Make --batch mode handle unstaged annexed files consistently whether the file is unlocked or not. Before this, a unstaged locked file would have the symlink on disk examined and operated on in --batch mode, while an unstaged unlocked file would be skipped. Note that, when not in batch mode, unstaged files are skipped over too. That is actually somewhat new behavior; as late as 7.20191114 a command like `git-annex whereis .` would operate on unstaged locked files and skip over unstaged unlocked files. That changed during optimisation of CmdLine.Seek with apparently little fanfare or notice. Turns out that rmurl still behaved that way when given an unstaged file on the command line. It was changed to use lookupKeyStaged to handle its --batch mode. That also affected its non-batch mode, but since that's just catching up to the change earlier made to most other commands, I have not mentioed that in the changelog. It may be that other uses of lookupKey should also change to lookupKeyStaged. But it may also be that would slow down some things, or lead to unwanted behavior changes, so I've kept the changes minimal for now. An example of a place where the use of lookupKey is better than lookupKeyStaged is in Command.AddUrl, where it looks to see if the file already exists, and adds the url to the file when so. It does not matter there whether the file is staged or not (when it's locked). The use of lookupKey in Command.Unused likewise seems good (and faster). Sponsored-by: Nicholas Golder-Manning on Patreon
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2014-2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.MetaData where
import Command
import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.WorkTree
import Messages.JSON (JSONActionItem(..), AddJSONActionItemFields(..))
import Types.Messages
import Utility.Aeson
import Limit
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU
import Control.Concurrent
cmd :: Command
cmd = withAnnexOptions [jsonOptions, annexedMatchingOptions] $
command "metadata" SectionMetaData
"sets or gets metadata of a file"
paramPaths (seek <$$> optParser)
data MetaDataOptions = MetaDataOptions
{ forFiles :: CmdParams
, getSet :: GetSet
, keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions
, batchOption :: BatchMode
data GetSet = Get MetaField | GetAll | Set [ModMeta]
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser MetaDataOptions
optParser desc = MetaDataOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> ((Get <$> getopt) <|> (Set <$> some modopts) <|> pure GetAll)
<*> optional parseKeyOptions
<*> parseBatchOption False
getopt = option (eitherReader (mkMetaField . T.pack))
( long "get" <> short 'g' <> metavar paramField
<> help "get single metadata field"
modopts = option (eitherReader parseModMeta)
( long "set" <> short 's' <> metavar "FIELD[+-]=VALUE"
<> help "set or unset metadata value"
<|> (AddMeta tagMetaField . toMetaValue . encodeBS <$> strOption
( long "tag" <> short 't' <> metavar "TAG"
<> help "set a tag"
<|> (DelMeta tagMetaField . Just . toMetaValue . encodeBS <$> strOption
( long "untag" <> short 'u' <> metavar "TAG"
<> help "remove a tag"
<|> option (eitherReader (\f -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField (T.pack f) <*> pure Nothing))
( long "remove" <> short 'r' <> metavar "FIELD"
<> help "remove all values of a field"
<|> flag' DelAllMeta
( long "remove-all"
<> help "remove all metadata"
seek :: MetaDataOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case batchOption o of
NoBatch -> do
c <- currentVectorClock
let ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles
let seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction = start c o
, checkContentPresent = Nothing
, usesLocationLog = False
let seekaction = case getSet o of
Get _ -> withFilesInGitAnnex ww
GetAll -> withFilesInGitAnnex ww
Set _ -> withFilesInGitAnnexNonRecursive ww
"Not recursively setting metadata. Use --force to do that."
withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False seeker
(commandAction . startKeys c o)
(seekaction seeker)
=<< workTreeItems ww (forFiles o)
Batch fmt -> withMessageState $ \s -> case outputType s of
JSONOutput _ -> ifM limited
( giveup "combining --batch with file matching options is not currently supported"
, batchOnly (keyOptions o) (forFiles o) $
batchInput fmt parseJSONInput
(commandAction . batchCommandStart . startBatch)
_ -> giveup "--batch is currently only supported in --json mode"
start :: CandidateVectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> SeekInput -> RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
start c o si file k = startKeys c o (si, k, mkActionItem (k, afile))
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
startKeys :: CandidateVectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> (SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> CommandStart
startKeys c o (si, k, ai) = case getSet o of
Get f -> startingCustomOutput k $ do
l <- S.toList . currentMetaDataValues f <$> getCurrentMetaData k
liftIO $ forM_ l $
B8.putStrLn . fromMetaValue
next $ return True
_ -> starting "metadata" ai si $
perform c o k
perform :: CandidateVectorClock -> MetaDataOptions -> Key -> CommandPerform
perform c o k = case getSet o of
Set ms -> do
oldm <- getCurrentMetaData k
let m = combineMetaData $ map (modMeta oldm) ms
addMetaDataClocked k m c
next $ cleanup k
_ -> next $ cleanup k
cleanup :: Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanup k = do
m <- getCurrentMetaData k
case toJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields m) of
Object o -> maybeShowJSON $ AesonObject o
_ -> noop
showLongNote $ unlines $ concatMap showmeta $
map unwrapmeta (fromMetaData m)
return True
unwrapmeta (f, v) = (fromMetaField f, map fromMetaValue (S.toList v))
showmeta (f, vs) = map ((T.unpack f ++ "=") ++) (map decodeBS vs)
parseJSONInput :: String -> Annex (Either String (Either RawFilePath Key, MetaData))
parseJSONInput i = case eitherDecode (BU.fromString i) of
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right v -> do
let m = case itemFields v of
Nothing -> emptyMetaData
Just m' -> m'
case (itemKey v, itemFile v) of
(Just k, _) -> return $
Right (Right k, m)
(Nothing, Just f) -> do
f' <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile (toRawFilePath f)
return $ Right (Left f', m)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return $
Left "JSON input is missing either file or key"
startBatch :: (SeekInput, (Either RawFilePath Key, MetaData)) -> CommandStart
startBatch (si, (i, (MetaData m))) = case i of
Left f -> do
mk <- lookupKeyStaged f
case mk of
Just k -> go k (mkActionItem (k, AssociatedFile (Just f)))
Nothing -> return Nothing
Right k -> go k (mkActionItem k)
go k ai = starting "metadata" ai si $ do
let o = MetaDataOptions
{ forFiles = []
, getSet = if MetaData m == emptyMetaData
then GetAll
else Set $ map mkModMeta (M.toList m)
, keyOptions = Nothing
, batchOption = NoBatch
t <- currentVectorClock
-- It would be bad if two batch mode changes used exactly
-- the same timestamp, since the order of adds and removals
-- of the same metadata value would then be indeterminate.
-- To guarantee that never happens, delay 1 microsecond,
-- so the timestamp will always be different. This is
-- probably less expensive than cleaner methods,
-- such as taking from a list of increasing timestamps.
liftIO $ threadDelay 1
perform t o k
mkModMeta (f, s)
| S.null s = DelMeta f Nothing
| otherwise = SetMeta f s