Fully tested and working, including resuming and encryption. (Though not resuming when sending *with* encryption; gpg doesn't produce identical output each time.) Uses same layout as the directory special remote and the .git/annex/objects/ directory.
259 lines
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259 lines
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{- git-annex utility functions
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility (
) where
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.User
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Path
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Foreign (complement)
import Data.List
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
{- A type for parameters passed to a shell command. A command can
- be passed either some Params (multiple parameters can be included,
- whitespace-separated, or a single Param (for when parameters contain
- whitespace), or a File.
data CommandParam = Params String | Param String | File FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
{- Used to pass a list of CommandParams to a function that runs
- a command and expects Strings. -}
toCommand :: [CommandParam] -> [String]
toCommand l = concat $ map unwrap l
unwrap (Param s) = [s]
unwrap (Params s) = filter (not . null) (split " " s)
-- Files that start with a dash are modified to avoid
-- the command interpreting them as options.
unwrap (File ('-':s)) = ["./-" ++ s]
unwrap (File s) = [s]
{- Run a system command, and returns True or False
- if it succeeded or failed.
- SIGINT(ctrl-c) is allowed to propigate and will terminate the program.
boolSystem :: FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
boolSystem command params = do
-- Going low-level because all the high-level system functions
-- block SIGINT etc. We need to block SIGCHLD, but allow
-- SIGINT to do its default program termination.
let sigset = addSignal sigCHLD emptySignalSet
oldint <- installHandler sigINT Default Nothing
oldset <- getSignalMask
blockSignals sigset
childpid <- forkProcess $ childaction oldint oldset
mps <- getProcessStatus True False childpid
restoresignals oldint oldset
case mps of
Just (Exited ExitSuccess) -> return True
_ -> return False
restoresignals oldint oldset = do
_ <- installHandler sigINT oldint Nothing
setSignalMask oldset
childaction oldint oldset = do
restoresignals oldint oldset
executeFile command True (toCommand params) Nothing
{- Escapes a filename or other parameter to be safely able to be exposed to
- the shell. -}
shellEscape :: String -> String
shellEscape f = "'" ++ escaped ++ "'"
-- replace ' with '"'"'
escaped = join "'\"'\"'" $ split "'" f
{- Unescapes a set of shellEscaped words or filenames. -}
shellUnEscape :: String -> [String]
shellUnEscape [] = []
shellUnEscape s = word:(shellUnEscape rest)
(word, rest) = findword "" s
findword w [] = (w, "")
findword w (c:cs)
| c == ' ' = (w, cs)
| c == '\'' = inquote c w cs
| c == '"' = inquote c w cs
| otherwise = findword (w++[c]) cs
inquote _ w [] = (w, "")
inquote q w (c:cs)
| c == q = findword w cs
| otherwise = inquote q (w++[c]) cs
{- For quickcheck. -}
prop_idempotent_shellEscape :: String -> Bool
prop_idempotent_shellEscape s = [s] == (shellUnEscape $ shellEscape s)
prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword :: [String] -> Bool
prop_idempotent_shellEscape_multiword s = s == (shellUnEscape $ unwords $ map shellEscape s)
{- A version of hgetContents that is not lazy. Ensures file is
- all read before it gets closed. -}
hGetContentsStrict :: Handle -> IO String
hGetContentsStrict h = hGetContents h >>= \s -> length s `seq` return s
{- A version of readFile that is not lazy. -}
readFileStrict :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileStrict f = readFile f >>= \s -> length s `seq` return s
{- Returns the parent directory of a path. Parent of / is "" -}
parentDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
parentDir dir =
if not $ null dirs
then slash ++ join s (take (length dirs - 1) dirs)
else ""
dirs = filter (not . null) $ split s dir
slash = if isAbsolute dir then s else ""
s = [pathSeparator]
prop_parentDir_basics :: FilePath -> Bool
prop_parentDir_basics dir
| null dir = True
| dir == "/" = parentDir dir == ""
| otherwise = p /= dir
p = parentDir dir
{- Checks if the first FilePath is, or could be said to contain the second.
- For example, "foo/" contains "foo/bar". Also, "foo", "./foo", "foo/" etc
- are all equivilant.
dirContains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (a'++"/") `isPrefixOf` b'
norm p = case (absNormPath p ".") of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> ""
a' = norm a
b' = norm b
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path. -}
absPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
absPath file = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ absPathFrom cwd file
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path
- from the specified cwd. -}
absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
absPathFrom cwd file =
case absNormPath cwd file of
Just f -> f
Nothing -> error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- Constructs a relative path from the CWD to a file.
- For example, assuming CWD is /tmp/foo/bar:
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo" == ".."
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo/bar" == ""
relPathCwdToFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
relPathCwdToFile f = liftM2 relPathDirToFile getCurrentDirectory (absPath f)
{- Constructs a relative path from a directory to a file.
- Both must be absolute, and normalized (eg with absNormpath).
relPathDirToFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
relPathDirToFile from to = path
s = [pathSeparator]
pfrom = split s from
pto = split s to
common = map fst $ filter same $ zip pfrom pto
same (c,d) = c == d
uncommon = drop numcommon pto
dotdots = replicate (length pfrom - numcommon) ".."
numcommon = length common
path = join s $ dotdots ++ uncommon
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics from to
| from == to = null r
| otherwise = not (null r)
r = relPathDirToFile from to
{- Removes a FileMode from a file.
- For example, call with otherWriteMode to chmod o-w -}
unsetFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
unsetFileMode f m = do
s <- getFileStatus f
setFileMode f $ fileMode s `intersectFileModes` complement m
{- Attempts to read a value from a String. -}
readMaybe :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s = case reads s of
((x,_):_) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
{- Writes a file using a temp file that is renamed atomically into place. -}
safeWriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
safeWriteFile file content = do
pid <- getProcessID
let tmpfile = file ++ ".tmp" ++ show pid
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
writeFile tmpfile content
renameFile tmpfile file
{- Lists the contents of a directory.
- Unlike getDirectoryContents, paths are not relative to the directory. -}
dirContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
dirContents d = do
c <- getDirectoryContents d
return $ map (d </>) $ filter notcruft c
notcruft "." = False
notcruft ".." = False
notcruft _ = True
{- Current user's home directory. -}
myHomeDir :: IO FilePath
myHomeDir = do
uid <- getEffectiveUserID
u <- getUserEntryForID uid
return $ homeDirectory u
{- Catches IO errors and returns a Bool -}
catchBool :: IO Bool -> IO Bool
catchBool = flip catch (const $ return False)