File mode is octal not decimal. This broke in the conversion to attoparsec. (I've submitted the content of Utility.Attoparsec to the attoparsec developers.) Test suite passes 100% now.
21 lines
556 B
21 lines
556 B
{- attoparsec utility functions
- Copyright 2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Copyright 2007-2015 Bryan O'Sullivan
- License: BSD-3-clause
module Utility.Attoparsec where
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-- | Parse and decode an unsigned octal number.
-- This parser does not accept a leading @\"0o\"@ string.
octal :: Integral a => A.Parser a
octal = B.foldl' step 0 `fmap` A.takeWhile1 isOctDigit
isOctDigit w = w >= 48 && w <= 55
step a w = a * 8 + fromIntegral (w - 48)