transferkeys had used special FDs for communication, but that would be quite annoying to do in Windows. Instead, use stdin and stdout. But, to avoid commands like rsync stomping on them and messing up the communications channel, they're duplicated to a different handle; stdin is replaced with a null handle, and stdout is replaced with a copy of stderr. This should all work in windows too. Stopping in progress transfers may work on windows.. if the types unify anyway. ;) May need some more porting.
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{- A pool of "git-annex transferkeys" processes
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.TransferrerPool where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool
import Logs.Transfer
import Utility.Batch
import qualified Command.TransferKeys as T
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Process (create_group, std_in, std_out)
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Concurrent
{- Runs an action with a Transferrer from the pool. -}
withTransferrer :: FilePath -> BatchCommandMaker -> TransferrerPool -> (Transferrer -> IO a) -> IO a
withTransferrer program batchmaker pool a = do
t <- maybe (mkTransferrer program batchmaker) (checkTransferrer program batchmaker)
=<< atomically (tryReadTChan pool)
v <- tryNonAsync $ a t
unlessM (putback t) $
void $ forkIO $ stopTransferrer t
either throw return v
putback t = atomically $ ifM (isEmptyTChan pool)
( do
writeTChan pool t
return True
, return False
{- Requests that a Transferrer perform a Transfer, and waits for it to
- finish. -}
performTransfer :: Transferrer -> Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> IO Bool
performTransfer transferrer t f = catchBoolIO $ do
T.sendRequest t f (transferrerWrite transferrer)
T.readResponse (transferrerRead transferrer)
{- Starts a new git-annex transferkeys process, setting up handles
- that will be used to communicate with it. -}
mkTransferrer :: FilePath -> BatchCommandMaker -> IO Transferrer
mkTransferrer program batchmaker = do
{- It runs as a batch job. -}
let (program', params') = batchmaker (program, [Param "transferkeys"])
{- It's put into its own group so that the whole group can be
- killed to stop a transfer. -}
(Just writeh, Just readh, _, pid) <- createProcess
(proc program' $ toCommand params')
{ create_group = True
, std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
fileEncoding readh
fileEncoding writeh
return $ Transferrer
{ transferrerRead = readh
, transferrerWrite = writeh
, transferrerHandle = pid
{- Checks if a Transferrer is still running. If not, makes a new one. -}
checkTransferrer :: FilePath -> BatchCommandMaker -> Transferrer -> IO Transferrer
checkTransferrer program batchmaker t =
maybe (return t) (const $ mkTransferrer program batchmaker)
=<< getProcessExitCode (transferrerHandle t)
{- Closing the fds will stop the transferrer. -}
stopTransferrer :: Transferrer -> IO ()
stopTransferrer t = do
hClose $ transferrerRead t
hClose $ transferrerWrite t
void $ waitForProcess $ transferrerHandle t