Joey Hess eba68572dc
Split lines in the git-annex branch on \r as well as \n, to deal with \r\n terminated lines written by some versions of git-annex on Windows.
This fixes strange displays in some cases, including whereis showing
many duplicate locations, and showing more total copies than actually

It's unknown if that lead to data loss when eg, dropping. At the moment,
it seems unlikely it could, since the UUID with \r's appended is not the
same as a UUID without, and so no remote matches it.

It's also unknown if \r's can leak in on windows, perhaps when merging the
git-annex branch.
2016-05-27 11:45:13 -04:00

65 lines
1.7 KiB

{- git-annex single-value log
- This is used to store a value in a way that can be union merged.
- A line of the log will look like: "timestamp value"
- The line with the newest timestamp wins.
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.SingleValue where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs.TimeStamp
import Logs.Line
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
class SingleValueSerializable v where
serialize :: v -> String
deserialize :: String -> Maybe v
data LogEntry v = LogEntry
{ changed :: POSIXTime
, value :: v
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Log v = S.Set (LogEntry v)
showLog :: (SingleValueSerializable v) => Log v -> String
showLog = unlines . map showline . S.toList
showline (LogEntry t v) = unwords [show t, serialize v]
parseLog :: (Ord v, SingleValueSerializable v) => String -> Log v
parseLog = S.fromList . mapMaybe parse . splitLines
parse line = do
let (ts, s) = splitword line
date <- parsePOSIXTime ts
v <- deserialize s
Just (LogEntry date v)
splitword = separate (== ' ')
newestValue :: Log v -> Maybe v
newestValue s
| S.null s = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (value $ S.findMax s)
readLog :: (Ord v, SingleValueSerializable v) => FilePath -> Annex (Log v)
readLog = parseLog <$$> Annex.Branch.get
getLog :: (Ord v, SingleValueSerializable v) => FilePath -> Annex (Maybe v)
getLog = newestValue <$$> readLog
setLog :: (SingleValueSerializable v) => FilePath -> v -> Annex ()
setLog f v = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
let ent = LogEntry now v
Annex.Branch.change f $ \_old -> showLog (S.singleton ent)