
It might even work, although nothing yet triggers XMPP pushes. Also added a set of deferred push messages. Only one push can run at a time, and unrelated push messages get deferred. The set will never grow very large, because it only puts two types of messages in there, that can only vary in the client doing the push.
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235 lines
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{- git over XMPP
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.XMPP.Git where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.NetMessager
import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
import Assistant.XMPP
import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Sync
import Annex.UUID
import Config
import Git
import Git.Command
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Locations.UserConfig
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Posix.Env
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Process (std_in, std_out, std_err)
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
configKey :: UnqualifiedConfigKey
configKey = "xmppaddress"
finishXMPPPairing :: JID -> UUID -> Assistant ()
finishXMPPPairing jid u = void $ alertWhile alert $
makeXMPPGitRemote buddy (baseJID jid) u
buddy = T.unpack $ buddyName jid
alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert buddy Nothing
{- A git remote for an XMPP user? This is represented as a git remote
- that has no location set. The user's XMPP address is stored in the
- xmppaddress setting.
- The UUID of their remote is also stored as usual.
makeXMPPGitRemote :: String -> JID -> UUID -> Assistant Bool
makeXMPPGitRemote buddyname jid u = do
remote <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $ makeGitRemote buddyname "" -- no location
liftAnnex $ do
let r = Remote.repo remote
storeUUID (remoteConfig r "uuid") u
setConfig (remoteConfig r configKey) xmppaddress
syncNewRemote remote
return True
xmppaddress = T.unpack $ formatJID $ baseJID jid
{- Pushes the named refs to the remote, over XMPP, communicating with a
- specific client that either requested the push, or responded to our
- StartingPush message.
- Strategy: Set GIT_SSH to run git-annex. By setting the remote url
- to "xmppgit:dummy", "git-annex xmppgit" will be run locally by
- "git push". The dataflow them becomes:
- git push <--> git-annex xmppgit <--> xmppPush <-------> xmpp
- |
- git receive-pack <--> xmppReceivePack <---------------> xmpp
- The pipe between git-annex xmppgit and us is set up and communicated
- using two file descriptors, GIT_ANNEX_XMPPGIT_IN and
- GIT_ANNEX_XMPPGIT_OUT. It simply connects those up to its stdin
- and stdout, respectively, which are in turn connected to "git-push".
- There is also a GIT_ANNEX_XMPPGIT_CONTROL descriptor, to which an
- exit status is sent for xmppgit to propigate.
- We listen at the other end of the pipe and relay to and from XMPP.
xmppPush :: ClientID -> Remote -> [Ref] -> Assistant Bool
xmppPush cid remote refs = runPush (SendPushRunning cid) handleDeferred $ do
sendNetMessage $ StartingPush cid
program <- liftIO readProgramFile
(Fd inf, writepush) <- liftIO createPipe
(readpush, Fd outf) <- liftIO createPipe
(Fd controlf, writecontrol) <- liftIO createPipe
env <- liftIO getEnvironment
let myenv =
[ ("GIT_SSH", program)
, (relayIn, show inf)
, (relayOut, show outf)
, (relayControl, show controlf)
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
let name = Remote.name remote
let mainparams = [Param "-c", Param $ "remote."++name++".url=xmpp:client"]
let params = Param "push" : Param name : map (Param . show) refs
inh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle readpush
outh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle writepush
controlh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle writecontrol
liftIO $ hSetBuffering outh NoBuffering
t1 <- forkIO <~> toxmpp inh
t2 <- forkIO <~> fromxmpp outh controlh
ok <- liftIO $ boolSystemEnv "git"
(mainparams ++ gitCommandLine params g)
(Just $ env ++ myenv)
liftIO $ mapM_ killThread [t1, t2]
return ok
toxmpp inh = forever $ do
b <- liftIO $ B.hGetSome inh 1024
if B.null b
then liftIO $ killThread =<< myThreadId
else sendNetMessage $ SendPackOutput cid b
fromxmpp outh controlh = forever $ do
m <- waitNetPushMessage
case m of
(ReceivePackOutput _ b) -> liftIO $ B.hPut outh b
(ReceivePackDone _ exitcode) -> do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn controlh (show exitcode)
_ -> noop
relayIn :: String
relayOut :: String
relayControl :: String
relayHandle :: String -> IO Handle
relayHandle var = do
v <- getEnv var
case readish =<< v of
Nothing -> error $ var ++ " not set"
Just n -> fdToHandle $ Fd n
{- Called by git-annex xmppgit. -}
xmppGitRelay :: IO ()
xmppGitRelay = do
inh <- relayHandle relayIn
outh <- relayHandle relayOut
hSetBuffering outh NoBuffering
{- Is it possible to set up pipes and not need to copy the data
- ourselves? See splice(2) -}
void $ forkIO $ forever $ do
b <- B.hGetSome inh 1024
when (B.null b) $
killThread =<< myThreadId
B.hPut stdout b
void $ forkIO $ forever $ B.hGetSome stdin 1024 >>= B.hPut outh
controlh <- relayHandle relayControl
s <- hGetLine controlh
exitWith $ case readish s of
Just n
| n == 0 -> ExitSuccess
| otherwise -> ExitFailure n
Nothing -> ExitFailure 1
{- Relays git receive-pack stdin and stdout via XMPP, as well as propigating
- its exit status to XMPP. -}
xmppReceivePack :: ClientID -> Assistant Bool
xmppReceivePack cid = runPush (ReceivePushRunning cid) handleDeferred $ do
feeder <- asIO1 toxmpp
reader <- asIO1 fromxmpp
sendexitcode <- asIO1 $ sendNetMessage . ReceivePackDone cid
repodir <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo repoPath
let p = (proc "git" ["receive-pack", repodir])
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = Inherit
liftIO $ do
(Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <- createProcess p
feedertid <- forkIO $ feeder outh
void $ reader inh
code <- waitForProcess pid
void $ sendexitcode code
killThread feedertid
return $ code == ExitSuccess
toxmpp outh = do
b <- liftIO $ B.hGetSome outh 1024
if B.null b
then return () -- EOF
else do
sendNetMessage $ ReceivePackOutput cid b
toxmpp outh
fromxmpp inh = forever $ do
m <- waitNetPushMessage
case m of
(SendPackOutput _ b) -> liftIO $ B.hPut inh b
_ -> noop
xmppRemotes :: ClientID -> Assistant [Remote]
xmppRemotes cid = case baseJID <$> parseJID cid of
Nothing -> return []
Just jid -> do
rs <- syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
let want = T.unpack $ formatJID jid
liftAnnex $ filterM (matching want) rs
matching want r = do
v <- getRemoteConfig (Remote.repo r) configKey ""
return $ v == want
handleDeferred :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
handleDeferred = void . handlePush
handlePush :: NetMessage -> Assistant Bool
handlePush (PushRequest cid) = do
rs <- xmppRemotes cid
current <- liftAnnex $ inRepo Git.Branch.current
let refs = catMaybes [current, Just Annex.Branch.fullname]
any id <$> (forM rs $ \r -> xmppPush cid r refs)
handlePush (StartingPush cid) = do
rs <- xmppRemotes cid
if null rs
then return False
else xmppReceivePack cid
handlePush _ = return False