* Fix minor FD leak in journal code. Closes: #754608 * direct: Fix handling of case where a work tree subdirectory cannot be written to due to permissions. * migrate: Avoid re-checksumming when migrating from hashE to hash backend. * uninit: Avoid failing final removal in some direct mode repositories due to file modes. * S3: Deal with AWS ACL configurations that do not allow creating or checking the location of a bucket, but only reading and writing content to it. * resolvemerge: New plumbing command that runs the automatic merge conflict resolver. * Deal with change in git 2.0 that made indirect mode merge conflict resolution leave behind old files. * sync: Fix git sync with local git remotes even when they don't have an annex.uuid set. (The assistant already did so.) * Set gcrypt-publish-participants when setting up a gcrypt repository, to avoid unncessary passphrase prompts. This is a security/usability tradeoff. To avoid exposing the gpg key ids who can decrypt the repository, users can unset gcrypt-publish-participants. * Install nautilus hooks even when ~/.local/share/nautilus/ does not yet exist, since it is not automatically created for Gnome 3 users. * Windows: Move .vbs files out of git\bin, to avoid that being in the PATH, which caused some weird breakage. (Thanks, divB) * Windows: Fix locking issue that prevented the webapp starting (since 5.20140707). # imported from the archive
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{- common command-line options
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module CmdLine.Option (
) where
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import Types.Messages
import Types.DesktopNotify
import Limit
import CmdLine.Usage
commonOptions :: [Option]
commonOptions =
[ Option [] ["force"] (NoArg (setforce True))
"allow actions that may lose annexed data"
, Option ['F'] ["fast"] (NoArg (setfast True))
"avoid slow operations"
, Option ['a'] ["auto"] (NoArg (setauto True))
"automatic mode"
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (Annex.setOutput QuietOutput))
"avoid verbose output"
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (Annex.setOutput NormalOutput))
"allow verbose output (default)"
, Option ['d'] ["debug"] (NoArg setdebug)
"show debug messages"
, Option [] ["no-debug"] (NoArg unsetdebug)
"don't show debug messages"
, Option ['b'] ["backend"] (ReqArg setforcebackend paramName)
"specify key-value backend to use"
, Option [] ["notify-finish"] (NoArg (setdesktopnotify mkNotifyFinish))
"show desktop notification after transfer finishes"
, Option [] ["notify-start"] (NoArg (setdesktopnotify mkNotifyStart))
"show desktop notification after transfer completes"
setforce v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.force = v }
setfast v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.fast = v }
setauto v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.auto = v }
setforcebackend v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.forcebackend = Just v }
setdebug = Annex.changeGitConfig $ \c -> c { annexDebug = True }
unsetdebug = Annex.changeGitConfig $ \c -> c { annexDebug = False }
setdesktopnotify v = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.desktopnotify = Annex.desktopnotify s <> v }
matcherOptions :: [Option]
matcherOptions =
[ longopt "not" "negate next option"
, longopt "and" "both previous and next option must match"
, longopt "or" "either previous or next option must match"
, shortopt "(" "open group of options"
, shortopt ")" "close group of options"
longopt o = Option [] [o] $ NoArg $ addToken o
shortopt o = Option o [] $ NoArg $ addToken o
{- An option that sets a flag. -}
flagOption :: String -> String -> String -> Option
flagOption short opt description =
Option short [opt] (NoArg (Annex.setFlag opt)) description
{- An option that sets a field. -}
fieldOption :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Option
fieldOption short opt paramdesc description =
Option short [opt] (ReqArg (Annex.setField opt) paramdesc) description
{- The flag or field name used for an option. -}
optionName :: Option -> String
optionName (Option _ o _ _) = Prelude.head o