Both Command.Sync and Annex.Ingest had their own versions of this. The one in Annex.Ingest used Git.Branch.currentUnsafe, but does not seem to need it. That is only checking to see if it's in an adjusted unlocked branch, and when in an adjusted branch, the branch does in fact exist, so the added check that Git.Branch.current does is fine. This commit was sponsored by Denis Dzyubenko on Patreon.
83 lines
2.6 KiB
83 lines
2.6 KiB
{- adjusted branch names
- Copyright 2016-2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.AdjustedBranch.Name (
) where
import Types.AdjustedBranch
import Git
import qualified Git.Ref
import Utility.Misc
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
adjustedBranchPrefix :: String
adjustedBranchPrefix = "refs/heads/adjusted/"
class SerializeAdjustment t where
serializeAdjustment :: t -> String
deserializeAdjustment :: String -> Maybe t
instance SerializeAdjustment Adjustment where
serializeAdjustment (LinkAdjustment l) =
serializeAdjustment l
serializeAdjustment (PresenceAdjustment p Nothing) =
serializeAdjustment p
serializeAdjustment (PresenceAdjustment p (Just l)) =
serializeAdjustment p ++ "-" ++ serializeAdjustment l
deserializeAdjustment s =
(LinkAdjustment <$> deserializeAdjustment s)
(PresenceAdjustment <$> deserializeAdjustment s1 <*> pure (deserializeAdjustment s2))
(PresenceAdjustment <$> deserializeAdjustment s <*> pure Nothing)
(s1, s2) = separate (== '-') s
instance SerializeAdjustment LinkAdjustment where
serializeAdjustment UnlockAdjustment = "unlocked"
serializeAdjustment LockAdjustment = "locked"
serializeAdjustment FixAdjustment = "fixed"
serializeAdjustment UnFixAdjustment = "unfixed"
deserializeAdjustment "unlocked" = Just UnlockAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment "locked" = Just UnlockAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment "fixed" = Just FixAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment "unfixed" = Just UnFixAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment _ = Nothing
instance SerializeAdjustment PresenceAdjustment where
serializeAdjustment HideMissingAdjustment = "hidemissing"
serializeAdjustment ShowMissingAdjustment = "showmissing"
deserializeAdjustment "hidemissing" = Just HideMissingAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment "showmissing" = Just ShowMissingAdjustment
deserializeAdjustment _ = Nothing
newtype AdjBranch = AdjBranch { adjBranch :: Branch }
originalToAdjusted :: OrigBranch -> Adjustment -> AdjBranch
originalToAdjusted orig adj = AdjBranch $ Ref $
adjustedBranchPrefix ++ base ++ '(' : serializeAdjustment adj ++ ")"
base = fromRef (Git.Ref.base orig)
type OrigBranch = Branch
adjustedToOriginal :: Branch -> Maybe (Adjustment, OrigBranch)
adjustedToOriginal b
| adjustedBranchPrefix `isPrefixOf` bs = do
let (base, as) = separate (== '(') (drop prefixlen bs)
adj <- deserializeAdjustment (takeWhile (/= ')') as)
Just (adj, Git.Ref.branchRef (Ref base))
| otherwise = Nothing
bs = fromRef b
prefixlen = length adjustedBranchPrefix