WIP: This is mostly complete, but there is a problem: createDirectoryUnder throws an error when annex.dbdir is set to outside the git repo. annex.dbdir is a workaround for filesystems where sqlite does not work, due to eg, the filesystem not properly supporting locking. It's intended to be set before initializing the repository. Changing it in an existing repository can be done, but would be the same as making a new repository and moving all the annexed objects into it. While the databases get recreated from the git-annex branch in that situation, any information that is in the databases but not stored in the branch gets lost. It may be that no information ever gets stored in the databases that cannot be reconstructed from the branch, but I have not verified that. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- management of the git-annex journal
- The journal is used to queue up changes before they are committed to the
- git-annex branch. Among other things, it ensures that if git-annex is
- interrupted, its recorded data is not lost.
- All files in the journal must be a series of lines separated by
- newlines.
- Copyright 2011-2022 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Annex.Journal where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Tmp
import Annex.LockFile
import Utility.Directory.Stream
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Char
class Journalable t where
writeJournalHandle :: Handle -> t -> IO ()
journalableByteString :: t -> L.ByteString
instance Journalable L.ByteString where
writeJournalHandle = L.hPut
journalableByteString = id
-- This is more efficient than the ByteString instance.
instance Journalable Builder where
writeJournalHandle = hPutBuilder
journalableByteString = toLazyByteString
{- When a file in the git-annex branch is changed, this indicates what
- repository UUID (or in some cases, UUIDs) a change is regarding.
- Using this lets changes regarding private UUIDs be stored separately
- from the git-annex branch, so its information does not get exposed
- outside the repo.
data RegardingUUID = RegardingUUID [UUID]
regardingPrivateUUID :: RegardingUUID -> Annex Bool
regardingPrivateUUID (RegardingUUID []) = pure False
regardingPrivateUUID (RegardingUUID us) = do
s <- annexPrivateRepos <$> Annex.getGitConfig
return (any (flip S.member s) us)
{- Are any private UUIDs known to exist? If so, extra work has to be done,
- to check for information separately recorded for them, outside the usual
- locations.
privateUUIDsKnown :: Annex Bool
privateUUIDsKnown = privateUUIDsKnown' <$> Annex.getState id
privateUUIDsKnown' :: Annex.AnnexState -> Bool
privateUUIDsKnown' = not . S.null . annexPrivateRepos . Annex.gitconfig
{- Records content for a file in the branch to the journal.
- Using the journal, rather than immediatly staging content to the index
- avoids git needing to rewrite the index after every change.
- The file in the journal is updated atomically. This avoids an
- interrupted write truncating information that was earlier read from the
- file, and so losing data.
setJournalFile :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> content -> Annex ()
setJournalFile _jl ru file content = withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
jd <- fromRepo =<< ifM (regardingPrivateUUID ru)
( return gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir
, return gitAnnexJournalDir
-- journal file is written atomically
let jfile = journalFile file
let tmpfile = tmp P.</> jfile
liftIO $ withFile (fromRawFilePath tmpfile) WriteMode $ \h ->
writeJournalHandle h content
let mv = liftIO $ moveFile tmpfile (jd P.</> jfile)
-- avoid overhead of creating the journal directory when it already
-- exists
mv `catchIO` (const (createAnnexDirectory jd >> mv))
newtype AppendableJournalFile = AppendableJournalFile (RawFilePath, RawFilePath)
{- If the journal file does not exist, it cannot be appended to, because
- that would overwrite whatever content the file has in the git-annex
- branch. -}
checkCanAppendJournalFile :: JournalLocked -> RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe AppendableJournalFile)
checkCanAppendJournalFile _jl ru file = do
jd <- fromRepo =<< ifM (regardingPrivateUUID ru)
( return gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir
, return gitAnnexJournalDir
let jfile = jd P.</> journalFile file
ifM (liftIO $ R.doesPathExist jfile)
( return (Just (AppendableJournalFile (jd, jfile)))
, return Nothing
{- Appends content to an existing journal file.
- Appends are not necessarily atomic, though short appends often are.
- So, when this is interrupted, it can leave only part of the content
- written to the file. To deal with that situation, both this and
- getJournalFileStale check if the file ends with a newline, and if
- not discard the incomplete line.
- Due to the lack of atomicity, this should not be used when multiple
- lines need to be written to the file as an atomic unit.
appendJournalFile :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> AppendableJournalFile -> content -> Annex ()
appendJournalFile _jl (AppendableJournalFile (jd, jfile)) content = do
let write = liftIO $ withFile (fromRawFilePath jfile) ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
sz <- hFileSize h
when (sz /= 0) $ do
hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-1)
lastchar <- B.hGet h 1
unless (lastchar == "\n") $ do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
goodpart <- L.length . discardIncompleteAppend
<$> L.hGet h (fromIntegral sz)
hSetFileSize h (fromIntegral goodpart)
hSeek h SeekFromEnd 0
writeJournalHandle h content
write `catchIO` (const (createAnnexDirectory jd >> write))
data JournalledContent
= NoJournalledContent
| JournalledContent L.ByteString
| PossiblyStaleJournalledContent L.ByteString
-- ^ This is used when the journalled content may have been
-- supersceded by content in the git-annex branch. The returned
-- content should be combined with content from the git-annex branch.
-- This is particularly the case when a file is in the private
-- journal, which does not get written to the git-annex branch,
-- and so the git-annex branch can contain changes to non-private
-- information that were made after that journal file was written.
{- Gets any journalled content for a file in the branch. -}
getJournalFile :: JournalLocked -> GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex JournalledContent
getJournalFile _jl = getJournalFileStale
data GetPrivate = GetPrivate Bool
{- Without locking, this is not guaranteed to be the most recent
- content of the file in the journal, so should not be used as a basis for
- making changes to the file.
- The file is read strictly so that its content can safely be fed into
- an operation that modifies the file (when getJournalFile calls this).
- The minor loss of laziness doesn't matter much, as the files are not
- very large.
- To recover from an append of a line that is interrupted part way through
- (or is in progress when this is called), if the file content does not end
- with a newline, it is truncated back to the previous newline.
getJournalFileStale :: GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex JournalledContent
getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate getprivate) file = do
-- Optimisation to avoid a second MVar access.
st <- Annex.getState id
let g = Annex.repo st
liftIO $
if getprivate && privateUUIDsKnown' st
then do
x <- getfrom (gitAnnexJournalDir g)
getfrom (gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir g) >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ case x of
Nothing -> NoJournalledContent
Just b -> JournalledContent b
Just y -> return $ PossiblyStaleJournalledContent $ case x of
Nothing -> y
-- This concacenation is the same as
-- happens in a merge of two
-- git-annex branches.
Just x' -> x' <> y
else getfrom (gitAnnexJournalDir g) >>= return . \case
Nothing -> NoJournalledContent
Just b -> JournalledContent b
jfile = journalFile file
getfrom d = catchMaybeIO $
discardIncompleteAppend . L.fromStrict
<$> B.readFile (fromRawFilePath (d P.</> jfile))
-- Note that this forces read of the whole lazy bytestring.
discardIncompleteAppend :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
discardIncompleteAppend v
| L.null v = v
| L.last v == nl = v
| otherwise = dropwhileend (/= nl) v
nl = fromIntegral (ord '\n')
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,11,2)
dropwhileend = L.dropWhileEnd
dropwhileend p = L.reverse . L.dropWhile p . L.reverse
{- List of existing journal files in a journal directory, but without locking,
- may miss new ones just being added, or may have false positives if the
- journal is staged as it is run. -}
getJournalledFilesStale :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> Annex [RawFilePath]
getJournalledFilesStale getjournaldir = do
g <- gitRepo
fs <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO [] $
getDirectoryContents $ fromRawFilePath (getjournaldir g)
return $ filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) $
map (fileJournal . toRawFilePath) fs
{- Directory handle open on a journal directory. -}
withJournalHandle :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> (DirectoryHandle -> IO a) -> Annex a
withJournalHandle getjournaldir a = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo getjournaldir
bracketIO (openDirectory d) closeDirectory (liftIO . a)
{- Checks if there are changes in the journal. -}
journalDirty :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> Annex Bool
journalDirty getjournaldir = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo getjournaldir
liftIO $
(not <$> isDirectoryEmpty d)
`catchIO` (const $ doesDirectoryExist d)
{- Produces a filename to use in the journal for a file on the branch.
- The filename does not include the journal directory.
- The journal typically won't have a lot of files in it, so the hashing
- used in the branch is not necessary, and all the files are put directly
- in the journal directory.
journalFile :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath
journalFile file = B.concatMap mangle file
mangle c
| P.isPathSeparator c = B.singleton underscore
| c == underscore = B.pack [underscore, underscore]
| otherwise = B.singleton c
underscore = fromIntegral (ord '_')
{- Converts a journal file (relative to the journal dir) back to the
- filename on the branch. -}
fileJournal :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath
fileJournal = go
go b =
let (h, t) = B.break (== underscore) b
in h <> case B.uncons t of
Nothing -> t
Just (_u, t') -> case B.uncons t' of
Nothing -> t'
Just (w, t'')
| w == underscore ->
B.cons underscore (go t'')
| otherwise ->
B.cons P.pathSeparator (go t')
underscore = fromIntegral (ord '_')
{- Sentinal value, only produced by lockJournal; required
- as a parameter by things that need to ensure the journal is
- locked. -}
data JournalLocked = ProduceJournalLocked
{- Runs an action that modifies the journal, using locking to avoid
- contention with other git-annex processes. -}
lockJournal :: (JournalLocked -> Annex a) -> Annex a
lockJournal a = do
lck <- fromRepo gitAnnexJournalLock
withExclusiveLock lck $ a ProduceJournalLocked