After the last commit, it was able to throw errors just due to an unparseable url. This avoids needing to worry about that, as long as the call site has already checked that it has a parseable url.
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{- git repository urls
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.Url (
) where
import Network.URI hiding (scheme, authority, path)
import Common
import Git.Types
{- Scheme of an URL repo. -}
scheme :: Repo -> Maybe String
scheme Repo { location = Url u } = Just (uriScheme u)
scheme _ = Nothing
{- Work around a bug in the real uriRegName
- <http://trac.haskell.org/network/ticket/40> -}
uriRegName' :: URIAuth -> String
uriRegName' a = fixup $ uriRegName a
fixup x@('[':rest)
| rest !! len == ']' = take len rest
| otherwise = x
len = length rest - 1
fixup x = x
{- Hostname of an URL repo. -}
host :: Repo -> Maybe String
host = authpart uriRegName'
{- Port of an URL repo, if it has a nonstandard one. -}
port :: Repo -> Maybe Integer
port r =
case authpart uriPort r of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ":" -> Nothing
Just (':':p) -> readish p
Just _ -> Nothing
{- Hostname of an URL repo, including any username (ie, "user@host") -}
hostuser :: Repo -> Maybe String
hostuser r = (++)
<$> authpart uriUserInfo r
<*> authpart uriRegName' r
{- The full authority portion an URL repo. (ie, "user@host:port") -}
authority :: Repo -> Maybe String
authority = authpart assemble
assemble a = uriUserInfo a ++ uriRegName' a ++ uriPort a
{- Applies a function to extract part of the uriAuthority of an URL repo. -}
authpart :: (URIAuth -> a) -> Repo -> Maybe a
authpart a Repo { location = Url u } = a <$> uriAuthority u
authpart _ _ = Nothing
{- Path part of an URL repo. -}
path :: Repo -> Maybe FilePath
path Repo { location = Url u } = Just (uriPath u)
path _ = Nothing