Eliminated some dead code. In other cases, exported a currently unused function, since it was a logical part of the API. Of course this improves the API documentation. It may also sometimes let ghc optimize code better, since it can know a function is internal to a module. 364 modules still to go, according to git grep -E 'module [A-Za-z.]+ where'
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{- su to root
- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.Su (
) where
import Common
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Utility.Env
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Terminal
data WhosePassword
= RootPassword
| UserPassword
| SomePassword
-- ^ may be user or root; su program should indicate which
deriving (Show)
data PasswordPrompt
= WillPromptPassword WhosePassword
| MayPromptPassword WhosePassword
| NoPromptPassword
deriving (Show)
describePasswordPrompt :: PasswordPrompt -> Maybe String
describePasswordPrompt (WillPromptPassword whose) = Just $
"You will be prompted for " ++ describeWhosePassword whose ++ " password"
describePasswordPrompt (MayPromptPassword whose) = Just $
"You may be prompted for " ++ describeWhosePassword whose ++ " password"
describePasswordPrompt NoPromptPassword = Nothing
describeWhosePassword :: WhosePassword -> String
describeWhosePassword RootPassword = "root's"
describeWhosePassword UserPassword = "your"
describeWhosePassword SomePassword = "a"
data SuCommand = SuCommand PasswordPrompt String [CommandParam]
deriving (Show)
describePasswordPrompt' :: Maybe SuCommand -> Maybe String
describePasswordPrompt' (Just (SuCommand p _ _)) = describePasswordPrompt p
describePasswordPrompt' Nothing = Nothing
runSuCommand :: (Maybe SuCommand) -> IO Bool
runSuCommand (Just (SuCommand _ cmd ps)) = boolSystem cmd ps
runSuCommand Nothing = return False
-- Generates a SuCommand that runs a command as root, fairly portably.
-- Does not use sudo commands if something else is available, because
-- the user may not be in sudoers and we couldn't differentiate between
-- that and the command failing. Although, some commands like gksu
-- decide based on the system's configuration whether sudo should be used.
mkSuCommand :: String -> [CommandParam] -> IO (Maybe SuCommand)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
mkSuCommand cmd ps = do
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
firstM (\(SuCommand _ p _) -> inPath p) =<< selectcmds pwd
selectcmds pwd = ifM (inx <||> (not <$> atconsole))
( return (graphicalcmds pwd ++ consolecmds pwd)
, return (consolecmds pwd)
inx = isJust <$> getEnv "DISPLAY"
atconsole = queryTerminal stdInput
-- These will only work when the user is logged into a desktop.
graphicalcmds pwd =
[ SuCommand (MayPromptPassword SomePassword) "gksu"
[Param shellcmd]
, SuCommand (MayPromptPassword SomePassword) "kdesu"
[Param "-c", Param shellcmd]
-- pkexec does not run the command in the current
-- working directory, but in root's HOME.
, SuCommand (MayPromptPassword SomePassword) "pkexec" $
[Param "sh", Param "-c", Param $ unwords
[ "cd", shellEscape pwd
, "&&"
, shellcmd
-- Available in Debian's menu package; knows about lots of
-- ways to gain root.
, SuCommand (MayPromptPassword SomePassword) "su-to-root"
[Param "-X", Param "-c", Param shellcmd]
-- OSX native way to run a command as root, prompts in GUI
, SuCommand (WillPromptPassword RootPassword) "osascript"
[Param "-e", Param ("do shell script \"" ++ shellcmd ++ "\" with administrator privileges")]
-- These will only work when run in a console.
consolecmds _pwd =
[ SuCommand (WillPromptPassword RootPassword) "su"
[Param "-c", Param shellcmd]
, SuCommand (MayPromptPassword UserPassword) "sudo"
([Param cmd] ++ ps)
, SuCommand (MayPromptPassword SomePassword) "su-to-root"
[Param "-c", Param shellcmd]
shellcmd = unwords $ map shellEscape (cmd:toCommand ps)
-- For windows, we assume the user has administrator access.
mkSuCommand cmd ps = return $ Just $ SuCommand NoPromptPassword cmd ps