Works around this bug in unix-compat: https://github.com/jacobstanley/unix-compat/issues/56 getFileStatus and other FilePath using functions in unix-compat do not do UNC conversion on Windows. Made Utility.RawFilePath use convertToWindowsNativeNamespace to do the necessary conversion on windows to support long filenames. Audited all imports of System.PosixCompat.Files to make sure that no functions that operate on FilePath were imported from it. Instead, use the equvilants from Utility.RawFilePath. In particular the re-export of that module in Common had to be removed, which led to lots of other changes throughout the code. The changes to Build.Configure, Build.DesktopFile, and Build.TestConfig make Utility.Directory not be needed to build setup. And so let it use Utility.RawFilePath, which depends on unix, which cannot be in setup-depends. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- Checks system configuration and generates Build/SysConfig and Build/Version. -}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
module Build.Configure where
import Build.TestConfig
import Build.Version
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Env.Basic
import qualified Git.Version
import Utility.SystemDirectory
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
tests :: [TestCase]
tests =
[ TestCase "UPGRADE_LOCATION" getUpgradeLocation
, TestCase "git" $ testCmd "git" "git --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "git version" getGitVersion
, testCp "cp_a" "-a"
, testCp "cp_p" "-p"
, testCp "cp_preserve_timestamps" "--preserve=timestamps"
, testCpReflinkAuto
, testCpNoPreserveXattr
, TestCase "xargs -0" $ testCmd "xargs_0" "xargs -0 </dev/null"
, TestCase "rsync" $ testCmd "rsync" "rsync --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "curl" $ testCmd "curl" "curl --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "bup" $ testCmd "bup" "bup --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "borg" $ testCmd "borg" "borg --version >/dev/null"
, TestCase "nice" $ testCmd "nice" "nice true >/dev/null"
, TestCase "ionice" $ testCmd "ionice" "ionice -c3 true >/dev/null"
, TestCase "nocache" $ testCmd "nocache" "nocache true >/dev/null"
, TestCase "gpg" $ maybeSelectCmd "gpg"
[ ("gpg", "--version >/dev/null")
, ("gpg2", "--version >/dev/null") ]
, TestCase "lsof" $ findCmdPath "lsof" "lsof"
, TestCase "git-remote-gcrypt" $ findCmdPath "gcrypt" "git-remote-gcrypt"
, TestCase "ssh connection caching" getSshConnectionCaching
tmpDir :: String
tmpDir = "tmp"
testFile :: String
testFile = tmpDir ++ "/testfile"
testCp :: ConfigKey -> String -> TestCase
testCp k option = TestCase cmd $ testCmd k cmdline
cmd = "cp " ++ option
cmdline = cmd ++ " " ++ testFile ++ " " ++ testFile ++ ".new"
testCpReflinkAuto :: TestCase
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- Windows does not support reflink so don't even try to use the option.
testCpReflinkAuto = TestCase k (return $ Config k (BoolConfig False))
testCpReflinkAuto = testCp k "--reflink=auto"
k = "cp_reflink_supported"
testCpNoPreserveXattr :: TestCase
testCpNoPreserveXattr = testCp
getUpgradeLocation :: Test
getUpgradeLocation = do
return $ Config "upgradelocation" $ MaybeStringConfig e
getGitVersion :: Test
getGitVersion = go =<< getEnv "FORCE_GIT_VERSION"
go (Just s) = return $ Config "gitversion" $ StringConfig s
go Nothing = do
v <- Git.Version.installed
let oldestallowed = Git.Version.normalize "2.1"
when (v < oldestallowed) $
error $ "installed git version " ++ show v ++ " is too old! (Need " ++ show oldestallowed ++ " or newer)"
return $ Config "gitversion" $ StringConfig $ show v
getSshConnectionCaching :: Test
getSshConnectionCaching = Config "sshconnectioncaching" . BoolConfig <$>
boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param "ssh -o ControlPersist=yes -V >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"]
setup :: IO ()
setup = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir
writeFile testFile "test file contents"
cleanup :: IO ()
cleanup = removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir
run :: [TestCase] -> IO ()
run ts = do
config <- runTests ts
writeSysConfig config
writeVersion =<< getVersion