Improved support for using git-annex in a read-only repository, git-annex branch information from remotes that cannot be merged into the git-annex branch will now not crash it, but will be merged in memory. To avoid this making git-annex behave one way in a read-only repository, and another way when it can write, it's important that Annex.Branch.get return the same thing (modulo log file compaction) in both cases. This manages that mostly. There are some exceptions: - When there is a transition in one of the remote git-annex branches that has not yet been applied to the local or other git-annex branches. Transitions are not handled. - `git-annex log` runs git log on the git-annex branch, and so it will not be able to show information coming from the other, not yet merged branches. - Annex.Branch.files only looks at files in the git-annex branch and not unmerged branches. This affects git-annex info output. - Annex.Branch.hs.overBranchFileContents ditto. Affects --all and also importfeed (but importfeed cannot work in a read-only repo anyway). - CmdLine.Seek.seekFilteredKeys when precaching location logs. Note use of Annex.Branch.fullname - Database.ContentIdentifier.needsUpdateFromLog and updateFromLog These warts make this not suitable to be merged yet. This readonly code path is more expensive, since it has to query several branches. The value does get cached, but still large queries will be slower in a read-only repository when there are unmerged git-annex branches. When annex.merge-annex-branches=false, updateTo skips doing anything, and so the read-only repository code does not get triggered. So a user who is bothered by the extra work can set that. Other writes to the repository can still result in permissions errors. This includes the initial creation of the git-annex branch, and of course any writes to the git-annex branch. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- git-annex assistant repo syncing
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.Sync where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Pushes
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Alert.Utility
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.ScanRemotes
import Assistant.RemoteControl
import qualified Command.Sync
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Remote.List.Util
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.TaggedPush
import Annex.Ssh
import Annex.CurrentBranch
import qualified Config
import Git.Config
import Config.DynamicConfig
import Assistant.NamedThread
import Assistant.Threads.Watcher (watchThread, WatcherControl(..))
import Assistant.TransferSlots
import Assistant.TransferQueue
import Assistant.RepoProblem
import Assistant.Commits
import Types.Transfer
import Database.Export
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
{- Syncs with remotes that may have been disconnected for a while.
- First gets git in sync, and then prepares any necessary file transfers.
- An expensive full scan is queued when the git-annex branches of some of
- the remotes have diverged from the local git-annex branch. Otherwise,
- it's sufficient to requeue failed transfers.
- Also handles signaling any connectRemoteNotifiers, after the syncing is
- done, and records an export commit to make any exports be updated.
reconnectRemotes :: [Remote] -> Assistant ()
reconnectRemotes [] = recordExportCommit
reconnectRemotes rs = void $ do
rs' <- liftIO $ filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True) rs
unless (null rs') $ do
failedrs <- syncAction rs' (const go)
forM_ failedrs $ \r ->
whenM (liftIO $ Remote.checkAvailable False r) $
repoHasProblem (Remote.uuid r) (syncRemote r)
mapM_ signal $ filter (`notElem` failedrs) rs'
gitremotes = liftAnnex $
filterM (notspecialremote <$$> Remote.getRepo) rs
notspecialremote r
| Git.repoIsUrl r = True
| Git.repoIsLocal r = True
| Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r = True
| otherwise = False
sync currentbranch@(Just _, _) = do
(failedpull, diverged) <- manualPull currentbranch =<< gitremotes
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
failedpush <- pushToRemotes' now =<< gitremotes
return (nub $ failedpull ++ failedpush, diverged)
{- No local branch exists yet, but we can try pulling. -}
sync (Nothing, _) = manualPull (Nothing, Nothing) =<< gitremotes
go = do
(failed, diverged) <- sync =<< liftAnnex getCurrentBranch
addScanRemotes diverged =<<
filterM (not <$$> liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig) rs
return failed
signal r = liftIO . mapM_ (flip tryPutMVar ())
=<< fromMaybe [] . M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) . connectRemoteNotifiers
<$> getDaemonStatus
{- Pushes the local sync branch to all remotes, in
- parallel, along with the git-annex branch. This is the same
- as "git annex sync", except in parallel, and will co-exist with use of
- "git annex sync".
- Avoids running possibly long-duration commands in the Annex monad, so
- as not to block other threads.
- This can fail, when the remote's sync branch (or git-annex branch) has
- been updated by some other remote pushing into it, or by the remote
- itself. To handle failure, a manual pull and merge is done, and the push
- is retried.
- When there's a lot of activity, we may fail more than once.
- On the other hand, we may fail because the remote is not available.
- Rather than retrying indefinitely, after the first retry we enter a
- fallback mode, where our push is guarenteed to succeed if the remote is
- reachable. If the fallback fails, the push is queued to be retried
- later.
- Returns any remotes that it failed to push to.
pushToRemotes :: [Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]
pushToRemotes remotes = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let remotes' = filter (wantpush . Remote.gitconfig) remotes
syncAction remotes' (pushToRemotes' now)
wantpush gc
| remoteAnnexReadOnly gc = False
| not (remoteAnnexPush gc) = False
| otherwise = True
pushToRemotes' :: UTCTime -> [Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]
pushToRemotes' now remotes = do
(g, branch, u, ms) <- liftAnnex $ do
Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage
<$> gitRepo
<*> getCurrentBranch
<*> getUUID
<*> Annex.getState Annex.output
ret <- go ms True branch g u remotes
return ret
go _ _ (Nothing, _) _ _ _ = return [] -- no branch, so nothing to do
go _ _ _ _ _ [] = return [] -- no remotes, so nothing to do
go ms shouldretry currbranch@(Just branch, _) g u rs = do
debug ["pushing to", show rs]
(succeeded, failed) <- parallelPush g rs (push ms branch)
updatemap succeeded []
if null failed
then return []
else if shouldretry
then retry ms currbranch g u failed
else fallback branch g u failed
updatemap succeeded failed = do
v <- getAssistant failedPushMap
changeFailedPushMap v $ \m ->
M.union (makemap failed) $
M.difference m (makemap succeeded)
makemap l = M.fromList $ zip l (repeat now)
retry ms currbranch g u rs = do
debug ["trying manual pull to resolve failed pushes"]
void $ manualPull currbranch rs
go ms False currbranch g u rs
fallback branch g u rs = do
debug ["fallback pushing to", show rs]
(succeeded, failed) <- parallelPush g rs (taggedPush u Nothing branch)
updatemap succeeded failed
return failed
push ms branch remote = Command.Sync.pushBranch remote (Just branch) ms
parallelPush :: Git.Repo -> [Remote] -> (Remote -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool)-> Assistant ([Remote], [Remote])
parallelPush g rs a = do
rgs <- liftAnnex $ mapM topush rs
(succeededrgs, failedrgs) <- liftIO $ inParallel (uncurry a) rgs
return (map fst succeededrgs, map fst failedrgs)
topush r = (,)
<$> pure r
<*> (Remote.getRepo r >>= \repo ->
sshOptionsTo repo (Remote.gitconfig r) g)
inParallel :: (v -> IO Bool) -> [v] -> IO ([v], [v])
inParallel a l = (\(t,f) -> (map fst t, map fst f))
. partition snd
. zip l <$> mapConcurrently a l
{- Displays an alert while running an action that syncs with some remotes,
- and returns any remotes that it failed to sync with.
- Readonly remotes are also hidden (to hide the web special remote).
syncAction :: [Remote] -> ([Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]) -> Assistant [Remote]
syncAction rs a
| null visibleremotes = a rs
| otherwise = do
i <- addAlert $ syncAlert visibleremotes
failed <- a rs
failed' <- filterM (not . Git.repoIsLocalUnknown <$$> liftAnnex . Remote.getRepo) failed
let succeeded = filter (`notElem` failed) visibleremotes
if null succeeded && null failed'
then removeAlert i
else updateAlertMap $ mergeAlert i $
syncResultAlert succeeded failed'
return failed
visibleremotes = filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
{- Manually pull from remotes and merge their branches. Returns any
- remotes that it failed to pull from, and a Bool indicating
- whether the git-annex branches of the remotes and local had
- diverged before the pull.
manualPull :: Command.Sync.CurrBranch -> [Remote] -> Assistant ([Remote], Bool)
manualPull currentbranch remotes = do
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
-- Allow merging unrelated histories.
mc <- liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeConfig True
failed <- forM remotes $ \r -> if wantpull $ Remote.gitconfig r
then do
g' <- liftAnnex $ do
repo <- Remote.getRepo r
sshOptionsTo repo (Remote.gitconfig r) g
ifM (liftIO $ Git.Command.runBool [Param "fetch", Param $ Remote.name r] g')
( return Nothing
, return $ Just r
else return Nothing
haddiverged <- liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate >>= return . \case
u@(Annex.Branch.UpdateMade {}) -> Annex.Branch.refsWereMerged u
(Annex.Branch.UpdateFailedPermissions {}) -> True
forM_ remotes $ \r ->
liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r
currentbranch mc def
when haddiverged $
return (catMaybes failed, haddiverged)
wantpull gc = remoteAnnexPull gc
{- Start syncing a remote, using a background thread. -}
syncRemote :: Remote -> Assistant ()
syncRemote remote = do
thread <- asIO $ do
reconnectRemotes [remote]
addScanRemotes True [remote]
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ thread
{- Use Nothing to change autocommit setting; or a remote to change
- its sync setting. -}
changeSyncable :: Maybe Remote -> Bool -> Assistant ()
changeSyncable Nothing enable = do
liftAnnex $ Config.setConfig key (boolConfig enable)
liftIO . maybe noop (`throwTo` signal)
=<< namedThreadId watchThread
key = Config.annexConfig "autocommit"
| enable = ResumeWatcher
| otherwise = PauseWatcher
changeSyncable (Just r) True = do
liftAnnex $ changeSyncFlag r True
syncRemote r
sendRemoteControl RELOAD
changeSyncable (Just r) False = do
liftAnnex $ changeSyncFlag r False
{- Stop all transfers to or from this remote.
- XXX Can't stop any ongoing scan, or git syncs. -}
void $ dequeueTransfers tofrom
mapM_ (cancelTransfer False) =<<
filter tofrom . M.keys . currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus
tofrom t = transferUUID t == Remote.uuid r
changeSyncFlag :: Remote -> Bool -> Annex ()
changeSyncFlag r enabled = do
repo <- Remote.getRepo r
let key = Config.remoteAnnexConfig repo "sync"
Config.setConfig key (boolConfig enabled)
updateExportTreeFromLogAll :: Assistant ()
updateExportTreeFromLogAll = do
rs <- exportRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
forM_ rs $ \r -> liftAnnex $
openDb (Remote.uuid r) >>= updateExportTreeFromLog