Sigh, git is so *fragile*. Or rather, across the set of systems that use git-annex, where are no many horribly broken systems..
408 lines
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408 lines
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{- git-annex assistant webapp configurators for making local repositories
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local where
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Assistant.WebApp.OtherRepos
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Sync
import Init
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Annex
import Config.Files
import Utility.FreeDesktop
import Utility.Mounts
import Utility.DiskFree
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.Network
import Remote (prettyUUID)
import Annex.UUID
import Types.StandardGroups
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Logs.UUID
import Utility.UserInfo
import Config
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
import qualified Text.Hamlet as Hamlet
data RepositoryPath = RepositoryPath Text
deriving Show
{- Custom field display for a RepositoryPath, with an icon etc.
- Validates that the path entered is not empty, and is a safe value
- to use as a repository. -}
#if MIN_VERSION_yesod(1,2,0)
repositoryPathField :: forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadIO m, HandlerSite m ~ WebApp) => Bool -> Field m Text
repositoryPathField :: forall sub. Bool -> Field sub WebApp Text
repositoryPathField autofocus = Field
#if ! MIN_VERSION_yesod_form(1,2,0)
{ fieldParse = parse
{ fieldParse = \l _ -> parse l
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
, fieldView = view
view idAttr nameAttr attrs val isReq =
[whamlet|<input type="text" *{attrs} id="#{idAttr}" name="#{nameAttr}" :isReq:required :autofocus:autofocus value="#{either id id val}">|]
parse [path]
| T.null path = nopath
| otherwise = liftIO $ checkRepositoryPath path
parse [] = return $ Right Nothing
parse _ = nopath
nopath = return $ Left "Enter a location for the repository"
{- As well as checking the path for a lot of silly things, tilde is
- expanded in the returned path. -}
checkRepositoryPath :: Text -> IO (Either (SomeMessage WebApp) (Maybe Text))
checkRepositoryPath p = do
home <- myHomeDir
let basepath = expandTilde home $ T.unpack p
path <- absPath basepath
let parent = parentDir path
problems <- catMaybes <$> mapM runcheck
[ (return $ path == "/", "Enter the full path to use for the repository.")
, (return $ all isSpace basepath, "A blank path? Seems unlikely.")
, (doesFileExist path, "A file already exists with that name.")
, (return $ path == home, "Sorry, using git-annex for your whole home directory is not currently supported.")
, (not <$> doesDirectoryExist parent, "Parent directory does not exist.")
, (not <$> canWrite path, "Cannot write a repository there.")
return $
case headMaybe problems of
Nothing -> Right $ Just $ T.pack basepath
Just prob -> Left prob
runcheck (chk, msg) = ifM (chk) ( return $ Just msg, return Nothing )
expandTilde home ('~':'/':path) = home </> path
expandTilde _ path = path
{- On first run, if run in the home directory, default to putting it in
- ~/Desktop/annex, when a Desktop directory exists, and ~/annex otherwise.
- If run in another directory, that the user can write to,
- the user probably wants to put it there. Unless that directory
- contains a git-annex file, in which case the user has probably
- browsed to a directory with git-annex and run it from there. -}
defaultRepositoryPath :: Bool -> IO FilePath
defaultRepositoryPath firstrun = do
cwd <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
home <- myHomeDir
if home == cwd && firstrun
then inhome
else ifM (legit cwd <&&> canWrite cwd)
( return cwd
, inhome
inhome = do
desktop <- userDesktopDir
ifM (doesDirectoryExist desktop)
( relHome $ desktop </> gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir
, return $ "~" </> gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir
legit d = not <$> doesFileExist (d </> "git-annex")
newRepositoryForm :: FilePath -> Hamlet.Html -> MkMForm RepositoryPath
newRepositoryForm defpath msg = do
(pathRes, pathView) <- mreq (repositoryPathField True) ""
(Just $ T.pack $ addTrailingPathSeparator defpath)
let (err, errmsg) = case pathRes of
FormMissing -> (False, "")
FormFailure l -> (True, concat $ map T.unpack l)
FormSuccess _ -> (False, "")
let form = do
$(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/form")
return (RepositoryPath <$> pathRes, form)
{- Making the first repository, when starting the webapp for the first time. -}
getFirstRepositoryR :: Handler Html
getFirstRepositoryR = postFirstRepositoryR
postFirstRepositoryR :: Handler Html
postFirstRepositoryR = page "Getting started" (Just Configuration) $ do
#ifdef __ANDROID__
androidspecial <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist "/sdcard/DCIM"
let path = "/sdcard/annex"
let androidspecial = False
path <- liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< liftH inFirstRun
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm path
case res of
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> liftH $
startFullAssistant (T.unpack p) ClientGroup Nothing
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/first")
getAndroidCameraRepositoryR :: Handler ()
getAndroidCameraRepositoryR =
startFullAssistant "/sdcard/DCIM" SourceGroup $ Just addignore
addignore = do
liftIO $ unlessM (doesFileExist ".gitignore") $
writeFile ".gitignore" ".thumbnails/*"
void $ inRepo $
Git.Command.runBool [Param "add", File ".gitignore"]
{- Adding a new local repository, which may be entirely separate, or may
- be connected to the current repository. -}
getNewRepositoryR :: Handler Html
getNewRepositoryR = postNewRepositoryR
postNewRepositoryR :: Handler Html
postNewRepositoryR = page "Add another repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
home <- liftIO myHomeDir
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $ newRepositoryForm home
case res of
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> do
let path = T.unpack p
isnew <- liftIO $ makeRepo path False
u <- liftIO $ initRepo isnew True path Nothing
liftH $ liftAnnexOr () $ setStandardGroup u ClientGroup
liftIO $ addAutoStartFile path
liftIO $ startAssistant path
askcombine u path
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository")
askcombine newrepouuid newrepopath = do
newrepo <- liftIO $ relHome newrepopath
mainrepo <- fromJust . relDir <$> liftH getYesod
$(widgetFile "configurators/newrepository/combine")
getCombineRepositoryR :: FilePathAndUUID -> Handler Html
getCombineRepositoryR (FilePathAndUUID newrepopath newrepouuid) = do
r <- combineRepos newrepopath remotename
liftAssistant $ syncRemote r
redirect $ EditRepositoryR newrepouuid
remotename = takeFileName newrepopath
selectDriveForm :: [RemovableDrive] -> Hamlet.Html -> MkMForm RemovableDrive
selectDriveForm drives = renderBootstrap $ RemovableDrive
<$> pure Nothing
<*> areq (selectFieldList pairs) "Select drive:" Nothing
<*> areq textField "Use this directory on the drive:"
(Just $ T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir)
pairs = zip (map describe drives) (map mountPoint drives)
describe drive = case diskFree drive of
Nothing -> mountPoint drive
Just free ->
let sz = roughSize storageUnits True free
in T.unwords
[ mountPoint drive
, T.concat ["(", T.pack sz]
, "free)"
removableDriveRepository :: RemovableDrive -> FilePath
removableDriveRepository drive =
T.unpack (mountPoint drive) </> T.unpack (driveRepoPath drive)
{- Adding a removable drive. -}
getAddDriveR :: Handler Html
getAddDriveR = postAddDriveR
postAddDriveR :: Handler Html
postAddDriveR = page "Add a removable drive" (Just Configuration) $ do
removabledrives <- liftIO $ driveList
writabledrives <- liftIO $
filterM (canWrite . T.unpack . mountPoint) removabledrives
((res, form), enctype) <- liftH $ runFormPost $
selectDriveForm (sort writabledrives)
case res of
FormSuccess drive -> liftH $ redirect $ ConfirmAddDriveR drive
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive")
{- The repo may already exist, when adding removable media
- that has already been used elsewhere. If so, check
- the UUID of the repo and see if it's one we know. If not,
- the user must confirm the repository merge. -}
getConfirmAddDriveR :: RemovableDrive -> Handler Html
getConfirmAddDriveR drive = do
ifM (needconfirm)
( page "Combine repositories?" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive/confirm")
, do
getFinishAddDriveR drive
dir = removableDriveRepository drive
needconfirm = ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir)
( liftAnnex $ do
mu <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
inDir dir $ getUUID
case mu of
Nothing -> return False
Just driveuuid -> not .
M.member driveuuid <$> uuidMap
, return False
cloneModal :: Widget
cloneModal = $(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive/clonemodal")
getFinishAddDriveR :: RemovableDrive -> Handler Html
getFinishAddDriveR drive = make >>= redirect . EditNewRepositoryR
make = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
isnew <- liftIO $ makeRepo dir True
u <- liftIO $ initRepo isnew False dir $ Just remotename
r <- combineRepos dir remotename
liftAnnex $ setStandardGroup u TransferGroup
liftAssistant $ syncRemote r
return u
mountpoint = T.unpack (mountPoint drive)
dir = removableDriveRepository drive
remotename = takeFileName mountpoint
{- Each repository is made a remote of the other.
- Next call syncRemote to get them in sync. -}
combineRepos :: FilePath -> String -> Handler Remote
combineRepos dir name = liftAnnex $ do
hostname <- maybe "host" id <$> liftIO getHostname
hostlocation <- fromRepo Git.repoLocation
liftIO $ inDir dir $ void $ makeGitRemote hostname hostlocation
addRemote $ makeGitRemote name dir
getEnableDirectoryR :: UUID -> Handler Html
getEnableDirectoryR uuid = page "Enable a repository" (Just Configuration) $ do
description <- liftAnnex $ T.pack <$> prettyUUID uuid
$(widgetFile "configurators/enabledirectory")
{- List of removable drives. -}
driveList :: IO [RemovableDrive]
driveList = mapM (gen . mnt_dir) =<< filter sane <$> getMounts
gen dir = RemovableDrive
<$> getDiskFree dir
<*> pure (T.pack dir)
<*> pure (T.pack gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir)
-- filter out some things that are surely not removable drives
sane Mntent { mnt_dir = dir, mnt_fsname = dev }
{- We want real disks like /dev/foo, not
- dummy mount points like proc or tmpfs or
- gvfs-fuse-daemon. -}
| not ('/' `elem` dev) = False
{- Just in case: These mount points are surely not
- removable disks. -}
| dir == "/" = False
| dir == "/tmp" = False
| dir == "/run/shm" = False
| dir == "/run/lock" = False
#ifdef __ANDROID__
| dir == "/mnt/sdcard" = False
| dir == "/sdcard" = False
| otherwise = True
driveList = return []
{- Bootstraps from first run mode to a fully running assistant in a
- repository, by running the postFirstRun callback, which returns the
- url to the new webapp. -}
startFullAssistant :: FilePath -> StandardGroup -> Maybe (Annex ())-> Handler ()
startFullAssistant path repogroup setup = do
webapp <- getYesod
url <- liftIO $ do
isnew <- makeRepo path False
u <- initRepo isnew True path Nothing
inDir path $ do
setStandardGroup u repogroup
maybe noop id setup
addAutoStartFile path
setCurrentDirectory path
fromJust $ postFirstRun webapp
redirect $ T.pack url
{- Makes a new git repository. Or, if a git repository already
- exists, returns False. -}
makeRepo :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO Bool
makeRepo path bare = ifM alreadyexists
( return False
, do
(transcript, ok) <-
processTranscript "git" (toCommand params) Nothing
unless ok $
error $ "git init failed!\nOutput:\n" ++ transcript
return True
alreadyexists = isJust <$>
catchDefaultIO Nothing (Git.Construct.checkForRepo path)
baseparams = [Param "init", Param "--quiet"]
| bare = baseparams ++ [Param "--bare", File path]
| otherwise = baseparams ++ [File path]
{- Runs an action in the git-annex repository in the specified directory. -}
inDir :: FilePath -> Annex a -> IO a
inDir dir a = do
state <- Annex.new =<< Git.Config.read =<< Git.Construct.fromPath dir
Annex.eval state a
{- Creates a new repository, and returns its UUID. -}
initRepo :: Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO UUID
initRepo True primary_assistant_repo dir desc = inDir dir $ do
initRepo' desc
{- Initialize the master branch, so things that expect
- to have it will work, before any files are added. -}
unlessM (Git.Config.isBare <$> gitRepo) $
void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
[ Param "commit"
, Param "--quiet"
, Param "--allow-empty"
, Param "-m"
, Param "created repository"
{- Repositories directly managed by the assistant use direct mode.
- Automatic gc is disabled, as it can be slow. Insted, gc is done
- once a day.
when primary_assistant_repo $ do
setDirect True
inRepo $ Git.Command.run
[Param "config", Param "gc.auto", Param "0"]
{- Repo already exists, could be a non-git-annex repo though. -}
initRepo False _ dir desc = inDir dir $ do
initRepo' desc
initRepo' :: Maybe String -> Annex ()
initRepo' desc = do
unlessM isInitialized $
initialize desc
{- Checks if the user can write to a directory.
- The directory may be in the process of being created; if so
- the parent directory is checked instead. -}
canWrite :: FilePath -> IO Bool
canWrite dir = do
tocheck <- ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir)
(return dir, return $ parentDir dir)
catchBoolIO $ fileAccess tocheck False True False