Especially from borg, where the content identifier logs all end up being the same identical file! But also, for other imports, the location tracking logs can, in some cases, be identical files. Bonus optimisation: Avoid looking up (and parsing when set) GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK env var every time a log is written to. Although the lookup does happen at startup even when no log will be written now.
54 lines
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54 lines
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{- Chunk logs.
- An object can be stored in chunked for on a remote; these logs keep
- track of the chunk size used, and the number of chunks.
- It's possible for a single object to be stored multiple times on the
- same remote using different chunk sizes. So, while this is a MapLog, it
- is not a normal UUIDBased log. Intead, it's a map from UUID and chunk
- size to number of chunks.
- Format: "timestamp uuid:chunksize chunkcount"
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Chunk (
) where
import Annex.Common
import Logs
import Logs.MapLog
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs.Chunk.Pure
import qualified Annex
import qualified Data.Map as M
chunksStored :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> ChunkCount -> Annex ()
chunksStored u k chunkmethod chunkcount = do
c <- currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (chunkLogFile config k) $
buildLog . changeMapLog c (u, chunkmethod) chunkcount . parseLog
chunksRemoved :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> Annex ()
chunksRemoved u k chunkmethod = chunksStored u k chunkmethod 0
getCurrentChunks :: UUID -> Key -> Annex [(ChunkMethod, ChunkCount)]
getCurrentChunks u k = do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
select . parseLog <$> Annex.Branch.get (chunkLogFile config k)
select = filter (\(_m, ct) -> ct > 0)
. map (\((_ku, m), l) -> (m, value l))
. M.toList
. M.filterWithKey (\(ku, _m) _ -> ku == u)