The comments correctly noted that the remote could drop the key and yet False be returned due to some problem that occurred afterwards. For example, if it's a network remote, it could drop the key just as the network goes down, and so things timeout and a nonzero exit from ssh is propigated through and False returned. However... Most of the time, this scenario will not have happened. False will mean the remote was not available or could not drop the key at all. So, instead of assuming the worst, just trust the status we have. If we get it wrong, and the scenario above happened, our location log will think the remote has the key. But the remote's location log (assuming it has one) will know it dropped it, and the next sync will regain consistency. For a special remote, with no location log, our location log will be wrong, but this is no different than the situation where someone else dropped the key from the remote and we've not synced with them. The standard paranoia about not trusting the location log to be the last word about whether a remote has a key will save us from these situations. Ie, if we try to drop the file, we'll actively check the remote, and determine the inconsistency then.
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140 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Drop where
import Common.Annex
import Command
import qualified Remote
import qualified Annex
import Annex.UUID
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Trust
import Annex.Content
import Config
import qualified Option
import Annex.Wanted
def :: [Command]
def = [withOptions [fromOption] $ command "drop" paramPaths seek
"indicate content of files not currently wanted"]
fromOption :: Option
fromOption = Option.field ['f'] "from" paramRemote "drop content from a remote"
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withField fromOption Remote.byNameWithUUID $ \from ->
withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed $ start from]
start :: Maybe Remote -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandStart
start from file (key, _) = autoCopiesWith file key (>) $ \numcopies ->
stopUnless (checkAuto $ wantDrop False (Remote.uuid <$> from) (Just file)) $
case from of
Nothing -> startLocal file numcopies key Nothing
Just remote -> do
u <- getUUID
if Remote.uuid remote == u
then startLocal file numcopies key Nothing
else startRemote file numcopies key remote
startLocal :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Key -> Maybe Remote -> CommandStart
startLocal file numcopies key knownpresentremote = stopUnless (inAnnex key) $ do
showStart "drop" file
next $ performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote
startRemote :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Key -> Remote -> CommandStart
startRemote file numcopies key remote = do
showStart ("drop " ++ Remote.name remote) file
next $ performRemote key numcopies remote
performLocal :: Key -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Remote -> CommandPerform
performLocal key numcopies knownpresentremote = lockContent key $ do
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remote.keyPossibilitiesTrusted key
let trusteduuids' = case knownpresentremote of
Nothing -> trusteduuids
Just r -> nub (Remote.uuid r:trusteduuids)
untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
let tocheck = Remote.remotesWithoutUUID remotes (trusteduuids'++untrusteduuids)
stopUnless (canDropKey key numcopies trusteduuids' tocheck []) $ do
removeAnnex key
next $ cleanupLocal key
performRemote :: Key -> Maybe Int -> Remote -> CommandPerform
performRemote key numcopies remote = lockContent key $ do
-- Filter the remote it's being dropped from out of the lists of
-- places assumed to have the key, and places to check.
-- When the local repo has the key, that's one additional copy.
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remote.keyPossibilitiesTrusted key
present <- inAnnex key
u <- getUUID
let have = filter (/= uuid) $
if present then u:trusteduuids else trusteduuids
untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
let tocheck = filter (/= remote) $
Remote.remotesWithoutUUID remotes (have++untrusteduuids)
stopUnless (canDropKey key numcopies have tocheck [uuid]) $ do
ok <- Remote.removeKey remote key
next $ cleanupRemote key remote ok
uuid = Remote.uuid remote
cleanupLocal :: Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanupLocal key = do
logStatus key InfoMissing
return True
cleanupRemote :: Key -> Remote -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanupRemote key remote ok = do
when ok $
Remote.logStatus remote key InfoMissing
return ok
{- Checks specified remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to
- allow it to be safely removed (with no data loss). Can be provided with
- some locations where the key is known/assumed to be present. -}
canDropKey :: Key -> Maybe Int -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> [UUID] -> Annex Bool
canDropKey key numcopiesM have check skip = do
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if force || numcopiesM == Just 0
then return True
else do
need <- getNumCopies numcopiesM
findCopies key need skip have check
findCopies :: Key -> Int -> [UUID] -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Annex Bool
findCopies key need skip = helper [] []
helper bad missing have []
| length have >= need = return True
| otherwise = notEnoughCopies key need have (skip++missing) bad
helper bad missing have (r:rs)
| length have >= need = return True
| otherwise = do
let u = Remote.uuid r
let duplicate = u `elem` have
haskey <- Remote.hasKey r key
case (duplicate, haskey) of
(False, Right True) -> helper bad missing (u:have) rs
(False, Left _) -> helper (r:bad) missing have rs
(False, Right False) -> helper bad (u:missing) have rs
_ -> helper bad missing have rs
notEnoughCopies :: Key -> Int -> [UUID] -> [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Annex Bool
notEnoughCopies key need have skip bad = do
showLongNote $
"Could only verify the existence of " ++
show (length have) ++ " out of " ++ show need ++
" necessary copies"
Remote.showTriedRemotes bad
Remote.showLocations key (have++skip)
"Rather than dropping this file, try using: git annex move"
return False
unsafe = showNote "unsafe"
hint = showLongNote "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust annex.numcopies.)"