add, addurl, importfeed, import: Added --no-check-gitignore option for finer grained control than using --force. (--force is used for too many different things, and at least one of these also uses it for something else. I would like to reduce --force's footprint until it only forces drops or a few other data losses. For now, --force still disables checking ignores too.) addunused: Don't check .gitignores when adding files. This is a behavior change, but I justify it by analogy with git add of a gitignored file adding it, asking to add all unused files back should add them all back, not skip some. The old behavior was surprising. In Command.Lock and Command.ReKey, CheckGitIgnore False does not change behavior, it only makes explicit what is done. Since these commands are run on annexed files, the file is already checked into git, so git add won't check ignores.
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64 lines
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{- git check-ignore interface, with handle automatically stored in
- the Annex monad
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.CheckIgnore (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Git.CheckIgnore as Git
import qualified Annex
import Utility.ResourcePool
import Types.Concurrency
import Annex.Concurrent.Utility
newtype CheckGitIgnore = CheckGitIgnore Bool
checkIgnored :: CheckGitIgnore -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkIgnored (CheckGitIgnore False) _ = pure False
checkIgnored (CheckGitIgnore True) file =
ifM (not <$> Annex.getState Annex.force)
( pure False
, withCheckIgnoreHandle $ \h -> liftIO $ Git.checkIgnored h file
withCheckIgnoreHandle :: (Git.CheckIgnoreHandle -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withCheckIgnoreHandle a =
maybe mkpool go =<< Annex.getState Annex.checkignorehandle
go p = withResourcePool p start a
start = inRepo Git.checkIgnoreStart
mkpool = do
-- This only runs in non-concurrent code paths;
-- a concurrent pool is set up earlier when needed.
p <- mkResourcePoolNonConcurrent start
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.checkignorehandle = Just p }
go p
mkConcurrentCheckIgnoreHandle :: Concurrency -> Annex (ResourcePool Git.CheckIgnoreHandle)
mkConcurrentCheckIgnoreHandle c =
Annex.getState Annex.checkignorehandle >>= \case
Just p@(ResourcePool {}) -> return p
_ -> mkResourcePool =<< liftIO (maxCheckIgnores c)
{- git check-ignore is typically CPU bound, and is not likely to be the main
- bottleneck for any command. So limit to the number of CPU cores, maximum,
- while respecting the -Jn value.
maxCheckIgnores :: Concurrency -> IO Int
maxCheckIgnores = concurrencyUpToCpus
checkIgnoreStop :: Annex ()
checkIgnoreStop = maybe noop stop =<< Annex.getState Annex.checkignorehandle
stop p = do
liftIO $ freeResourcePool p Git.checkIgnoreStop
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.checkignorehandle = Nothing }