Added a mkUnavailable method, which a Remote can use to generate a version of itself that is not available. Implemented for several, but not yet all remotes. This allows testing that checkPresent properly throws an exceptions when it cannot check if a key is present or not. It also allows testing that the other methods don't throw exceptions in these circumstances. This immediately found several bugs, which this commit also fixes! * git remotes using ssh accidentially had checkPresent return an exception, rather than throwing it * The chunking code accidentially returned False rather than propigating an exception when there were no chunks and checkPresent threw an exception for the non-chunked key. This commit was sponsored by Carlo Matteo Capocasa.
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{- S3 remotes
- Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.S3 (remote, iaHost, isIA, isIAHost, iaItemUrl) where
import Network.AWS.AWSConnection
import Network.AWS.S3Object hiding (getStorageClass)
import Network.AWS.S3Bucket hiding (size)
import Network.AWS.AWSResult
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
import Network.Socket (HostName)
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
import Types.Key
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Special
import qualified Remote.Helper.AWS as AWS
import Creds
import Utility.Metered
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.Web
type Bucket = String
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "S3",
enumerate = findSpecialRemotes "s3",
generate = gen,
setup = s3Setup
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u c gc = new <$> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
new cst = Just $ specialRemote c
(prepareStore this)
(prepareRetrieve this)
(simplyPrepare $ remove this c)
(simplyPrepare $ checkKey this)
this = Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = storeKeyDummy,
retrieveKeyFile = retreiveKeyFileDummy,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap,
removeKey = removeKeyDummy,
checkPresent = checkPresentDummy,
checkPresentCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
localpath = Nothing,
readonly = False,
availability = GloballyAvailable,
remotetype = remote,
mkUnavailable = gen r u (M.insert "host" "!dne!" c) gc
s3Setup :: Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
s3Setup mu mcreds c = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
c' <- setRemoteCredPair c (AWS.creds u) mcreds
s3Setup' u c'
s3Setup' :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
s3Setup' u c = if isIA c then archiveorg else defaulthost
remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c)
defbucket = remotename ++ "-" ++ fromUUID u
defaults = M.fromList
[ ("datacenter", T.unpack $ AWS.defaultRegion AWS.S3)
, ("storageclass", "STANDARD")
, ("host", defaultAmazonS3Host)
, ("port", show defaultAmazonS3Port)
, ("bucket", defbucket)
use fullconfig = do
gitConfigSpecialRemote u fullconfig "s3" "true"
return (fullconfig, u)
defaulthost = do
c' <- encryptionSetup c
let fullconfig = c' `M.union` defaults
genBucket fullconfig u
use fullconfig
archiveorg = do
showNote "Internet Archive mode"
-- Ensure user enters a valid bucket name, since
-- this determines the name of the archive.org item.
let bucket = replace " " "-" $ map toLower $
fromMaybe (error "specify bucket=") $
getBucket c
let archiveconfig =
-- hS3 does not pass through x-archive-* headers
M.mapKeys (replace "x-archive-" "x-amz-") $
-- encryption does not make sense here
M.insert "encryption" "none" $
M.insert "bucket" bucket $
M.union c $
-- special constraints on key names
M.insert "mungekeys" "ia" $
-- bucket created only when files are uploaded
M.insert "x-amz-auto-make-bucket" "1" defaults
writeUUIDFile archiveconfig u
use archiveconfig
prepareStore :: Remote -> Preparer Storer
prepareStore r = resourcePrepare (const $ s3Action r False) $ \(conn, bucket) ->
fileStorer $ \k src p -> do
ok <- s3Bool =<< liftIO (store (conn, bucket) r k p src)
-- Store public URL to item in Internet Archive.
when (ok && isIA (config r) && not (isChunkKey k)) $
setUrlPresent k (iaKeyUrl r k)
return ok
store :: (AWSConnection, Bucket) -> Remote -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> FilePath -> IO (AWSResult ())
store (conn, bucket) r k p file = do
size <- (fromIntegral . fileSize <$> getFileStatus file) :: IO Integer
withMeteredFile file p $ \content -> do
-- size is provided to S3 so the whole content
-- does not need to be buffered to calculate it
let object = S3Object
bucket (bucketFile r k) ""
(("Content-Length", show size) : getXheaders (config r))
sendObject conn $
setStorageClass (getStorageClass $ config r) object
prepareRetrieve :: Remote -> Preparer Retriever
prepareRetrieve r = resourcePrepare (const $ s3Action r False) $ \(conn, bucket) ->
byteRetriever $ \k sink ->
liftIO (getObject conn $ bucketKey r bucket k)
>>= either s3Error (sink . obj_data)
retrieveCheap :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieveCheap _ _ = return False
{- Internet Archive doesn't easily allow removing content.
- While it may remove the file, there are generally other files
- derived from it that it does not remove. -}
remove :: Remote -> RemoteConfig -> Remover
remove r c k
| isIA c = do
warning "Cannot remove content from the Internet Archive"
return False
| otherwise = remove' r k
remove' :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remove' r k = s3Action r False $ \(conn, bucket) ->
s3Bool =<< liftIO (deleteObject conn $ bucketKey r bucket k)
checkKey :: Remote -> CheckPresent
checkKey r k = s3Action r noconn $ \(conn, bucket) -> do
showAction $ "checking " ++ name r
res <- liftIO $ getObjectInfo conn $ bucketKey r bucket k
case res of
Right _ -> return True
Left (AWSError _ _) -> return False
Left e -> s3Error e
noconn = error "S3 not configured"
s3Warning :: ReqError -> Annex Bool
s3Warning e = do
warning $ prettyReqError e
return False
s3Error :: ReqError -> a
s3Error e = error $ prettyReqError e
s3Bool :: AWSResult () -> Annex Bool
s3Bool (Right _) = return True
s3Bool (Left e) = s3Warning e
s3Action :: Remote -> a -> ((AWSConnection, Bucket) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
s3Action r noconn action = do
let bucket = M.lookup "bucket" $ config r
conn <- s3Connection (config r) (uuid r)
case (bucket, conn) of
(Just b, Just c) -> action (c, b)
_ -> return noconn
bucketFile :: Remote -> Key -> FilePath
bucketFile r = munge . key2file
munge s = case M.lookup "mungekeys" c of
Just "ia" -> iaMunge $ filePrefix c ++ s
_ -> filePrefix c ++ s
c = config r
filePrefix :: RemoteConfig -> String
filePrefix = M.findWithDefault "" "fileprefix"
bucketKey :: Remote -> Bucket -> Key -> S3Object
bucketKey r bucket k = S3Object bucket (bucketFile r k) "" [] L.empty
{- Internet Archive limits filenames to a subset of ascii,
- with no whitespace. Other characters are xml entity
- encoded. -}
iaMunge :: String -> String
iaMunge = (>>= munge)
munge c
| isAsciiUpper c || isAsciiLower c || isNumber c = [c]
| c `elem` "_-.\"" = [c]
| isSpace c = []
| otherwise = "&" ++ show (ord c) ++ ";"
{- Generate the bucket if it does not already exist, including creating the
- UUID file within the bucket.
- To check if the bucket exists, ask for its location. However, some ACLs
- can allow read/write to buckets, but not querying location, so first
- check if the UUID file already exists and we can skip doing anything.
genBucket :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex ()
genBucket c u = do
conn <- s3ConnectionRequired c u
showAction "checking bucket"
unlessM ((== Right True) <$> checkUUIDFile c u conn) $ do
loc <- liftIO $ getBucketLocation conn bucket
case loc of
Right _ -> writeUUIDFile c u
Left err@(NetworkError _) -> s3Error err
Left (AWSError _ _) -> do
showAction $ "creating bucket in " ++ datacenter
res <- liftIO $ createBucketIn conn bucket datacenter
case res of
Right _ -> writeUUIDFile c u
Left err -> s3Error err
bucket = fromJust $ getBucket c
datacenter = fromJust $ M.lookup "datacenter" c
{- Writes the UUID to an annex-uuid file within the bucket.
- If the file already exists in the bucket, it must match.
- Note that IA items do not get created by createBucketIn.
- Rather, they are created the first time a file is stored in them.
- So this also takes care of that.
writeUUIDFile :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex ()
writeUUIDFile c u = do
conn <- s3ConnectionRequired c u
v <- checkUUIDFile c u conn
case v of
Left e -> error e
Right True -> return ()
Right False -> do
let object = setStorageClass (getStorageClass c) (mkobject uuidb)
either s3Error return =<< liftIO (sendObject conn object)
file = uuidFile c
uuidb = L.fromChunks [T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ fromUUID u]
bucket = fromJust $ getBucket c
mkobject = S3Object bucket file "" (getXheaders c)
{- Checks if the UUID file exists in the bucket and has the specified UUID already. -}
checkUUIDFile :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> AWSConnection -> Annex (Either String Bool)
checkUUIDFile c u conn = check <$> liftIO (tryNonAsync $ getObject conn $ mkobject L.empty)
check (Right (Right o))
| obj_data o == uuidb = Right True
| otherwise = Left $ "This bucket is already in use by a different S3 special remote, with UUID: " ++ show (obj_data o)
check _ = Right False
uuidb = L.fromChunks [T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ fromUUID u]
bucket = fromJust $ getBucket c
file = uuidFile c
mkobject = S3Object bucket file "" (getXheaders c)
uuidFile :: RemoteConfig -> FilePath
uuidFile c = filePrefix c ++ "annex-uuid"
s3ConnectionRequired :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex AWSConnection
s3ConnectionRequired c u =
maybe (error "Cannot connect to S3") return =<< s3Connection c u
s3Connection :: RemoteConfig -> UUID -> Annex (Maybe AWSConnection)
s3Connection c u = go =<< getRemoteCredPairFor "S3" c (AWS.creds u)
go Nothing = return Nothing
go (Just (ak, sk)) = return $ Just $ AWSConnection host port ak sk
host = fromJust $ M.lookup "host" c
port = let s = fromJust $ M.lookup "port" c in
case reads s of
[(p, _)] -> p
_ -> error $ "bad S3 port value: " ++ s
getBucket :: RemoteConfig -> Maybe Bucket
getBucket = M.lookup "bucket"
getStorageClass :: RemoteConfig -> StorageClass
getStorageClass c = case fromJust $ M.lookup "storageclass" c of
getXheaders :: RemoteConfig -> [(String, String)]
getXheaders = filter isxheader . M.assocs
isxheader (h, _) = "x-amz-" `isPrefixOf` h
{- Hostname to use for archive.org S3. -}
iaHost :: HostName
iaHost = "s3.us.archive.org"
isIA :: RemoteConfig -> Bool
isIA c = maybe False isIAHost (M.lookup "host" c)
isIAHost :: HostName -> Bool
isIAHost h = ".archive.org" `isSuffixOf` map toLower h
iaItemUrl :: Bucket -> URLString
iaItemUrl bucket = "http://archive.org/details/" ++ bucket
iaKeyUrl :: Remote -> Key -> URLString
iaKeyUrl r k = "http://archive.org/download/" ++ bucket ++ "/" ++ bucketFile r k
bucket = fromMaybe "" $ getBucket $ config r