Running git-annex linux builds in termux seems to work well enough that the only reason to keep the Android app would be to support Android 4-5, which the old Android app supported, and which I don't know if the termux method works on (although I see no reason why it would not). According to [1], Android 4-5 remains on around 29% of devices, down from 51% one year ago. [1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/271774/share-of-android-platforms-on-mobile-devices-with-android-os/ This is a rather large commit, but mostly very straightfoward removal of android ifdefs and patches and associated cruft. Also, removed support for building with very old ghc < 8.0.1, and with yesod < 1.4.3, and without concurrent-output, which were only being used by the cross build. Some documentation specific to the Android app (screenshots etc) needs to be updated still. This commit was sponsored by Brett Eisenberg on Patreon.
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{- git-annex output messages, including concurrent output to display regions
- Copyright 2010-2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Messages.Concurrent where
import Types
import Types.Messages
import qualified Annex
import Common
import qualified System.Console.Concurrent as Console
import qualified System.Console.Regions as Regions
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Text as T
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import GHC.IO.Encoding
{- Outputs a message in a concurrency safe way.
- The message may be an error message, in which case it goes to stderr.
- When built without concurrent-output support, the fallback action is run
- instead.
concurrentMessage :: MessageState -> Bool -> String -> Annex () -> Annex ()
concurrentMessage s iserror msg fallback
| concurrentOutputEnabled s =
go =<< consoleRegion <$> Annex.getState Annex.output
| otherwise = fallback
go Nothing
| iserror = liftIO $ Console.errorConcurrent msg
| otherwise = liftIO $ Console.outputConcurrent msg
go (Just r) = do
-- Can't display the error to stdout while
-- console regions are in use, so set the errflag
-- to get it to display to stderr later.
when iserror $ do
Annex.changeState $ \st ->
st { Annex.output = (Annex.output st) { consoleRegionErrFlag = True } }
liftIO $ atomically $ do
Regions.appendConsoleRegion r msg
rl <- takeTMVar Regions.regionList
putTMVar Regions.regionList
(if r `elem` rl then rl else r:rl)
{- Runs an action in its own dedicated region of the console.
- The region is closed at the end or on exception, and at that point
- the value of the region is displayed in the scrolling area above
- any other active regions.
- When not at a console, a region is not displayed until the action is
- complete.
inOwnConsoleRegion :: MessageState -> Annex a -> Annex a
inOwnConsoleRegion s a
| concurrentOutputEnabled s = do
r <- mkregion
setregion (Just r)
eret <- tryNonAsync a `onException` rmregion r
case eret of
Left e -> do
-- Add error message to region before it closes.
concurrentMessage s True (show e) noop
rmregion r
throwM e
Right ret -> do
rmregion r
return ret
| otherwise = a
-- The region is allocated here, but not displayed until
-- a message is added to it. This avoids unnecessary screen
-- updates when a region does not turn out to need to be used.
mkregion = Regions.newConsoleRegion Regions.Linear ""
setregion r = Annex.changeState $ \st -> st
{ Annex.output = (Annex.output st) { consoleRegion = r } }
rmregion r = do
errflag <- consoleRegionErrFlag <$> Annex.getState Annex.output
let h = if errflag then Console.StdErr else Console.StdOut
Annex.changeState $ \st -> st
{ Annex.output = (Annex.output st) { consoleRegionErrFlag = False } }
setregion Nothing
liftIO $ atomically $ do
t <- Regions.getConsoleRegion r
unless (T.null t) $
Console.bufferOutputSTM h t
Regions.closeConsoleRegion r
{- The progress region is displayed inline with the current console region. -}
withProgressRegion :: (Regions.ConsoleRegion -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withProgressRegion a = do
parent <- consoleRegion <$> Annex.getState Annex.output
Regions.withConsoleRegion (maybe Regions.Linear Regions.InLine parent) a
instance Regions.LiftRegion Annex where
liftRegion = liftIO . atomically
{- The concurrent-output library uses Text, which bypasses the normal use
- of the fileSystemEncoding to roundtrip invalid characters, when in a
- non-unicode locale. Work around that problem by avoiding using
- concurrent output when not in a unicode locale. -}
concurrentOutputSupported :: IO Bool
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
concurrentOutputSupported = do
enc <- getLocaleEncoding
return ("UTF" `isInfixOf` textEncodingName enc)
concurrentOutputSupported = return True -- Windows is always unicode
{- Hide any currently displayed console regions while running the action,
- so that the action can use the console itself.
- This needs a new enough version of concurrent-output; otherwise
- the regions will not be hidden, but the action still runs, garbling the
- display. -}
hideRegionsWhile :: Annex a -> Annex a
#if MIN_VERSION_concurrent_output(1,9,0)
hideRegionsWhile a = bracketIO setup cleanup go
setup = Regions.waitDisplayChange $ swapTMVar Regions.regionList []
cleanup = void . atomically . swapTMVar Regions.regionList
go _ = do
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
hideRegionsWhile = id