Untested, on FreeBSD but enough to fix the listed build errors. Seems that System.Posix.Files must have used to export this stuff and it was split. This commit was sponsored by Peter on Patreon.
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{- BSD kqueue file modification notification interface
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Utility.DirWatcher.Kqueue (
) where
import Common
import Utility.DirWatcher.Types
import System.Posix.Types
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.Error
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified System.Posix.Files as Posix
import qualified System.Posix.IO as Posix
import Control.Concurrent
data Change
= Deleted FilePath
| DeletedDir FilePath
| Added FilePath
deriving (Show)
isAdd :: Change -> Bool
isAdd (Added _) = True
isAdd (Deleted _) = False
isAdd (DeletedDir _) = False
changedFile :: Change -> FilePath
changedFile (Added f) = f
changedFile (Deleted f) = f
changedFile (DeletedDir f) = f
data Kqueue = Kqueue
{ kqueueFd :: Fd
, kqueueTop :: FilePath
, kqueueMap :: DirMap
, _kqueuePruner :: Pruner
type Pruner = FilePath -> Bool
type DirMap = M.Map Fd DirInfo
{- Enough information to uniquely identify a file in a directory,
- but not too much. -}
data DirEnt = DirEnt
{ dirEnt :: FilePath -- relative to the parent directory
, _dirInode :: FileID -- included to notice file replacements
, isSubDir :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
{- A directory, and its last known contents. -}
data DirInfo = DirInfo
{ dirName :: FilePath
, dirCache :: S.Set DirEnt
deriving (Show)
getDirInfo :: FilePath -> IO DirInfo
getDirInfo dir = do
l <- filter (not . dirCruft) <$> getDirectoryContents dir
contents <- S.fromList . catMaybes <$> mapM getDirEnt l
return $ DirInfo dir contents
getDirEnt f = catchMaybeIO $ do
s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus (dir </> f)
return $ DirEnt f (fileID s) (isDirectory s)
{- Difference between the dirCaches of two DirInfos. -}
(//) :: DirInfo -> DirInfo -> [Change]
oldc // newc = deleted ++ added
deleted = calc gendel oldc newc
added = calc genadd newc oldc
gendel x = (if isSubDir x then DeletedDir else Deleted) $
dirName oldc </> dirEnt x
genadd x = Added $ dirName newc </> dirEnt x
calc a x y = map a $ S.toList $
S.difference (dirCache x) (dirCache y)
{- Builds a map of directories in a tree, possibly pruning some.
- Opens each directory in the tree, and records its current contents. -}
scanRecursive :: FilePath -> Pruner -> IO DirMap
scanRecursive topdir prune = M.fromList <$> walk [] [topdir]
walk c [] = return c
walk c (dir:rest)
| prune dir = walk c rest
| otherwise = do
minfo <- catchMaybeIO $ getDirInfo dir
case minfo of
Nothing -> walk c rest
Just info -> do
mfd <- catchMaybeIO $
Posix.openFd dir Posix.ReadOnly Nothing Posix.defaultFileFlags
case mfd of
Nothing -> walk c rest
Just fd -> do
let subdirs = map (dir </>) . map dirEnt $
S.toList $ dirCache info
walk ((fd, info):c) (subdirs ++ rest)
{- Adds a list of subdirectories (and all their children), unless pruned to a
- directory map. Adding a subdirectory that's already in the map will
- cause its contents to be refreshed. -}
addSubDirs :: DirMap -> Pruner -> [FilePath] -> IO DirMap
addSubDirs dirmap prune dirs = do
newmap <- foldr M.union M.empty <$>
mapM (\d -> scanRecursive d prune) dirs
return $ M.union newmap dirmap -- prefer newmap
{- Removes a subdirectory (and all its children) from a directory map. -}
removeSubDir :: DirMap -> FilePath -> IO DirMap
removeSubDir dirmap dir = do
mapM_ Posix.closeFd $ M.keys toremove
return rest
(toremove, rest) = M.partition (dirContains dir . dirName) dirmap
findDirContents :: DirMap -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
findDirContents dirmap dir = concatMap absolutecontents $ search
absolutecontents i = map (dirName i </>)
(map dirEnt $ S.toList $ dirCache i)
search = map snd $ M.toList $
M.filter (\i -> dirName i == dir) dirmap
foreign import ccall safe "libkqueue.h init_kqueue" c_init_kqueue
:: IO Fd
foreign import ccall safe "libkqueue.h addfds_kqueue" c_addfds_kqueue
:: Fd -> CInt -> Ptr Fd -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "libkqueue.h waitchange_kqueue" c_waitchange_kqueue
:: Fd -> IO Fd
{- Initializes a Kqueue to watch a directory, and all its subdirectories. -}
initKqueue :: FilePath -> Pruner -> IO Kqueue
initKqueue dir pruned = do
dirmap <- scanRecursive dir pruned
h <- c_init_kqueue
let kq = Kqueue h dir dirmap pruned
updateKqueue kq
return kq
{- Updates a Kqueue, adding watches for its map. -}
updateKqueue :: Kqueue -> IO ()
updateKqueue (Kqueue h _ dirmap _) =
withArrayLen (M.keys dirmap) $ \fdcnt c_fds -> do
c_addfds_kqueue h (fromIntegral fdcnt) c_fds
{- Stops a Kqueue. Note: Does not directly close the Fds in the dirmap,
- so it can be reused. -}
stopKqueue :: Kqueue -> IO ()
stopKqueue = Posix.closeFd . kqueueFd
{- Waits for a change on a Kqueue.
- May update the Kqueue.
waitChange :: Kqueue -> IO (Kqueue, [Change])
waitChange kq@(Kqueue h _ dirmap _) = do
changedfd <- c_waitchange_kqueue h
if changedfd == -1
then ifM ((==) eINTR <$> getErrno)
(yield >> waitChange kq, nochange)
else case M.lookup changedfd dirmap of
Nothing -> nochange
Just info -> handleChange kq changedfd info
nochange = return (kq, [])
{- The kqueue interface does not tell what type of change took place in
- the directory; it could be an added file, a deleted file, a renamed
- file, a new subdirectory, or a deleted subdirectory, or a moved
- subdirectory.
- So to determine this, the contents of the directory are compared
- with its last cached contents. The Kqueue is updated to watch new
- directories as necessary.
handleChange :: Kqueue -> Fd -> DirInfo -> IO (Kqueue, [Change])
handleChange kq@(Kqueue _ _ dirmap pruner) fd olddirinfo =
go =<< catchMaybeIO (getDirInfo $ dirName olddirinfo)
go (Just newdirinfo) = do
let changes = filter (not . pruner . changedFile) $
olddirinfo // newdirinfo
let (added, deleted) = partition isAdd changes
-- Scan newly added directories to add to the map.
-- (Newly added files will fail getDirInfo.)
newdirinfos <- catMaybes <$>
mapM (catchMaybeIO . getDirInfo . changedFile) added
newmap <- addSubDirs dirmap pruner $ map dirName newdirinfos
-- Remove deleted directories from the map.
newmap' <- foldM removeSubDir newmap (map changedFile deleted)
-- Update the cached dirinfo just looked up.
let newmap'' = M.insert fd newdirinfo newmap'
-- When new directories were added, need to update
-- the kqueue to watch them.
let kq' = kq { kqueueMap = newmap'' }
unless (null newdirinfos) $
updateKqueue kq'
return (kq', changes)
go Nothing = do
-- The directory has been moved or deleted, so
-- remove it from our map.
newmap <- removeSubDir dirmap (dirName olddirinfo)
return (kq { kqueueMap = newmap }, [])
{- Processes changes on the Kqueue, calling the hooks as appropriate.
- Never returns. -}
runHooks :: Kqueue -> WatchHooks -> IO ()
runHooks kq hooks = do
-- First, synthetic add events for the whole directory tree contents,
-- to catch any files created beforehand.
recursiveadd (kqueueMap kq) (Added $ kqueueTop kq)
loop kq
loop q = do
(q', changes) <- waitChange q
forM_ changes $ dispatch (kqueueMap q')
loop q'
dispatch _ change@(Deleted _) =
callhook delHook Nothing change
dispatch _ change@(DeletedDir _) =
callhook delDirHook Nothing change
dispatch dirmap change@(Added _) =
withstatus change $ dispatchadd dirmap
dispatchadd dirmap change s
| Posix.isSymbolicLink s = callhook addSymlinkHook (Just s) change
| Posix.isDirectory s = recursiveadd dirmap change
| Posix.isRegularFile s = callhook addHook (Just s) change
| otherwise = noop
recursiveadd dirmap change = do
let contents = findDirContents dirmap $ changedFile change
forM_ contents $ \f ->
withstatus (Added f) $ dispatchadd dirmap
callhook h s change = case h hooks of
Nothing -> noop
Just a -> a (changedFile change) s
withstatus change a = maybe noop (a change) =<<
(catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus (changedFile change)))