Complicated by such repositories potentially being repos that should have an annex.uuid, but it failed to be gotten, perhaps due to the past ssh repo setup bugs. This is handled now by an Upgrade Repository button.
45 lines
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45 lines
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<div ##{ident}>
$if transfersrunning
$forall (transfer, info) <- transfers
$with percent <- maybe "unknown" (showPercentage 0) $ percentComplete transfer info
<div .row-fluid>
<div .span10>
<div .row-fluid>
<h3 .forcewrap>
$maybe file <- associatedFile info
#{key2file $ transferKey transfer}
$case transferDirection transfer
$of Upload
$of Download
<a href="@{EditRepositoryR $ RepoUUID $ transferUUID transfer}">
#{maybe "unknown" Remote.name $ transferRemote info}
$with size <- maybe "unknown" (roughSize dataUnits True) $ keySize $ transferKey transfer
$if isJust $ startedTime info
$if isrunning info
<small .pull-right><b>#{percent} of #{size}</b></small>
<small .pull-right>paused at #{percent} of #{size}</small>
<small .pull-right>queued (#{size})</small>
<div .row-fluid>
<div .progress .progress-striped>
<div .bar style="width: #{percent};">
<div .btn-group .span2>
$if isrunning info
^{actionButton (PauseTransferR transfer) Nothing (Just "pause") "btn" "icon-pause"}
^{actionButton (StartTransferR transfer) Nothing (Just "continue") "btn" "icon-play"}
^{actionButton (CancelTransferR transfer) Nothing (Just "cancel") "btn" "icon-remove"}
$if scanrunning
<img src="@{StaticR activityicon_gif}" alt=""> #
Scanning for files to transfer
$if (not transfersrunning)
(No file transfers running)