This is groundwork for letting a repo be instantiated the first time it's actually used, instead of at startup. The only behavior change is that some old special cases for xmpp remotes were removed. Where before git-annex silently did nothing with those no-longer supported remotes, it may now fail in some way. The additional IO action should have no performance impact as long as it's simply return. This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon
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{- git-annex remotes
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote (
) where
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import qualified Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.UUID
import Logs.Trust
import Logs.Location hiding (logStatus)
import Logs.Web
import Remote.List
import Config
import Config.DynamicConfig
import Git.Types (RemoteName)
import Utility.Aeson
{- Map from UUIDs of Remotes to a calculated value. -}
remoteMap :: (Remote -> v) -> Annex (M.Map UUID v)
remoteMap mkv = remoteMap' mkv (pure . mkk)
mkk r = case uuid r of
NoUUID -> Nothing
u -> Just u
remoteMap' :: Ord k => (Remote -> v) -> (Remote -> Annex (Maybe k)) -> Annex (M.Map k v)
remoteMap' mkv mkk = M.fromList . catMaybes <$> (mapM mk =<< remoteList)
mk r = mkk r >>= return . \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just k -> Just (k, mkv r)
{- Map of UUIDs of repositories and their descriptions.
- The names of Remotes are added to suppliment any description that has
- been set for a repository. -}
uuidDescriptions :: Annex (M.Map UUID String)
uuidDescriptions = M.unionWith addName <$> uuidMap <*> remoteMap name
addName :: String -> RemoteName -> String
addName desc n
| desc == n || null desc = "[" ++ n ++ "]"
| otherwise = desc ++ " [" ++ n ++ "]"
byUUID :: UUID -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byUUID u = headMaybe . filter matching <$> remoteList
matching r = uuid r == u
{- When a name is specified, looks up the remote matching that name.
- (Or it can be a UUID.)
- Throws an error if a name is specified and no matching remote can be
- found.
byName :: Maybe RemoteName -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byName Nothing = return Nothing
byName (Just n) = either giveup Just <$> byName' n
{- Like byName, but the remote must have a configured UUID. -}
byNameWithUUID :: Maybe RemoteName -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byNameWithUUID = checkuuid <=< byName
checkuuid Nothing = return Nothing
checkuuid (Just r)
| uuid r == NoUUID = do
repo <- getRepo r
ifM (liftIO $ getDynamicConfig $ remoteAnnexIgnore (gitconfig r))
( giveup $ noRemoteUUIDMsg r ++
" (" ++ show (remoteConfig repo "ignore") ++
" is set)"
, giveup $ noRemoteUUIDMsg r
| otherwise = return $ Just r
byName' :: RemoteName -> Annex (Either String Remote)
byName' "" = return $ Left "no remote specified"
byName' n = go . filter matching <$> remoteList
go [] = Left $ "there is no available git remote named \"" ++ n ++ "\""
go (match:_) = Right match
matching r = n == name r || toUUID n == uuid r
{- Finds the remote or remote group matching the name. -}
byNameOrGroup :: RemoteName -> Annex [Remote]
byNameOrGroup n = go =<< getConfigMaybe (ConfigKey ("remotes." ++ n))
go (Just l) = catMaybes <$> mapM (byName . Just) (splitc ' ' l)
go Nothing = maybeToList <$> byName (Just n)
{- Only matches remote name, not UUID -}
byNameOnly :: RemoteName -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
byNameOnly n = headMaybe . filter matching <$> remoteList
matching r = n == name r
noRemoteUUIDMsg :: Remote -> String
noRemoteUUIDMsg r = "cannot determine uuid for " ++ name r ++ " (perhaps you need to run \"git annex sync\"?)"
{- Looks up a remote by name (or by UUID, or even by description),
- and returns its UUID. Finds even repositories that are not
- configured in .git/config. -}
nameToUUID :: RemoteName -> Annex UUID
nameToUUID = either giveup return <=< nameToUUID'
nameToUUID' :: RemoteName -> Annex (Either String UUID)
nameToUUID' "." = Right <$> getUUID -- special case for current repo
nameToUUID' "here" = Right <$> getUUID
nameToUUID' n = byName' n >>= go
go (Right r) = return $ case uuid r of
NoUUID -> Left $ noRemoteUUIDMsg r
u -> Right u
go (Left e) = do
m <- uuidMap
return $ case M.keys (M.filter (== n) m) of
[u] -> Right u
[] -> let u = toUUID n
in case M.keys (M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k == u) m) of
[] -> Left e
_ -> Right u
_us -> Left "Found multiple repositories with that description"
{- Pretty-prints a list of UUIDs of remotes, with their descriptions,
- for human display.
- When JSON is enabled, also outputs a machine-readable description
- of the UUIDs. -}
prettyPrintUUIDs :: String -> [UUID] -> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDs header uuids = do
descm <- uuidDescriptions
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs header descm uuids
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs :: String -> M.Map UUID RemoteName -> [UUID] -> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsDescs header descm uuids =
prettyPrintUUIDsWith Nothing header descm
(const Nothing)
(zip uuids (repeat (Nothing :: Maybe String)))
{- An optional field can be included in the list of UUIDs. -}
:: ToJSON' v
=> Maybe String
-> String
-> M.Map UUID RemoteName
-> (v -> Maybe String)
-> [(UUID, Maybe v)]
-> Annex String
prettyPrintUUIDsWith optfield header descm showval uuidvals = do
hereu <- getUUID
maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [(header, V.fromList $ map (jsonify hereu) uuidvals)]
return $ unwords $ map (\u -> "\t" ++ prettify hereu u ++ "\n") uuidvals
finddescription u = M.findWithDefault "" u descm
prettify hereu (u, optval)
| not (null d) = addoptval $ fromUUID u ++ " -- " ++ d
| otherwise = addoptval $ fromUUID u
ishere = hereu == u
n = finddescription u
| null n && ishere = "here"
| ishere = addName n "here"
| otherwise = n
addoptval s = case showval =<< optval of
Nothing -> s
Just val -> val ++ ": " ++ s
jsonify hereu (u, optval) = object $ catMaybes
[ Just (packString "uuid", toJSON' $ fromUUID u)
, Just (packString "description", toJSON' $ finddescription u)
, Just (packString "here", toJSON' $ hereu == u)
, case (optfield, optval) of
(Just field, Just val) -> Just (packString field, toJSON' val)
_ -> Nothing
{- List of remote names and/or descriptions, for human display. -}
prettyListUUIDs :: [UUID] -> Annex [String]
prettyListUUIDs uuids = do
hereu <- getUUID
m <- uuidDescriptions
return $ map (prettify m hereu) uuids
finddescription m u = M.findWithDefault "" u m
prettify m hereu u
| u == hereu = addName n "here"
| otherwise = n
n = finddescription m u
{- Nice display of a remote's name and/or description. -}
prettyUUID :: UUID -> Annex String
prettyUUID u = concat <$> prettyListUUIDs [u]
{- Gets the remote associated with a UUID. -}
remoteFromUUID :: UUID -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
remoteFromUUID u = ifM ((==) u <$> getUUID)
( return Nothing
, maybe tryharder (return . Just) =<< findinmap
findinmap = M.lookup u <$> remoteMap id
{- Re-read remote list in case a new remote has popped up. -}
tryharder = do
void remoteListRefresh
{- Filters a list of remotes to ones that have the listed uuids. -}
remotesWithUUID :: [Remote] -> [UUID] -> [Remote]
remotesWithUUID rs us = filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` us) rs
{- Filters a list of remotes to ones that do not have the listed uuids. -}
remotesWithoutUUID :: [Remote] -> [UUID] -> [Remote]
remotesWithoutUUID rs us = filter (\r -> uuid r `notElem` us) rs
{- List of repository UUIDs that the location log indicates may have a key.
- Dead repositories are excluded. -}
keyLocations :: Key -> Annex [UUID]
keyLocations key = trustExclude DeadTrusted =<< loggedLocations key
{- Cost ordered lists of remotes that the location log indicates
- may have a key.
keyPossibilities :: Key -> Annex [Remote]
keyPossibilities key = do
u <- getUUID
-- uuids of all remotes that are recorded to have the key
locations <- filter (/= u) <$> keyLocations key
fst <$> remoteLocations locations []
{- Given a list of locations of a key, and a list of all
- trusted repositories, generates a cost-ordered list of
- remotes that contain the key, and a list of trusted locations of the key.
remoteLocations :: [UUID] -> [UUID] -> Annex ([Remote], [UUID])
remoteLocations locations trusted = do
let validtrustedlocations = nub locations `intersect` trusted
-- remotes that match uuids that have the key
allremotes <- remoteList
>>= filterM (not <$$> liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexIgnore . gitconfig)
let validremotes = remotesWithUUID allremotes locations
return (sortBy (comparing cost) validremotes, validtrustedlocations)
{- Displays known locations of a key. -}
showLocations :: Bool -> Key -> [UUID] -> String -> Annex ()
showLocations separateuntrusted key exclude nolocmsg = do
u <- getUUID
uuids <- keyLocations key
untrusteduuids <- if separateuntrusted
then trustGet UnTrusted
else pure []
let uuidswanted = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++untrusteduuids)
let uuidsskipped = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++uuidswanted)
ppuuidswanted <- prettyPrintUUIDs "wanted" uuidswanted
ppuuidsskipped <- prettyPrintUUIDs "skipped" uuidsskipped
let msg = message ppuuidswanted ppuuidsskipped
unless (null msg) $
showLongNote msg
ignored <- remoteList
>>= filterM (liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexIgnore . gitconfig)
unless (null ignored) $
showLongNote $ "(Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: " ++ unwords (map name ignored) ++ ")"
filteruuids l x = filter (`notElem` x) l
message [] [] = nolocmsg
message rs [] = "Try making some of these repositories available:\n" ++ rs
message [] us = "Also these untrusted repositories may contain the file:\n" ++ us
message rs us = message rs [] ++ message [] us
showTriedRemotes :: [Remote] -> Annex ()
showTriedRemotes [] = noop
showTriedRemotes remotes =
showLongNote $ "Unable to access these remotes: " ++
intercalate ", " (map name remotes)
forceTrust :: TrustLevel -> String -> Annex ()
forceTrust level remotename = do
u <- nameToUUID remotename
Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.forcetrust = M.insert u level (Annex.forcetrust s) }
{- Used to log a change in a remote's having a key. The change is logged
- in the local repo, not on the remote. The process of transferring the
- key to the remote, or removing the key from it *may* log the change
- on the remote, but this cannot always be relied on. -}
logStatus :: Remote -> Key -> LogStatus -> Annex ()
logStatus remote key = logChange key (uuid remote)
{- Orders remotes by cost, with ones with the lowest cost grouped together. -}
byCost :: [Remote] -> [[Remote]]
byCost = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . M.toList . costmap
costmap = M.fromListWith (++) . map costpair
costpair r = (cost r, [r])
checkAvailable :: Bool -> Remote -> IO Bool
checkAvailable assumenetworkavailable =
maybe (return assumenetworkavailable) doesDirectoryExist . localpath
hasKey :: Remote -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
hasKey r k = either (Left . show) Right <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresent r k)
hasKeyCheap :: Remote -> Bool
hasKeyCheap = checkPresentCheap
{- The web special remote claims urls by default. -}
claimingUrl :: URLString -> Annex Remote
claimingUrl url = do
rs <- remoteList
let web = Prelude.head $ filter (\r -> uuid r == webUUID) rs
fromMaybe web <$> firstM checkclaim rs
checkclaim = maybe (pure False) (`id` url) . claimUrl