Joey Hess dd667844b6 avoid using Assistant.WebApp.Bootstrap3 when building with current yesod
Only use that when building with ancient yesod, which does not include it.

This also let me remove ifdefs in the file to support building with the new
version of yesod.
2014-10-09 15:19:24 -04:00

260 lines
9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Helper functions for creating forms when using Bootstrap v3.
-- This is a copy of the Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 module that has been slightly
-- modified to be compatible with Yesod 1.0.1
module Assistant.WebApp.Bootstrap3
( -- * Rendering forms
, BootstrapFormLayout(..)
, BootstrapGridOptions(..)
-- * Field settings
, bfs
, withPlaceholder
, withAutofocus
, withLargeInput
, withSmallInput
-- * Submit button
, bootstrapSubmit
, mbootstrapSubmit
, BootstrapSubmit(..)
) where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Yesod.Core
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Yesod.Form.Types
import Yesod.Form.Functions
-- | Create a new 'FieldSettings' with the classes that are
-- required by Bootstrap v3.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
bfs :: RenderMessage site msg => msg -> FieldSettings site
bfs msg =
FieldSettings (SomeMessage msg) Nothing Nothing Nothing [("class", "form-control")]
-- | Add a placeholder attribute to a field. If you need i18n
-- for the placeholder, currently you\'ll need to do a hack and
-- use 'getMessageRender' manually.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
withPlaceholder :: Text -> FieldSettings site -> FieldSettings site
withPlaceholder placeholder fs = fs { fsAttrs = newAttrs }
where newAttrs = ("placeholder", placeholder) : fsAttrs fs
-- | Add an autofocus attribute to a field.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
withAutofocus :: FieldSettings site -> FieldSettings site
withAutofocus fs = fs { fsAttrs = newAttrs }
where newAttrs = ("autofocus", "autofocus") : fsAttrs fs
-- | Add the @input-lg@ CSS class to a field.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
withLargeInput :: FieldSettings site -> FieldSettings site
withLargeInput fs = fs { fsAttrs = newAttrs }
where newAttrs = addClass "input-lg" (fsAttrs fs)
-- | Add the @input-sm@ CSS class to a field.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
withSmallInput :: FieldSettings site -> FieldSettings site
withSmallInput fs = fs { fsAttrs = newAttrs }
where newAttrs = addClass "input-sm" (fsAttrs fs)
addClass :: Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> [(Text, Text)]
addClass klass [] = [("class", klass)]
addClass klass (("class", old):rest) = ("class", T.concat [old, " ", klass]) : rest
addClass klass (other :rest) = other : addClass klass rest
-- | How many bootstrap grid columns should be taken (see
-- 'BootstrapFormLayout').
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
data BootstrapGridOptions =
ColXs !Int
| ColSm !Int
| ColMd !Int
| ColLg !Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
toColumn :: BootstrapGridOptions -> String
toColumn (ColXs 0) = ""
toColumn (ColSm 0) = ""
toColumn (ColMd 0) = ""
toColumn (ColLg 0) = ""
toColumn (ColXs columns) = "col-xs-" ++ show columns
toColumn (ColSm columns) = "col-sm-" ++ show columns
toColumn (ColMd columns) = "col-md-" ++ show columns
toColumn (ColLg columns) = "col-lg-" ++ show columns
toOffset :: BootstrapGridOptions -> String
toOffset (ColXs 0) = ""
toOffset (ColSm 0) = ""
toOffset (ColMd 0) = ""
toOffset (ColLg 0) = ""
toOffset (ColXs columns) = "col-xs-offset-" ++ show columns
toOffset (ColSm columns) = "col-sm-offset-" ++ show columns
toOffset (ColMd columns) = "col-md-offset-" ++ show columns
toOffset (ColLg columns) = "col-lg-offset-" ++ show columns
addGO :: BootstrapGridOptions -> BootstrapGridOptions -> BootstrapGridOptions
addGO (ColXs a) (ColXs b) = ColXs (a+b)
addGO (ColSm a) (ColSm b) = ColSm (a+b)
addGO (ColMd a) (ColMd b) = ColMd (a+b)
addGO (ColLg a) (ColLg b) = ColLg (a+b)
addGO a b | a > b = addGO b a
addGO (ColXs a) other = addGO (ColSm a) other
addGO (ColSm a) other = addGO (ColMd a) other
addGO (ColMd a) other = addGO (ColLg a) other
addGO (ColLg _) _ = error "Yesod.Form.Bootstrap.addGO: never here"
-- | The layout used for the bootstrap form.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
data BootstrapFormLayout =
| BootstrapInlineForm
| BootstrapHorizontalForm
{ bflLabelOffset :: !BootstrapGridOptions
, bflLabelSize :: !BootstrapGridOptions
, bflInputOffset :: !BootstrapGridOptions
, bflInputSize :: !BootstrapGridOptions
deriving (Show)
-- | Render the given form using Bootstrap v3 conventions.
-- Sample Hamlet for 'BootstrapHorizontalForm':
-- > <form .form-horizontal role=form method=post action=@{ActionR} enctype=#{formEnctype}>
-- > ^{formWidget}
-- > ^{bootstrapSubmit MsgSubmit}
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
renderBootstrap3 :: BootstrapFormLayout -> FormRender sub master a
renderBootstrap3 formLayout aform fragment = do
(res, views') <- aFormToForm aform
let views = views' []
has (Just _) = True
has Nothing = False
widget = [whamlet|
$forall view <- views
<div .form-group :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional :has $ fvErrors view:.has-error>
$case formLayout
$of BootstrapBasicForm
$if nequals (fvId view) bootstrapSubmitId
<label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
^{fvInput view}
^{helpWidget view}
$of BootstrapInlineForm
$if nequals (fvId view) bootstrapSubmitId
<label .sr-only for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
^{fvInput view}
^{helpWidget view}
$of BootstrapHorizontalForm _a _b _c _d
$if nequals (fvId view) bootstrapSubmitId
<label .control-label .#{toOffset (bflLabelOffset formLayout)} .#{toColumn (bflLabelSize formLayout)} for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
<div .#{toOffset (bflInputOffset formLayout)} .#{toColumn (bflInputSize formLayout)}>
^{fvInput view}
^{helpWidget view}
<div .#{toOffset (addGO (bflInputOffset formLayout) (addGO (bflLabelOffset formLayout) (bflLabelSize formLayout)))} .#{toColumn (bflInputSize formLayout)}>
^{fvInput view}
^{helpWidget view}
return (res, widget)
nequals a b = a /= b -- work around older hamlet versions not liking /=
-- | (Internal) Render a help widget for tooltips and errors.
helpWidget :: FieldView sub master -> GWidget sub master ()
helpWidget view = [whamlet|
$maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
<span .help-block>#{tt}
$maybe err <- fvErrors view
<span .help-block>#{err}
-- | How the 'bootstrapSubmit' button should be rendered.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
data BootstrapSubmit msg =
{ bsValue :: msg
-- ^ The text of the submit button.
, bsClasses :: Text
-- ^ Classes added to the @<button>@.
, bsAttrs :: [(Text, Text)]
-- ^ Attributes added to the @<button>@.
} deriving (Show)
instance IsString msg => IsString (BootstrapSubmit msg) where
fromString msg = BootstrapSubmit (fromString msg) " btn-default " []
-- | A Bootstrap v3 submit button disguised as a field for
-- convenience. For example, if your form currently is:
-- > Person <$> areq textField "Name" Nothing
-- > <*> areq textField "Surname" Nothing
-- Then just change it to:
-- > Person <$> areq textField "Name" Nothing
-- > <*> areq textField "Surname" Nothing
-- > <* bootstrapSubmit "Register"
-- (Note that @<*@ is not a typo.)
-- Alternatively, you may also just create the submit button
-- manually as well in order to have more control over its
-- layout.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
bootstrapSubmit :: (RenderMessage master msg) => BootstrapSubmit msg -> AForm sub master ()
bootstrapSubmit = formToAForm . liftM (second return) . mbootstrapSubmit
-- | Same as 'bootstrapSubmit' but for monadic forms. This isn't
-- as useful since you're not going to use 'renderBootstrap3'
-- anyway.
-- Since: yesod-form 1.3.8
mbootstrapSubmit :: (RenderMessage master msg) => BootstrapSubmit msg -> MForm sub master (FormResult (), FieldView sub master)
mbootstrapSubmit (BootstrapSubmit msg classes attrs) =
let res = FormSuccess ()
widget = [whamlet|<button class="btn #{classes}" type=submit *{attrs}>_{msg}|]
fv = FieldView { fvLabel = ""
, fvTooltip = Nothing
, fvId = bootstrapSubmitId
, fvInput = widget
, fvErrors = Nothing
, fvRequired = False }
in return (res, fv)
-- | A royal hack. Magic id used to identify whether a field
-- should have no label. A valid HTML4 id which is probably not
-- going to clash with any other id should someone use
-- 'bootstrapSubmit' outside 'renderBootstrap3'.
bootstrapSubmitId :: Text
bootstrapSubmitId = "b:ootstrap___unique__:::::::::::::::::submit-id"