Joey Hess f77979b8b5 improved git-annex branch changing
All changes to files in the branch are now made via pure functions that
transform the old file into the new. This will allow adding locking
to prevent read/write races. It also makes the code nicer, and purer.

I noticed a behavior change, really a sort of bug fix. Before,
'git annex untrust foo --trust bar' would change both trust levels
permanantly, now the --trust doesn't get stored.
2011-10-03 15:41:25 -04:00

126 lines
3.2 KiB

{- git-annex presence log
- This is used to store presence information in the git-annex branch in
- a way that can be union merged.
- A line of the log will look like: "date N INFO"
- Where N=1 when the INFO is present, and 0 otherwise.
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module PresenceLog (
) where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Branch
import Types
data LogLine = LogLine {
date :: POSIXTime,
status :: LogStatus,
info :: String
} deriving (Eq)
data LogStatus = InfoPresent | InfoMissing | Undefined
deriving (Eq)
instance Show LogStatus where
show InfoPresent = "1"
show InfoMissing = "0"
show Undefined = "undefined"
instance Read LogStatus where
readsPrec _ "1" = [(InfoPresent, "")]
readsPrec _ "0" = [(InfoMissing, "")]
readsPrec _ _ = [(Undefined, "")]
instance Show LogLine where
show (LogLine d s i) = unwords [show d, show s, i]
instance Read LogLine where
-- This parser is robust in that even unparsable log lines are
-- read without an exception being thrown.
-- Such lines have a status of Undefined.
readsPrec _ string =
if length w >= 3
then maybe bad good pdate
else bad
w = words string
s = read $ w !! 1
i = w !! 2
pdate :: Maybe UTCTime
pdate = parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" $ head w
good v = ret $ LogLine (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds v) s i
bad = ret $ LogLine 0 Undefined ""
ret v = [(v, "")]
addLog :: FilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
addLog file line = Branch.change file $ \s ->
showLog $ compactLog (line : parseLog s)
{- Reads a log file.
- Note that the LogLines returned may be in any order. -}
readLog :: FilePath -> Annex [LogLine]
readLog file = parseLog <$> Branch.get file
parseLog :: String -> [LogLine]
parseLog = filter parsable . map read . lines
-- some lines may be unparseable, avoid them
parsable l = status l /= Undefined
{- Generates a log file. -}
showLog :: [LogLine] -> String
showLog = unlines . map show
{- Generates a new LogLine with the current date. -}
logNow :: LogStatus -> String -> Annex LogLine
logNow s i = do
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
return $ LogLine now s i
{- Reads a log and returns only the info that is still in effect. -}
currentLog :: FilePath -> Annex [String]
currentLog file = map info . filterPresent <$> readLog file
{- Returns the info from LogLines that are in effect. -}
filterPresent :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
filterPresent = filter (\l -> InfoPresent == status l) . compactLog
{- Compacts a set of logs, returning a subset that contains the current
- status. -}
compactLog :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine]
compactLog = M.elems . foldr mapLog M.empty
type LogMap = M.Map String LogLine
{- Inserts a log into a map of logs, if the log has better (ie, newer)
- information than the other logs in the map -}
mapLog :: LogLine -> LogMap -> LogMap
mapLog l m =
if better
then M.insert i l m
else m
better = maybe True newer $ M.lookup i m
newer l' = date l' <= date l
i = info l