Walking a tightrope between security and convenience here, because git-annex-shell needs to only proxy for things when there has been an explicit, local action to configure them. In this case, the user has to have run `git-annex extendcluster`, which now sets annex-cluster-gateway on the remote. Note that any repositories that the gateway is recorded to proxy for will be proxied onward. This is not limited to cluster nodes, because checking the node log would not add any security; someone could add any uuid to it. The gateway of course then does its own checking to determine if it will allow proxying for the remote.
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.UpdateCluster where
import Command
import qualified Annex
import Types.Cluster
import Logs.Cluster
import qualified Remote as R
import qualified Types.Remote as R
import qualified Command.UpdateProxy
import Utility.SafeOutput
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
cmd :: Command
cmd = noMessages $ command "updatecluster" SectionSetup
"update records of cluster nodes"
paramNothing (withParams seek)
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek = withNothing $ do
commandAction start
commandAction Command.UpdateProxy.start
start :: CommandStart
start = startingCustomOutput (ActionItemOther Nothing) $ do
rs <- R.remoteList
let getnode r = do
clusternames <- remoteAnnexClusterNode (R.gitconfig r)
return $ M.fromList $ zip clusternames (repeat (S.singleton r))
let myclusternodes = M.unionsWith S.union (mapMaybe getnode rs)
myclusters <- annexClusters <$> Annex.getGitConfig
recordedclusters <- getClusters
descs <- R.uuidDescriptions
-- Update the cluster log to list the currently configured nodes
-- of each configured cluster.
forM_ (M.toList myclusters) $ \(clustername, cu) -> do
let mynodesremotes = fromMaybe mempty $
M.lookup clustername myclusternodes
let mynodes = S.map (ClusterNodeUUID . R.uuid) mynodesremotes
let recordednodes = fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup cu $
clusterUUIDs recordedclusters
proxiednodes <- findProxiedClusterNodes recordednodes
let allnodes = S.union mynodes proxiednodes
if recordednodes == allnodes
then liftIO $ putStrLn $ safeOutput $
"No cluster node changes for cluster: " ++ clustername
else do
describechanges descs clustername recordednodes allnodes mynodesremotes
recordCluster cu allnodes
next $ return True
describechanges descs clustername oldnodes allnodes mynodesremotes = do
forM_ (S.toList mynodesremotes) $ \r ->
unless (S.member (ClusterNodeUUID (R.uuid r)) oldnodes) $
liftIO $ putStrLn $ safeOutput $
"Added node " ++ R.name r ++ " to cluster: " ++ clustername
forM_ (S.toList oldnodes) $ \n ->
unless (S.member n allnodes) $ do
let desc = maybe (fromUUID (fromClusterNodeUUID n)) fromUUIDDesc $
M.lookup (fromClusterNodeUUID n) descs
liftIO $ putStrLn $ safeOutput $
"Removed node " ++ desc ++ " from cluster: " ++ clustername
-- Finds nodes that are proxied by other cluster gateways.
findProxiedClusterNodes :: S.Set ClusterNodeUUID -> Annex (S.Set ClusterNodeUUID)
findProxiedClusterNodes recordednodes =
(S.fromList . map asclusternode . filter isproxynode) <$> R.remoteList
isproxynode r =
asclusternode r `S.member` recordednodes
&& isJust (remoteAnnexProxiedBy (R.gitconfig r))
asclusternode = ClusterNodeUUID . R.uuid