This eliminates the distinction between decodeBS and decodeBS', encodeBS and encodeBS', etc. The old implementation truncated at NUL, and the primed versions had to do extra work to avoid that problem. The new implementation does not truncate at NUL, and is also a lot faster. (Benchmarked at 2x faster for decodeBS and 3x for encodeBS; more for the primed versions.) Note that filepath-bytestring contains the same optimisation, and upgrading to it will speed up to/fromRawFilePath. AFAIK, nothing relied on the old behavior of truncating at NUL. Some code used the faster versions in places where I was sure there would not be a NUL. So this change is unlikely to break anything. Also, moved s2w8 and w82s out of the module, as they do not involve filesystem encoding really. Sponsored-by: Shae Erisson on Patreon
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{- git-remote-gcrypt support
- https://spwhitton.name/tech/code/git-remote-gcrypt/
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.GCrypt where
import Common
import Git.Types
import Git.Construct
import qualified Git.Config as Config
import qualified Git.Command as Command
import Utility.Gpg
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Network.URI
urlScheme :: String
urlScheme = "gcrypt:"
urlPrefix :: String
urlPrefix = urlScheme ++ ":"
isEncrypted :: Repo -> Bool
isEncrypted Repo { location = Url url } = urlPrefix `isPrefixOf` show url
isEncrypted Repo { location = UnparseableUrl url } = urlPrefix `isPrefixOf` url
isEncrypted _ = False
{- The first Repo is the git repository that has the second Repo
- as one of its remotes.
- When the remote Repo uses gcrypt, returns the actual underlying
- git repository that gcrypt is using to store its data.
- Throws an exception if the repo does not use gcrypt.
encryptedRemote :: Repo -> Repo -> IO Repo
encryptedRemote baserepo = go
go Repo { location = Url url } = go' (show url)
go Repo { location = UnparseableUrl url } = go' url
go _ = notencrypted
go' u
| urlPrefix `isPrefixOf` u =
let l = drop plen u
-- Git.Construct.fromUrl escapes characters
-- that are not allowed in URIs (though git
-- allows them); need to de-escape any such
-- to get back the path to the repository.
l' = Network.URI.unEscapeString l
in fromRemoteLocation l' baserepo
| otherwise = notencrypted
notencrypted = giveup "not a gcrypt encrypted repository"
plen = length urlPrefix
data ProbeResult = Decryptable | NotDecryptable | NotEncrypted
{- Checks if the git repo at a location uses gcrypt.
- Rather expensive -- many need to fetch the entire repo contents.
- (Which is fine if the repo is going to be added as a remote..)
probeRepo :: String -> Repo -> IO ProbeResult
probeRepo loc baserepo = do
let p = proc "git" $ toCommand $ Command.gitCommandLine
[ Param "remote-gcrypt"
, Param "--check"
, Param loc
] baserepo
withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid -> do
code <- waitForProcess pid
return $ case code of
ExitSuccess -> Decryptable
ExitFailure 1 -> NotDecryptable
ExitFailure _ -> NotEncrypted
type GCryptId = String
{- gcrypt gives each encrypted repository a uique gcrypt-id,
- which is stored in the repository (in encrypted form)
- and cached in a per-remote gcrypt-id configuration setting. -}
remoteRepoId :: Repo -> Maybe RemoteName -> Maybe GCryptId
remoteRepoId r n = fromConfigValue <$> getRemoteConfig "gcrypt-id" r n
getRemoteConfig :: S.ByteString -> Repo -> Maybe RemoteName -> Maybe ConfigValue
getRemoteConfig field repo remotename = do
n <- remotename
Config.getMaybe (remoteConfigKey field n) repo
{- Gpg keys that the remote is encrypted for.
- If empty, gcrypt uses --default-recipient-self -}
getParticiantList :: Maybe Repo -> Repo -> Maybe RemoteName -> KeyIds
getParticiantList globalconfigrepo repo remotename = KeyIds $ parse $ firstJust
[ getRemoteConfig "gcrypt-participants" repo remotename
, Config.getMaybe defaultkey repo
, Config.getMaybe defaultkey =<< globalconfigrepo
defaultkey = "gcrypt.participants"
parse (Just (ConfigValue "simple")) = []
parse (Just (ConfigValue b)) = words (decodeBS b)
parse (Just NoConfigValue) = []
parse Nothing = []
remoteParticipantConfigKey :: RemoteName -> ConfigKey
remoteParticipantConfigKey = remoteConfigKey "gcrypt-participants"
remotePublishParticipantConfigKey :: RemoteName -> ConfigKey
remotePublishParticipantConfigKey = remoteConfigKey "gcrypt-publish-participants"
remoteSigningKey :: RemoteName -> ConfigKey
remoteSigningKey = remoteConfigKey "gcrypt-signingkey"
remoteConfigKey :: S.ByteString -> RemoteName -> ConfigKey
remoteConfigKey key remotename = ConfigKey $
"remote." <> encodeBS remotename <> "." <> key