git_annex "drop" [annexedfile]
not r' @? "drop wrongly succeeded with no known copy of modified file"
test_edit :: Test
test_edit = "git-annex edit/commit" ~: TestList [t False, t True]
where t precommit = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "edit" [annexedfile] @? "edit failed"
unannexed annexedfile
changecontent annexedfile
if precommit
then do
-- pre-commit depends on the file being
-- staged, normally git commit does this
boolSystem "git" [Param "add", File annexedfile]
@? "git add of edited file failed"
git_annex "pre-commit" []
@? "pre-commit failed"
else do
boolSystem "git" [Params "commit -q -a -m contentchanged"]
@? "git commit of edited file failed"
runchecks [checklink, checkunwritable] annexedfile
c <- readFile annexedfile
assertEqual "content of modified file" c (changedcontent annexedfile)
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] @? "drop wrongly succeeded with no known copy of modified file"
test_fix :: Test
test_fix = "git-annex fix" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "fix" [annexedfile] @? "fix of not present failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "fix" [annexedfile] @? "fix of present file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
createDirectory subdir
boolSystem "git" [Param "mv", File annexedfile, File subdir]
@? "git mv failed"
git_annex "fix" [newfile] @? "fix of moved file failed"
runchecks [checklink, checkunwritable] newfile
c <- readFile newfile
assertEqual "content of moved file" c (content annexedfile)
subdir = "s"
newfile = subdir ++ "/" ++ annexedfile
test_trust :: Test
test_trust = "git-annex trust/untrust/semitrust/dead" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "trust" [repo] @? "trust failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.Trusted "trusted 1"
git_annex "trust" [repo] @? "trust of trusted failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.Trusted "trusted 2"
git_annex "untrust" [repo] @? "untrust failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.UnTrusted "untrusted 1"
git_annex "untrust" [repo] @? "untrust of untrusted failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.UnTrusted "untrusted 2"
git_annex "dead" [repo] @? "dead failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.DeadTrusted "deadtrusted 1"
git_annex "dead" [repo] @? "dead of dead failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.DeadTrusted "deadtrusted 2"
git_annex "semitrust" [repo] @? "semitrust failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.SemiTrusted "semitrusted 1"
git_annex "semitrust" [repo] @? "semitrust of semitrusted failed"
trustcheck Logs.Trust.SemiTrusted "semitrusted 2"
repo = "origin"
trustcheck expected msg = do
present <- annexeval $ do
l <- Logs.Trust.trustGet expected
u <- Remote.nameToUUID repo
return $ u `elem` l
assertBool msg present
test_fsck :: Test
test_fsck = "git-annex fsck" ~: TestList [basicfsck, barefsck, withlocaluntrusted, withremoteuntrusted]
basicfsck = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck failed"
boolSystem "git" [Params "config annex.numcopies 2"] @? "git config failed"
fsck_should_fail "numcopies unsatisfied"
boolSystem "git" [Params "config annex.numcopies 1"] @? "git config failed"
corrupt annexedfile
corrupt sha1annexedfile
barefsck = TestCase $ intmpbareclonerepo $ do
git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck failed"
withlocaluntrusted = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] @? "untrust of origin repo failed"
git_annex "untrust" ["."] @? "untrust of current repo failed"
fsck_should_fail "content only available in untrusted (current) repository"
git_annex "trust" ["."] @? "trust of current repo failed"
git_annex "fsck" [annexedfile] @? "fsck failed on file present in trusted repo"
withremoteuntrusted = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
boolSystem "git" [Params "config annex.numcopies 2"] @? "git config failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] @? "get failed"
git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck failed with numcopies=2 and 2 copies"
git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] @? "untrust of origin failed"
fsck_should_fail "content not replicated to enough non-untrusted repositories"
corrupt f = do
git_annex "get" [f] @? "get of file failed"
Utility.FileMode.allowWrite f
writeFile f (changedcontent f)
not <$> git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck failed to fail with corrupted file content"
git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck unexpectedly failed again; previous one did not fix problem with " ++ f
fsck_should_fail m = do
not <$> git_annex "fsck" [] @? "fsck failed to fail with " ++ m
test_migrate :: Test
test_migrate = "git-annex migrate" ~: TestList [t False, t True]
where t usegitattributes = TestCase $ intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
annexed_notpresent sha1annexedfile
git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile] @? "migrate of not present failed"
git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile] @? "migrate of not present failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
if usegitattributes
then do
writeFile ".gitattributes" $ "* annex.backend=SHA1"
git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile]
@? "migrate sha1annexedfile failed"
git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile]
@? "migrate annexedfile failed"
else do
git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile, "--backend", "SHA1"]
@? "migrate sha1annexedfile failed"
git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile, "--backend", "SHA1"]
@? "migrate annexedfile failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
checkbackend annexedfile backendSHA1
checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA1
-- check that reversing a migration works
writeFile ".gitattributes" $ "* annex.backend=SHA256"
git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile]
@? "migrate sha1annexedfile failed"
git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile]
@? "migrate annexedfile failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_present sha1annexedfile
checkbackend annexedfile backendSHA256
checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA256
test_unused :: Test
test_unused = "git-annex unused/dropunused" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
-- keys have to be looked up before files are removed
annexedfilekey <- annexeval $ findkey annexedfile
sha1annexedfilekey <- annexeval $ findkey sha1annexedfile
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
checkunused []
boolSystem "git" [Params "rm -q", File annexedfile] @? "git rm failed"
checkunused []
boolSystem "git" [Params "commit -q -m foo"] @? "git commit failed"
checkunused []
-- unused checks origin/master; once it's gone it is really unused
boolSystem "git" [Params "remote rm origin"] @? "git remote rm origin failed"
checkunused [annexedfilekey]
boolSystem "git" [Params "rm -q", File sha1annexedfile] @? "git rm failed"
boolSystem "git" [Params "commit -q -m foo"] @? "git commit failed"
checkunused [annexedfilekey, sha1annexedfilekey]
-- good opportunity to test dropkey also
git_annex "dropkey" ["--force", Types.Key.key2file annexedfilekey]
@? "dropkey failed"
checkunused [sha1annexedfilekey]
git_annex "dropunused" ["1", "2"] @? "dropunused failed"
checkunused []
git_annex "dropunused" ["10", "501"] @? "dropunused failed on bogus numbers"
checkunused expectedkeys = do
git_annex "unused" [] @? "unused failed"
unusedmap <- annexeval $ Logs.Unused.readUnusedLog ""
let unusedkeys = M.elems unusedmap
assertEqual "unused keys differ"
(sort expectedkeys) (sort unusedkeys)
findkey f = do
r <- Backend.lookupFile f
return $ fst $ fromJust r
test_describe :: Test
test_describe = "git-annex describe" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "describe" [".", "this repo"] @? "describe 1 failed"
git_annex "describe" ["origin", "origin repo"] @? "describe 2 failed"
test_find :: Test
test_find = "git-annex find" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] []
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
annexed_notpresent sha1annexedfile
git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] [annexedfile]
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--exclude", annexedfile, "--and", "--exclude", sha1annexedfile] []
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--include", annexedfile] [annexedfile]
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--not", "--in", "origin"] []
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--copies", "1", "--and", "--not", "--copies", "2"] [sha1annexedfile]
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--inbackend", "SHA1"] [sha1annexedfile]
git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--inbackend", "WORM"] []
test_merge :: Test
test_merge = "git-annex merge" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "merge" [] @? "merge failed"
test_status :: Test
test_status = "git-annex status" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
json <- git_annex_output "status" ["--json"]
case Text.JSON.decodeStrict json :: Text.JSON.Result (JSObject JSValue) of
Ok _ -> return ()
Error e -> assertFailure e
test_version :: Test
test_version = "git-annex version" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "version" [] @? "version failed"
test_sync :: Test
test_sync = "git-annex sync" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "sync" [] @? "sync failed"
test_map :: Test
test_map = "git-annex map" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
-- set descriptions, that will be looked for in the map
git_annex "describe" [".", "this repo"] @? "describe 1 failed"
git_annex "describe" ["origin", "origin repo"] @? "describe 2 failed"
-- --fast avoids it running graphviz, not a build dependency
git_annex "map" ["--fast"] @? "map failed"
test_uninit :: Test
test_uninit = "git-annex uninit" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "get" [] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
boolSystem "git" [Params "checkout git-annex"] @? "git checkout git-annex"
not <$> git_annex "uninit" [] @? "uninit failed to fail when git-annex branch was checked out"
boolSystem "git" [Params "checkout master"] @? "git checkout master"
_ <- git_annex "uninit" [] -- exit status not checked; does abnormal exit
checkregularfile annexedfile
doesDirectoryExist ".git" @? ".git vanished in uninit"
not <$> doesDirectoryExist ".git/annex" @? ".git/annex still present after uninit"
test_upgrade :: Test
test_upgrade = "git-annex upgrade" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "upgrade" [] @? "upgrade from same version failed"
test_whereis :: Test
test_whereis = "git-annex whereis" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "whereis" [annexedfile] @? "whereis on non-present file failed"
git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] @? "untrust failed"
not <$> git_annex "whereis" [annexedfile] @? "whereis on non-present file only present in untrusted repo failed to fail"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "whereis" [annexedfile] @? "whereis on present file failed"
test_hook_remote :: Test
test_hook_remote = "git-annex hook remote" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=hook encryption=none hooktype=foo") @? "initremote failed"
createDirectory dir
git_config "annex.foo-store-hook" $
"cp $ANNEX_FILE " ++ loc
git_config "annex.foo-retrieve-hook" $
"cp " ++ loc ++ " $ANNEX_FILE"
git_config "annex.foo-remove-hook" $
"rm -f " ++ loc
git_config "annex.foo-checkpresent-hook" $
"if [ -e " ++ loc ++ " ]; then echo $ANNEX_KEY; fi"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] @? "copy --to hook remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "move --from hook remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed to fail"
annexed_present annexedfile
dir = "dir"
loc = dir ++ "/$ANNEX_KEY"
git_config k v = boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param k, Param v]
@? "git config failed"
test_directory_remote :: Test
test_directory_remote = "git-annex directory remote" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
createDirectory "dir"
git_annex "initremote" (words $ "foo type=directory encryption=none directory=dir") @? "initremote failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] @? "copy --to directory remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "move --from directory remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed to fail"
annexed_present annexedfile
test_rsync_remote :: Test
test_rsync_remote = "git-annex rsync remote" ~: intmpclonerepo $ do
createDirectory "dir"
git_annex "initremote" (words $ "foo type=rsync encryption=none rsyncurl=dir") @? "initremote failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] @? "copy --to rsync remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "move --from rsync remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed to fail"
annexed_present annexedfile
test_bup_remote :: Test
test_bup_remote = "git-annex bup remote" ~: intmpclonerepo $ when Build.SysConfig.bup $ do
dir <- absPath "dir" -- bup special remote needs an absolute path
createDirectory dir
git_annex "initremote" (words $ "foo type=bup encryption=none buprepo="++dir) @? "initremote failed"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] @? "copy --to bup remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "copy --from bup remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "move --from bup remote failed to fail"
annexed_present annexedfile
-- gpg is not a build dependency, so only test when it's available
test_crypto :: Test
test_crypto = "git-annex crypto" ~: intmpclonerepo $ when Build.SysConfig.gpg $ do
-- force gpg into batch mode for the tests
setEnv "GPG_BATCH" "1" True
Utility.Gpg.testTestHarness @? "test harness self-test failed"
Utility.Gpg.testHarness $ do
createDirectory "dir"
let initremote = git_annex "initremote"
[ "foo"
, "type=directory"
, "encryption=" ++ Utility.Gpg.testKeyId
, "directory=dir"
initremote @? "initremote failed"
initremote @? "initremote failed when run twice in a row"
git_annex "get" [annexedfile] @? "get of file failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] @? "copy --to encrypted remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed"
annexed_notpresent annexedfile
git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] @? "move --from encrypted remote failed"
annexed_present annexedfile
not <$> git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] @? "drop failed to fail"
annexed_present annexedfile
-- This is equivilant to running git-annex, but it's all run in-process
-- so test coverage collection works.
git_annex :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
git_annex command params = do
-- catch all errors, including normally fatal errors
r <- try (run)::IO (Either SomeException ())
case r of
Right _ -> return True
Left _ -> return False
run = GitAnnex.run (command:"-q":params)
{- Runs git-annex and returns its output. -}
git_annex_output :: String -> [String] -> IO String
git_annex_output command params = do
(frompipe, topipe) <- createPipe
pid <- forkProcess $ do
_ <- dupTo topipe stdOutput
closeFd frompipe
_ <- git_annex command params
-- XXX since the above is a separate process, code coverage stats are
-- not gathered for things run in it.
closeFd topipe
fromh <- fdToHandle frompipe
got <- hGetContentsStrict fromh
hClose fromh
_ <- getProcessStatus True False pid
-- XXX hack Run same command again, to get code coverage.
_ <- git_annex command params
return got
git_annex_expectoutput :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
git_annex_expectoutput command params expected = do
got <- lines <$> git_annex_output command params
got == expected @? ("unexpected value running " ++ command ++ " " ++ show params ++ " -- got: " ++ show got ++ " expected: " ++ show expected)
-- Runs an action in the current annex. Note that shutdown actions
-- are not run; this should only be used for actions that query state.
annexeval :: Types.Annex a -> IO a
annexeval a = do
s <- Annex.new =<< Git.CurrentRepo.get
Annex.eval s $ do
Annex.setOutput Types.Messages.QuietOutput
innewrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
innewrepo a = withgitrepo $ \r -> indir r a
inmainrepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
inmainrepo a = indir mainrepodir a
intmpclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
intmpclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo False $ \r -> indir r a
intmpbareclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
intmpbareclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo True $ \r -> indir r a
withtmpclonerepo :: Bool -> (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
withtmpclonerepo bare = bracket (clonerepo mainrepodir tmprepodir bare) cleanup
withgitrepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
withgitrepo = bracket (setuprepo mainrepodir) return
indir :: FilePath -> Assertion -> Assertion
indir dir a = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
-- Assertion failures throw non-IO errors; catch
-- any type of error and change back to cwd before
-- rethrowing.
r <- bracket_ (changeToTmpDir dir) (changeWorkingDirectory cwd)
(try (a)::IO (Either SomeException ()))
case r of
Right () -> return ()
Left e -> throw e
setuprepo :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
setuprepo dir = do
cleanup dir
boolSystem "git" [Params "init -q", File dir] @? "git init failed"
indir dir $ do
boolSystem "git" [Params "config user.name", Param "Test User"] @? "git config failed"
boolSystem "git" [Params "config user.email test@example.com"] @? "git config failed"
return dir
-- clones are always done as local clones; we cannot test ssh clones
clonerepo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO FilePath
clonerepo old new bare = do
cleanup new
let b = if bare then " --bare" else ""
boolSystem "git" [Params ("clone -q" ++ b), File old, File new] @? "git clone failed"
indir new $ git_annex "init" ["-q", new] @? "git annex init failed"
return new
ensuretmpdir :: IO ()
ensuretmpdir = do
e <- doesDirectoryExist tmpdir
unless e $
createDirectory tmpdir
cleanup :: FilePath -> IO ()
cleanup dir = do
e <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when e $ do
-- git-annex prevents annexed file content from being
-- removed via directory permissions; undo
recurseDir SystemFS dir >>=
filterM doesDirectoryExist >>=
mapM_ Utility.FileMode.allowWrite
removeDirectoryRecursive dir
checklink :: FilePath -> Assertion
checklink f = do
s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"
checkregularfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkregularfile f = do
s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
isRegularFile s @? f ++ " is not a normal file"
return ()
checkcontent :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkcontent f = do
c <- readFile f
assertEqual ("checkcontent " ++ f) c (content f)
checkunwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkunwritable f = do
-- Look at permissions bits rather than trying to write or using
-- fileAccess because if run as root, any file can be modified
-- despite permissions.
s <- getFileStatus f
let mode = fileMode s
if (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode)
then assertFailure $ "able to modify annexed file's " ++ f ++ " content"
else return ()
checkwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkwritable f = do
r <- tryIO $ writeFile f $ content f
case r of
Left _ -> assertFailure $ "unable to modify " ++ f
Right _ -> return ()
checkdangling :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkdangling f = do
r <- tryIO $ readFile f
case r of
Left _ -> return () -- expected; dangling link
Right _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " was not a dangling link as expected"
checklocationlog :: FilePath -> Bool -> Assertion
checklocationlog f expected = do
thisuuid <- annexeval Annex.UUID.getUUID
r <- annexeval $ Backend.lookupFile f
case r of
Just (k, _) -> do
uuids <- annexeval $ Remote.keyLocations k
assertEqual ("bad content in location log for " ++ f ++ " key " ++ (Types.Key.key2file k) ++ " uuid " ++ show thisuuid)
expected (thisuuid `elem` uuids)
_ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " failed to look up key"
checkbackend :: FilePath -> Types.Backend -> Assertion
checkbackend file expected = do
r <- annexeval $ Backend.lookupFile file
let b = snd $ fromJust r
assertEqual ("backend for " ++ file) expected b
inlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
inlocationlog f = checklocationlog f True
notinlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
notinlocationlog f = checklocationlog f False
runchecks :: [FilePath -> Assertion] -> FilePath -> Assertion
runchecks [] _ = return ()
runchecks (a:as) f = do
a f
runchecks as f
annexed_notpresent :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_notpresent = runchecks
[checklink, checkdangling, notinlocationlog]
annexed_present :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present = runchecks
[checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog]
unannexed :: FilePath -> Assertion
unannexed = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable]
prepare :: IO ()
prepare = do
-- While PATH is mostly avoided, the commit hook does run it. Make
-- sure that the just-built git annex is used.
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
p <- getEnvDefault "PATH" ""
setEnv "PATH" (cwd ++ ":" ++ p) True
setEnv "TOPDIR" cwd True
-- Avoid git complaining if it cannot determine the user's email
-- address.
setEnv "EMAIL" "git-annex test <test@example.com>" True
changeToTmpDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
changeToTmpDir t = do
-- Hack alert. Threading state to here was too much bother.
topdir <- getEnvDefault "TOPDIR" ""
changeWorkingDirectory $ topdir ++ "/" ++ t
tmpdir :: String
tmpdir = ".t"
mainrepodir :: String
mainrepodir = tmpdir ++ "/repo"
tmprepodir :: String
tmprepodir = tmpdir ++ "/tmprepo"
annexedfile :: String
annexedfile = "foo"
wormannexedfile :: String
wormannexedfile = "apple"
sha1annexedfile :: String
sha1annexedfile = "sha1foo"
sha1annexedfiledup :: String
sha1annexedfiledup = "sha1foodup"
ingitfile :: String
ingitfile = "bar"
content :: FilePath -> String
content f
| f == annexedfile = "annexed file content"
| f == ingitfile = "normal file content"
| f == sha1annexedfile ="sha1 annexed file content"
| f == sha1annexedfiledup = content sha1annexedfile
| f == wormannexedfile = "worm annexed file content"
| otherwise = "unknown file " ++ f
changecontent :: FilePath -> IO ()
changecontent f = writeFile f $ changedcontent f
changedcontent :: FilePath -> String
changedcontent f = (content f) ++ " (modified)"
backendSHA1 :: Types.Backend
backendSHA1 = backend_ "SHA1"
backendSHA256 :: Types.Backend
backendSHA256 = backend_ "SHA256"
backendWORM :: Types.Backend
backendWORM = backend_ "WORM"
backend_ :: String -> Types.Backend
backend_ name = Backend.lookupBackendName name