Enough to let lockcontent routes be included and servant-client be used. But not enough to use servant-client with those routes. May need to implement a separate runner for that part of the protocol? Also some misc other stuff needed to use servant-client. And fix exposing of UUID in the JSON types. UUID does actually have aeson instances, but they're used elsewhere (metadata --batch, although only included to get it to compile, not actually used in there) and not suitable for use here since this must work with every possible UUID.
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{- git-annex UUID type
- Copyright 2011-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Types.UUID where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Git.Types (ConfigValue(..))
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Utility.QuickCheck
import Utility.Aeson
import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
-- A UUID is either an arbitrary opaque string, or UUID info may be missing.
data UUID = NoUUID | UUID B.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance NFData UUID where
rnf NoUUID = ()
rnf (UUID b) = rnf b
class FromUUID a where
fromUUID :: UUID -> a
class ToUUID a where
toUUID :: a -> UUID
instance FromUUID UUID where
fromUUID = id
instance ToUUID UUID where
toUUID = id
instance FromUUID B.ByteString where
fromUUID (UUID u) = u
fromUUID NoUUID = B.empty
instance ToUUID B.ByteString where
toUUID b
| B.null b = NoUUID
| otherwise = UUID b
instance FromUUID String where
fromUUID s = decodeBS (fromUUID s)
instance ToUUID String where
toUUID s = toUUID (encodeBS s)
instance FromUUID ConfigValue where
fromUUID s = (ConfigValue (fromUUID s))
instance ToUUID ConfigValue where
toUUID (ConfigValue v) = toUUID v
toUUID NoConfigValue = NoUUID
-- There is no matching FromUUID U.UUID because a git-annex UUID may
-- be NoUUID or perhaps contain something not allowed in a canonical UUID.
instance ToUUID U.UUID where
toUUID = toUUID . U.toASCIIBytes
instance ToJSON' UUID where
toJSON' (UUID u) = toJSON' u
toJSON' NoUUID = toJSON' ""
instance FromJSON UUID where
parseJSON (String t)
| isUUID s = pure (toUUID s)
| otherwise = mempty
s = T.unpack t
parseJSON _ = mempty
buildUUID :: UUID -> Builder
buildUUID (UUID b) = byteString b
buildUUID NoUUID = mempty
isUUID :: String -> Bool
isUUID = isJust . U.fromString
-- A description of a UUID.
newtype UUIDDesc = UUIDDesc B.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Sem.Semigroup, Monoid, IsString)
fromUUIDDesc :: UUIDDesc -> String
fromUUIDDesc (UUIDDesc d) = decodeBS d
toUUIDDesc :: String -> UUIDDesc
toUUIDDesc = UUIDDesc . encodeBS
type UUIDDescMap = M.Map UUID UUIDDesc
instance Proto.Serializable UUID where
serialize = fromUUID
deserialize = Just . toUUID
instance Arbitrary UUID where
arbitrary = frequency [(1, return NoUUID), (3, UUID <$> arb)]
arb = encodeBS <$> listOf1 (elements uuidchars)
uuidchars = '-' : ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9']