changed the Read instance for Key. I've checked all uses of that instance (by removing it and seeing what breaks), and they're all limited to the webapp, except one. That is GitAnnexDistribution's Read instance. So,9c4650358c
would have broken upgrades of git-annex from downloads.kitenet.net. Once the .info files there got updated for a new release, old releases would have failed to parse them and never upgraded. To fix this, I found a way to make the .info files that contain GitAnnexDistribution values be readable by the old version of git-annex. This commit was sponsored by Ewen McNeill.
207 lines
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207 lines
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{- Downloads git-annex autobuilds and installs them into the git-annex
- repository in ~/lib/downloads that is used to distribute git-annex
- releases.
- Generates info files, containing the version (of the corresponding file
- from the autobuild).
- Also gpg signs the files.
import Annex.Common
import Types.Distribution
import Build.Version (getChangelogVersion, Version)
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Url
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Content
import Annex.WorkTree
import Git.Command
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Char
import System.Posix.Directory
-- git-annex distribution signing key (for Joey Hess)
signingKey :: String
signingKey = "89C809CB"
-- URL to an autobuilt git-annex file, and the place to install
-- it in the repository.
autobuilds :: [(URLString, FilePath)]
autobuilds =
(map linuxarch ["i386", "amd64", "armel", "i386-ancient"]) ++
(map androidversion ["4.0", "4.3", "5.0"]) ++
[ (autobuild "x86_64-apple-yosemite/git-annex.dmg", "git-annex/OSX/current/10.10_Yosemite/git-annex.dmg")
, (autobuild "windows/git-annex-installer.exe", "git-annex/windows/current/git-annex-installer.exe")
linuxarch a =
( autobuild (a ++ "/git-annex-standalone-" ++ a ++ ".tar.gz")
, "git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-" ++ a ++ ".tar.gz"
androidversion v =
( autobuild ("android/" ++ v ++ "/git-annex.apk")
, "git-annex/android/current/" ++ v ++ "/git-annex.apk"
autobuild f = "https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/" ++ f
main :: IO ()
main = do
version <- liftIO getChangelogVersion
repodir <- getRepoDir
changeWorkingDirectory repodir
updated <- catMaybes <$> mapM (getbuild repodir) autobuilds
state <- Annex.new =<< Git.Construct.fromPath "."
Annex.eval state (makeinfos updated version)
-- Download a build from the autobuilder, virus check it, and return its
-- version.
-- It's very important that the version matches the build, otherwise
-- auto-upgrades can loop reatedly. So, check build-version before
-- and after downloading the file.
getbuild :: FilePath -> (URLString, FilePath) -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, Version))
getbuild repodir (url, f) = do
bv1 <- getbv
let dest = repodir </> f
let tmp = dest ++ ".tmp"
nukeFile tmp
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
let oops s = do
nukeFile tmp
putStrLn $ "*** " ++ s
return Nothing
ifM (download url tmp def)
( ifM (liftIO $ virusFree tmp)
( do
bv2 <- getbv
case bv2 of
Nothing -> oops $ "no build-version file for " ++ url
(Just v)
| bv2 == bv1 -> do
nukeFile dest
renameFile tmp dest
-- remove git rev part of version
let v' = takeWhile (/= '-') v
return $ Just (f, v')
| otherwise -> oops $ "build version changed while downloading " ++ url ++ " " ++ show (bv1, bv2)
, oops $ "VIRUS detected in " ++ url
, oops $ "failed to download " ++ url
bvurl = takeDirectory url ++ "/build-version"
getbv = do
bv <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readProcess "curl" ["--silent", bvurl]
return $ if null bv || any (not . versionchar) bv then Nothing else Just bv
versionchar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '-'
makeinfos :: [(FilePath, Version)] -> Version -> Annex ()
makeinfos updated version = do
mapM_ (\f -> inRepo $ runBool [Param "annex", Param "add", File f]) (map fst updated)
void $ inRepo $ runBool
[ Param "commit"
, Param "-a"
, Param ("-S" ++ signingKey)
, Param "-m"
, Param $ "publishing git-annex " ++ version
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "building info files"
forM_ updated $ \(f, bv) -> do
v <- lookupFile f
case v of
Nothing -> noop
Just k -> whenM (inAnnex k) $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn f
let infofile = f ++ ".info"
let d = GitAnnexDistribution
{ distributionUrl = mkUrl f
, distributionKey = k
, distributionVersion = bv
, distributionReleasedate = now
, distributionUrgentUpgrade = Nothing
liftIO $ writeFile infofile $ formatInfoFile d
void $ inRepo $ runBool [Param "add", File infofile]
signFile infofile
signFile f
void $ inRepo $ runBool
[ Param "commit"
, Param ("-S" ++ signingKey)
, Param "-m"
, Param $ "updated info files for git-annex " ++ version
void $ inRepo $ runBool
[ Param "annex"
, Param "move"
, Param "--to"
, Param "website"
void $ inRepo $ runBool
[ Param "annex"
, Param "sync"
-- Check for out of date info files.
infos <- liftIO $ filter (".info" `isSuffixOf`)
<$> dirContentsRecursive "git-annex"
ds <- liftIO $ forM infos (readish <$$> readFile)
let dis = zip infos ds
let ood = filter outofdate dis
unless (null ood) $
error $ "Some info files are out of date: " ++ show (map fst ood)
outofdate (_, md) = case md of
Nothing -> True
Just d -> distributionVersion d /= version
getRepoDir :: IO FilePath
getRepoDir = do
home <- liftIO myHomeDir
return $ home </> "lib" </> "downloads"
mkUrl :: FilePath -> String
mkUrl f = "https://downloads.kitenet.net/" ++ f
signFile :: FilePath -> Annex ()
signFile f = do
void $ liftIO $ boolSystem "gpg"
[ Param "-a"
, Param $ "--default-key=" ++ signingKey
, Param "--detach-sign"
, File f
liftIO $ rename (f ++ ".asc") (f ++ ".sig")
void $ inRepo $ runBool [Param "add", File (f ++ ".sig")]
-- clamscan should handle unpacking archives, but did not in my
-- testing, so do it manually.
virusFree :: FilePath -> IO Bool
virusFree f
| ".tar.gz" `isSuffixOf` f = unpack $ \tmpdir ->
boolSystem "tar" [ Param "xf", File f, Param "-C", File tmpdir ]
| ".dmg" `isSuffixOf` f = unpack $ \tmpdir -> do
-- 7z can extract partitions from a dmg, and then
-- run on partitions can extract their files
unhfs tmpdir f
parts <- filter (".hfs" `isSuffixOf`) <$> getDirectoryContents tmpdir
forM_ parts $ unhfs tmpdir
return True
| otherwise = clamscan f
clamscan f' = boolSystem "clamscan"
[ Param "--no-summary"
, Param "-r"
, Param f'
unpack unpacker = withTmpDir "clamscan" $ \tmpdir -> do
unlessM (unpacker tmpdir) $
error $ "Failed to unpack " ++ f ++ " for virus scan"
clamscan tmpdir
unhfs dest f' = unlessM (boolSystem "7z" [ Param "x", Param ("-o" ++ dest), File f' ]) $
error $ "Failed extracting hfs " ++ f'