This will avoid losing any messages received from 1 client when a push involving another client is running. Additionally, the handling of push initiation is improved, it's no longer allowed to run multiples of the same type of push to the same client. Still stalls sometimes :(
168 lines
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168 lines
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{- git-annex assistant out of band network messager interface
- Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Assistant.NetMessager where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
import Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.DList as D
sendNetMessage :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
sendNetMessage m =
(atomically . flip writeTChan m) <<~ (netMessages . netMessager)
waitNetMessage :: Assistant (NetMessage)
waitNetMessage = (atomically . readTChan) <<~ (netMessages . netMessager)
notifyNetMessagerRestart :: Assistant ()
notifyNetMessagerRestart =
flip writeSV () <<~ (netMessagerRestart . netMessager)
waitNetMessagerRestart :: Assistant ()
waitNetMessagerRestart = readSV <<~ (netMessagerRestart . netMessager)
{- Store an important NetMessage for a client, and if the same message was
- already sent, remove it from sentImportantNetMessages. -}
storeImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> (ClientID -> Bool) -> Assistant ()
storeImportantNetMessage m client matchingclient = go <<~ netMessager
go nm = atomically $ do
q <- takeTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm
sent <- takeTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm
putTMVar (importantNetMessages nm) $
M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client q
putTMVar (sentImportantNetMessages nm) $
M.mapWithKey removematching sent
removematching someclient s
| matchingclient someclient = S.delete m s
| otherwise = s
{- Indicates that an important NetMessage has been sent to a client. -}
sentImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> Assistant ()
sentImportantNetMessage m client = go <<~ (sentImportantNetMessages . netMessager)
go v = atomically $ do
sent <- takeTMVar v
putTMVar v $
M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client sent
{- Checks for important NetMessages that have been stored for a client, and
- sent to a client. Typically the same client for both, although
- a modified or more specific client may need to be used. -}
checkImportantNetMessages :: (ClientID, ClientID) -> Assistant (S.Set NetMessage, S.Set NetMessage)
checkImportantNetMessages (storedclient, sentclient) = go <<~ netMessager
go nm = atomically $ do
stored <- M.lookup storedclient <$> (readTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm)
sent <- M.lookup sentclient <$> (readTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm)
return (fromMaybe S.empty stored, fromMaybe S.empty sent)
{- Runs an action that runs either the send or receive side of a push.
- While the push is running, netMessagesPush will get messages put into it
- relating to this push, while any messages relating to other pushes
- on the same side go to netMessagesDeferred. Once the push finishes,
- those deferred messages will be fed to handledeferred for processing.
- If this is called when a push of the same side is running, it will
- block until that push completes, and then run.
runPush :: PushSide -> ClientID -> Assistant a -> Assistant a
runPush side clientid a = do
nm <- getAssistant netMessager
let v = getSide side $ netMessagerPushRunning nm
debugmsg <- asIO1 $ \s -> netMessagerDebug clientid [s, show side]
let setup = do
debugmsg "preparing to run"
atomically $ ifM (isNothing <$> tryReadTMVar v)
( putTMVar v clientid
, retry
debugmsg "started running"
let cleanup = do
debugmsg "finished running"
atomically $ takeTMVar v
r <- E.bracket_ setup cleanup <~> a
{- Empty the inbox, because stuff may have been left in it
- if the push failed. -}
emptyInbox clientid side
return r
{- Stores messages for a push into the appropriate inbox.
- To avoid overflow, only 1000 messages max are stored in any
- inbox, which should be far more than necessary.
- TODO: If we have more than 100 inboxes for different clients,
- discard old ones that are not currently being used by any push.
storeInbox :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
storeInbox msg@(Pushing clientid stage) = do
inboxes <- getInboxes side
stored <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
m <- readTVar inboxes
let update = \v -> do
writeTVar inboxes $
M.insertWith' const clientid v m
return True
case M.lookup clientid m of
Nothing -> update (1, tostore)
Just (sz, l)
| sz > 1000 -> return False
| otherwise ->
let !sz' = sz + 1
!l' = D.append l tostore
in update (sz', l')
if stored
then netMessagerDebug clientid ["stored", logNetMessage msg, "in", show side, "inbox"]
else netMessagerDebug clientid ["discarded", logNetMessage msg, "; ", show side, "inbox is full"]
side = pushDestinationSide stage
tostore = D.singleton msg
storeInbox _ = noop
{- Gets the new message for a push from its inbox.
- Blocks until a message has been received. -}
waitInbox :: ClientID -> PushSide -> Assistant (NetMessage)
waitInbox clientid side = do
inboxes <- getInboxes side
liftIO $ atomically $ do
m <- readTVar inboxes
case M.lookup clientid m of
Nothing -> retry
Just (sz, dl)
| sz < 1 -> retry
| otherwise -> do
let msg = D.head dl
let dl' = D.tail dl
let !sz' = sz - 1
writeTVar inboxes $
M.insertWith' const clientid (sz', dl') m
return msg
emptyInbox :: ClientID -> PushSide -> Assistant ()
emptyInbox clientid side = do
inboxes <- getInboxes side
liftIO $ atomically $
modifyTVar' inboxes $
M.delete clientid
getInboxes :: PushSide -> Assistant Inboxes
getInboxes side =
getSide side . netMessagesInboxes <$> getAssistant netMessager
netMessagerDebug :: ClientID -> [String] -> Assistant ()
netMessagerDebug clientid l = debug $
"NetMessager" : l ++ [show $ logClientID clientid]