101 lines
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101 lines
3 KiB
{- Common infrastructure for the git-annex assistant threads.
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.Common (
module X,
) where
import Common.Annex as X
import Assistant.Monad as X
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import System.Log.Logger
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Map as M
type ThreadName = String
data NamedThread = NamedThread ThreadName (Assistant ())
debug :: [String] -> Assistant ()
debug ws = do
name <- getAssistant threadName
liftIO $ debugM name $ unwords $ (name ++ ":") : ws
runNamedThread :: NamedThread -> Assistant ()
runNamedThread (NamedThread name a) = do
d <- getAssistant id
liftIO . go $ d { threadName = name }
go d = do
r <- E.try (runAssistant a d) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
case r of
Right _ -> noop
Left e -> do
let msg = unwords [name, "crashed:", show e]
hPutStrLn stderr msg
-- TODO click to restart
void $ addAlert (daemonStatusHandle d) $
warningAlert name msg
{- Returns the alert's identifier, which can be used to remove it. -}
addAlert :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Alert -> IO AlertId
addAlert dstatus alert = notifyAlert dstatus `after` modifyDaemonStatus dstatus go
go s = (s { lastAlertId = i, alertMap = m }, i)
i = nextAlertId $ lastAlertId s
m = mergeAlert i alert (alertMap s)
removeAlert :: DaemonStatusHandle -> AlertId -> IO ()
removeAlert dstatus i = updateAlert dstatus i (const Nothing)
updateAlert :: DaemonStatusHandle -> AlertId -> (Alert -> Maybe Alert) -> IO ()
updateAlert dstatus i a = updateAlertMap dstatus $ \m -> M.update a i m
updateAlertMap :: DaemonStatusHandle -> (AlertMap -> AlertMap) -> IO ()
updateAlertMap dstatus a = notifyAlert dstatus `after` modifyDaemonStatus_ dstatus go
go s = s { alertMap = a (alertMap s) }
{- Displays an alert while performing an activity that returns True on
- success.
- The alert is left visible afterwards, as filler.
- Old filler is pruned, to prevent the map growing too large. -}
alertWhile :: Alert -> Assistant Bool -> Assistant Bool
alertWhile alert a = alertWhile' alert $ do
r <- a
return (r, r)
{- Like alertWhile, but allows the activity to return a value too. -}
alertWhile' :: Alert -> Assistant (Bool, a) -> Assistant a
alertWhile' alert a = do
let alert' = alert { alertClass = Activity }
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
i <- liftIO $ addAlert dstatus alert'
(ok, r) <- a
liftIO $ updateAlertMap dstatus $
mergeAlert i $ makeAlertFiller ok alert'
return r
{- Displays an alert while performing an activity, then removes it. -}
alertDuring :: Alert -> Assistant a -> Assistant a
alertDuring alert a = do
let alert' = alert { alertClass = Activity }
dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
i <- liftIO $ addAlert dstatus alert'
liftIO (removeAlert dstatus i) `after` a