Deleting directories is one of the great unsolved problems of CS, thanks to abominations like NFS lock files and Windows and races with other processes cleaning up after themselves in the background. The gpg test harness sometimes failed to delete its temp directory on NFS. Avoid the problem class by not deleting it at all, and putting it inside the tmp repo being tested. The test suite's more robust (and/or nonsensical) workarounds for deleting its test dir will thus be used, hopefully avoiding the problem until an OS finds a new way to violate POSIX and the laws of nature. Note that this means that the .gnupg directory will be on whatever filesystem the test suite is being run on, which may be a lesser quality filesystem than gpg is really expecting. Gpg does not seem to need to write sockets etc to there so this seems ok. The only known problem is that if the filesystem forces a directory mode like 777, gpg will warn about unsafe home directory perms, but it still works.
422 lines
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422 lines
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{- gpg interface
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.Gpg where
import Common
import qualified BuildInfo
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.IO
import Utility.Env
import Utility.Env.Set
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.Format (decode_c)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
type KeyId = String
newtype KeyIds = KeyIds { keyIds :: [KeyId] }
deriving (Ord, Eq)
newtype GpgCmd = GpgCmd { unGpgCmd :: String }
{- Get gpg command to use, Just what's specified or, if a specific gpg
- command was found at configure time, use it, or otherwise, "gpg". -}
mkGpgCmd :: Maybe FilePath -> GpgCmd
mkGpgCmd (Just c) = GpgCmd c
mkGpgCmd Nothing = GpgCmd (fromMaybe "gpg" BuildInfo.gpg)
boolGpgCmd :: GpgCmd -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
boolGpgCmd (GpgCmd cmd) = boolSystem cmd
-- Generate an argument list to asymetrically encrypt to the given recipients.
pkEncTo :: [String] -> [CommandParam]
pkEncTo = concatMap (\r -> [Param "--recipient", Param r])
stdParams :: [CommandParam] -> IO [String]
stdParams params = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- Enable batch mode if GPG_AGENT_INFO is set, to avoid extraneous
-- gpg output about password prompts. GPG_BATCH is set by the test
-- suite for a similar reason.
e <- getEnv "GPG_AGENT_INFO"
b <- getEnv "GPG_BATCH"
let batch = if isNothing e && isNothing b
then []
else ["--batch", "--no-tty", "--use-agent"]
return $ batch ++ defaults ++ toCommand params
return $ defaults ++ toCommand params
-- Be quiet, even about checking the trustdb.
defaults = ["--quiet", "--trust-model", "always"]
{- Usual options for symmetric / public-key encryption. -}
stdEncryptionParams :: Bool -> [CommandParam]
stdEncryptionParams symmetric = enc symmetric ++
[ Param "--force-mdc"
, Param "--no-textmode"
enc True = [ Param "--symmetric" ]
-- Force gpg to only encrypt to the specified recipients, not
-- configured defaults. Recipients are assumed to be specified in
-- elsewhere.
enc False =
[ Param "--encrypt"
, Param "--no-encrypt-to"
, Param "--no-default-recipient"
{- Runs gpg with some params and returns its stdout, strictly. -}
readStrict :: GpgCmd -> [CommandParam] -> IO String
readStrict (GpgCmd cmd) params = do
params' <- stdParams params
withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess (proc cmd params') $ \h -> do
hSetBinaryMode h True
hGetContentsStrict h
{- Runs gpg, piping an input value to it, and returning its stdout,
- strictly. -}
pipeStrict :: GpgCmd -> [CommandParam] -> String -> IO String
pipeStrict (GpgCmd cmd) params input = do
params' <- stdParams params
withIOHandles createProcessSuccess (proc cmd params') $ \(to, from) -> do
hSetBinaryMode to True
hSetBinaryMode from True
hPutStr to input
hClose to
hGetContentsStrict from
{- Runs gpg with some parameters. First sends it a passphrase (unless it
- is empty) via '--passphrase-fd'. Then runs a feeder action that is
- passed a handle and should write to it all the data to input to gpg.
- Finally, runs a reader action that is passed a handle to gpg's
- output.
- Runs gpg in batch mode; this is necessary to avoid gpg 2.x prompting for
- the passphrase.
- Note that to avoid deadlock with the cleanup stage,
- the reader must fully consume gpg's input before returning. -}
feedRead :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => GpgCmd -> [CommandParam] -> String -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
feedRead cmd params passphrase feeder reader = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- pipe the passphrase into gpg on a fd
(frompipe, topipe) <- liftIO System.Posix.IO.createPipe
liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ do
toh <- fdToHandle topipe
hPutStrLn toh passphrase
hClose toh
let Fd pfd = frompipe
let passphrasefd = [Param "--passphrase-fd", Param $ show pfd]
liftIO (closeFd frompipe) `after` go (passphrasefd ++ params)
-- store the passphrase in a temp file for gpg
withTmpFile "gpg" $ \tmpfile h -> do
liftIO $ hPutStr h passphrase
liftIO $ hClose h
let passphrasefile = [Param "--passphrase-file", File tmpfile]
go $ passphrasefile ++ params
go params' = pipeLazy cmd params' feeder reader
{- Like feedRead, but without passphrase. -}
pipeLazy :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => GpgCmd -> [CommandParam] -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
pipeLazy (GpgCmd cmd) params feeder reader = do
params' <- liftIO $ stdParams $ Param "--batch" : params
let p = (proc cmd params')
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = Inherit
bracket (setup p) (cleanup p) go
setup = liftIO . createProcess
cleanup p (_, _, _, pid) = liftIO $ forceSuccessProcess p pid
go p = do
let (to, from) = ioHandles p
liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ do
feeder to
hClose to
reader from
{- Finds gpg public keys matching some string. (Could be an email address,
- a key id, or a name; See the section 'HOW TO SPECIFY A USER ID' of
- GnuPG's manpage.) -}
findPubKeys :: GpgCmd -> String -> IO KeyIds
findPubKeys cmd for
-- pass forced subkey through as-is rather than
-- looking up the master key.
| isForcedSubKey for = return $ KeyIds [for]
| otherwise = KeyIds . parse . lines <$> readStrict cmd params
params = [Param "--with-colons", Param "--list-public-keys", Param for]
parse = mapMaybe (keyIdField . splitc ':')
keyIdField ("pub":_:_:_:f:_) = Just f
keyIdField _ = Nothing
{- "subkey!" tells gpg to force use of a specific subkey -}
isForcedSubKey :: String -> Bool
isForcedSubKey s = "!" `isSuffixOf` s && all isHexDigit (drop 1 (reverse s))
type UserId = String
{- All of the user's secret keys, with their UserIds.
- Note that the UserId may be empty. -}
secretKeys :: GpgCmd -> IO (M.Map KeyId UserId)
secretKeys cmd = catchDefaultIO M.empty makemap
makemap = M.fromList . parse . lines <$> readStrict cmd params
params = [Param "--with-colons", Param "--list-secret-keys", Param "--fixed-list-mode"]
parse = extract [] Nothing . map (splitc ':')
extract c (Just keyid) (("uid":_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:userid:_):rest) =
-- If the userid contains a ":" or a few other special
-- characters, gpg will hex-escape it. Use decode_c to
-- undo.
extract ((keyid, decode_c userid):c) Nothing rest
extract c (Just keyid) rest@(("sec":_):_) =
extract ((keyid, ""):c) Nothing rest
extract c (Just keyid) (_:rest) =
extract c (Just keyid) rest
extract c _ [] = c
extract c _ (("sec":_:_:_:keyid:_):rest) =
extract c (Just keyid) rest
extract c k (_:rest) =
extract c k rest
type Passphrase = String
type Size = Int
data KeyType = Algo Int | DSA | RSA
{- The maximum key size that gpg currently offers in its UI when
- making keys. -}
maxRecommendedKeySize :: Size
maxRecommendedKeySize = 4096
{- Generates a secret key using the experimental batch mode.
- The key is added to the secret key ring.
- Can take a very long time, depending on system entropy levels.
genSecretKey :: GpgCmd -> KeyType -> Passphrase -> UserId -> Size -> IO ()
genSecretKey (GpgCmd cmd) keytype passphrase userid keysize =
withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess (proc cmd params) feeder
params = ["--batch", "--gen-key"]
feeder h = do
hPutStr h $ unlines $ catMaybes
[ Just $ "Key-Type: " ++
case keytype of
DSA -> "DSA"
RSA -> "RSA"
Algo n -> show n
, Just $ "Key-Length: " ++ show keysize
, Just $ "Name-Real: " ++ userid
, Just "Expire-Date: 0"
, if null passphrase
then Nothing
else Just $ "Passphrase: " ++ passphrase
hClose h
{- Creates a block of high-quality random data suitable to use as a cipher.
- It is armored, to avoid newlines, since gpg only reads ciphers up to the
- first newline. -}
genRandom :: GpgCmd -> Bool -> Size -> IO String
genRandom cmd highQuality size = checksize <$> readStrict cmd params
params =
[ Param "--gen-random"
, Param "--armor"
, Param $ show randomquality
, Param $ show size
-- See http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gcrypt/Quality-of-random-numbers.html
-- for the meaning of random quality levels.
-- The highest available is 2, which is the default for OpenPGP
-- key generation; Note that it uses the blocking PRNG /dev/random
-- on the Linux kernel, hence the running time may take a while.
randomquality :: Int
randomquality = if highQuality then 2 else 1
{- The size is the number of bytes of entropy desired; the data is
- base64 encoded, so needs 8 bits to represent every 6 bytes of
- entropy. -}
expectedlength = size * 8 `div` 6
checksize s = let len = length s in
if len >= expectedlength
then s
else shortread len
shortread got = giveup $ unwords
[ "Not enough bytes returned from gpg", show params
, "(got", show got, "; expected", show expectedlength, ")"
{- A test key. This is provided pre-generated since generating a new gpg
- key is too much work (requires too much entropy) for a test suite to
- do.
- This key was generated with no exipiration date, and a small keysize.
- It has an empty passphrase. -}
testKeyId :: String
testKeyId = "129D6E0AC537B9C7"
testKey :: String
testKey = keyBlock True
[ "mI0ETvFAZgEEAKnqwWgZqznMhi1RQExem2H8t3OyKDxaNN3rBN8T6LWGGqAYV4wT"
, "r8In5tfsnz64bKpE1Qi68JURFwYmthgUL9N48tbODU8t3xzijdjLOSaTyqkH1ik6"
, "EyulfKN63xLne9i4F9XqNwpiZzukXYbNfHkDA2yb0M6g4UFKLY/fNzGXABEBAAG0"
, "W2luc2VjdXJlIHRlc3Qga2V5ICh0aGlzIGlzIGEgdGVzdCBrZXksIGRvIG5vdCB1"
, "c2UgZm9yIGFjdHVhbCBlbmNyeXB0aW9uKSA8dGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbT6IuAQT"
, "uceQ9wP/YMd1f0+/eLLcwGXNBvGqyVhUOfAKknO1bMzGbqTsq9g60qegy/cldqee"
, "xVxNfy0VN//JeMfgdcb8+RgJYLoaMrTy9CcsUcFPxtwN9tcLmsM0V2/fNmmFBO9t"
, "v75iH+zeFbNg0/FbPkHiN6Mjw7P2gXYKQXgTvQZBWaphk8oQlBm4jQRO8UBmAQQA"
, "vdi50M/WRCkOLt2RsUve8V8brMWYTJBJTTWoHUeRr82v4NCdX7OE1BsoVK8cy/1Q"
, "Y+gLOH9PqinuGGNWRmPV2Ju/RYn5H7sdewXA8E80xWhc4phHRMJ8Jjhg/GVPamkJ"
, "8B5zeKF0jcLFl7cuVdOyQakhoeDWJd0CyfW837nmPtMAEQEAAYifBBgBCAAJBQJO"
, "8UBmAhsMAAoJEBKdbgrFN7nHclAEAKBShuP/toH03atDUQTbGE34CA4yEC9BVghi"
, "7kviOZlOz2s8xAfp/8AYsrECx1kgbXcA7JD902eNyp7NzXsdJX0zJwHqiuZW0XlD"
, "T8ZJu4qrYRYgl/790WPESZ+ValvHD/fqkR38RF4tfxvyoMhhp0roGmJY33GASIG/"
, "+gQkDF9/"
, "=1k11"
testSecretKey :: String
testSecretKey = keyBlock False
[ "lQHYBE7xQGYBBACp6sFoGas5zIYtUUBMXpth/Ldzsig8WjTd6wTfE+i1hhqgGFeM"
, "E6/CJ+bX7J8+uGyqRNUIuvCVERcGJrYYFC/TePLWzg1PLd8c4o3Yyzkmk8qpB9Yp"
, "OhMrpXyjet8S53vYuBfV6jcKYmc7pF2GzXx5AwNsm9DOoOFBSi2P3zcxlwARAQAB"
, "AAP+PlRboxy7Z0XjuG70N6+CrzSddQbW5KCwgPFrxYsPk7sAPFcBkmRMVlv9vZpS"
, "phbP4bvDK+MrSntM51g+9uE802yhPhSWdmEbImiWfV2ucEhlLjD8gw7JDex9XZ0a"
, "EbTOV56wOsILuedX/jF/6i6IQzy5YmuMeo+ip1XQIsIN+80CAMyXepOBJgHw/gBD"
, "VdXh/l//vUkQQlhInQYwgkKbr0POCTdr8DM1qdKLcUD9Q1khgNRp0vZGGz+5xsrc"
, "KaODUlMCANSczLJcYWa8yPqB3S14yTe7qmtDiOS362+SeVUwQA7eQ06PcHLPsN+p"
, "NtWoHRfYazxrs+g0JvmoQOYdj4xSQy0CAMq7H/l6aeG1n8tpyMxqE7OvBOsvzdu5"
, "XS7I1AnwllVFgvTadVvqgf7b+hdYd91doeHDUGqSYO78UG1GgaBHJdylqrRbaW5z"
, "ZWN1cmUgdGVzdCBrZXkgKHRoaXMgaXMgYSB0ZXN0IGtleSwgZG8gbm90IHVzZSBm"
, "b3IgYWN0dWFsIGVuY3J5cHRpb24pIDx0ZXN0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tPoi4BBMBCAAi"
, "A/9gx3V/T794stzAZc0G8arJWFQ58AqSc7VszMZupOyr2DrSp6DL9yV2p57FXE1/"
, "LRU3/8l4x+B1xvz5GAlguhoytPL0JyxRwU/G3A321wuawzRXb982aYUE722/vmIf"
, "7N4Vs2DT8Vs+QeI3oyPDs/aBdgpBeBO9BkFZqmGTyhCUGZ0B2ARO8UBmAQQAvdi5"
, "0M/WRCkOLt2RsUve8V8brMWYTJBJTTWoHUeRr82v4NCdX7OE1BsoVK8cy/1QY+gL"
, "OH9PqinuGGNWRmPV2Ju/RYn5H7sdewXA8E80xWhc4phHRMJ8Jjhg/GVPamkJ8B5z"
, "eKF0jcLFl7cuVdOyQakhoeDWJd0CyfW837nmPtMAEQEAAQAD/RaVtFFTkF1udun7"
, "YOwzJvQXCO9OWHZvSdEeG4BUNdAwy4YWu0oZzKkBDBS6+lWILqqb/c28U4leUJ1l"
, "H+viz5svN9BWWyj/UpI00uwUo9JaIqalemwfLx6vsh69b54L1B4exLZHYGLvy/B3"
, "5T6bT0gpOE+53BRtKcJaOh/McQeJAgDTOCBU5weWOf6Bhqnw3Vr/gRfxntAz2okN"
, "gqz/h79mWbCc/lHKoYQSsrCdMiwziHSjXwvehUrdWE/AcomtW0vbAgDmGJqJ2fNr"
, "HvdsGx4Ld/BxyiZbCURJLUQ5CwzfHGIvBu9PMT8zM26NOSncaXRjxDna2Ggh8Uum"
, "ANEwbnhxFwZpAf9L9RLYIMTtAqwBjfXJg/lHcc2R+VP0hL5c8zFz+S+w7bRqINwL"
, "ff1JstKuHT2nJnu0ustK66by8YI3T0hDFFahnNCInwQYAQgACQUCTvFAZgIbDAAK"
, "CRASnW4KxTe5x3JQBACgUobj/7aB9N2rQ1EE2xhN+AgOMhAvQVYIYu5L4jmZTs9r"
, "PMQH6f/AGLKxAsdZIG13AOyQ/dNnjcqezc17HSV9MycB6ormVtF5Q0/GSbuKq2EW"
, "IJf+/dFjxEmflWpbxw/36pEd/EReLX8b8qDIYadK6BpiWN9xgEiBv/oEJAxffw=="
, "=LDsg"
keyBlock :: Bool -> [String] -> String
keyBlock public ls = unlines
[ "-----BEGIN PGP "++t++" KEY BLOCK-----"
, "Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)"
, ""
, unlines ls
, "-----END PGP "++t++" KEY BLOCK-----"
| public = "PUBLIC"
| otherwise = "PRIVATE"
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
{- Runs an action using gpg in a test harness, in which gpg does
- not use ~/.gpg/, but sets up the test key in the passed directory
- and uses it. -}
testHarness :: FilePath -> GpgCmd -> IO a -> IO a
testHarness tmpdir cmd a = bracket setup cleanup (const a)
setup = do
orig <- getEnv var
subdir <- makenewdir (1 :: Integer)
-- gpg is picky about permissions on its home dir
liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode subdir $
removeModes $ otherGroupModes
setEnv var subdir True
-- For some reason, recent gpg needs a trustdb to be set up.
_ <- pipeStrict cmd [Param "--trust-model", Param "auto", Param "--update-trustdb"] []
_ <- pipeStrict cmd [Param "--import", Param "-q"] $ unlines
[testSecretKey, testKey]
return orig
cleanup (Just v) = setEnv var v True
cleanup Nothing = unsetEnv var
makenewdir n = do
let subdir = tmpdir </> show n
catchIOErrorType AlreadyExists (const $ makenewdir $ n + 1) $ do
createDirectory subdir
return subdir
{- Tests the test harness. -}
testTestHarness :: FilePath -> GpgCmd -> IO Bool
testTestHarness tmpdir cmd = do
keys <- testHarness tmpdir cmd $ findPubKeys cmd testKeyId
return $ KeyIds [testKeyId] == keys
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
checkEncryptionFile :: GpgCmd -> FilePath -> Maybe KeyIds -> IO Bool
checkEncryptionFile cmd filename keys =
checkGpgPackets cmd keys =<< readStrict cmd params
params = [Param "--list-packets", Param "--list-only", File filename]
checkEncryptionStream :: GpgCmd -> String -> Maybe KeyIds -> IO Bool
checkEncryptionStream cmd stream keys =
checkGpgPackets cmd keys =<< pipeStrict cmd params stream
params = [Param "--list-packets", Param "--list-only"]
{- Parses an OpenPGP packet list, and checks whether data is
- symmetrically encrypted (keys is Nothing), or encrypted to some
- public key(s).
- /!\ The key needs to be in the keyring! -}
checkGpgPackets :: GpgCmd -> Maybe KeyIds -> String -> IO Bool
checkGpgPackets cmd keys str = do
let (asym,sym) = partition (pubkeyEncPacket `isPrefixOf`) $
filter (\l' -> pubkeyEncPacket `isPrefixOf` l' ||
symkeyEncPacket `isPrefixOf` l') $
takeWhile (/= ":encrypted data packet:") $
lines str
case (keys,asym,sym) of
(Nothing, [], [_]) -> return True
(Just (KeyIds ks), ls, []) -> do
-- Find the master key associated with the
-- encryption subkey.
ks' <- concat <$> mapM (keyIds <$$> findPubKeys cmd)
[ k | k:"keyid":_ <- map (reverse . words) ls ]
return $ sort (nub ks) == sort (nub ks')
_ -> return False
pubkeyEncPacket = ":pubkey enc packet: "
symkeyEncPacket = ":symkey enc packet: "