assist: New command, which is the same as git-annex sync but with new files added and content transferred by default. (Also this fixes another reversion in git-annex sync, --commit --no-commit, and --message were not enabled, oops.) See added comment for why git-annex assist does commit staged changes elsewhere in the work tree, but only adds files under the cwd. Note that it does not support --no-commit, --no-push, --no-pull like sync does. My thinking is, why should it? If you want that level of control, use git commit, git annex push, git annex pull. Sync only got those options because pull and push were not split out. Sponsored-by: k0ld on Patreon
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140 lines
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{- git-annex assistant
- Copyright 2012-2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Assistant where
import Command
import qualified Command.Watch
import Annex.Init
import Annex.Path
import Config.Files
import Config.Files.AutoStart
import qualified BuildInfo
import Utility.HumanTime
import Assistant.Install
import Remote.List
import Control.Concurrent.Async
cmd :: Command
cmd = dontCheck repoExists $ notBareRepo $
noRepo (startNoRepo <$$> optParser) $
command "assistant" SectionCommon
"daemon to add files and automatically sync changes"
paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
data AssistantOptions = AssistantOptions
{ daemonOptions :: DaemonOptions
, autoStartOption :: Bool
, startDelayOption :: Maybe Duration
, autoStopOption :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser AssistantOptions
optParser _ = AssistantOptions
<$> parseDaemonOptions True
<*> switch
( long "autostart"
<> help "start in known repositories"
<*> optional (option (eitherReader parseDuration)
( long "startdelay" <> metavar paramNumber
<> help "delay before running startup scan"
<*> switch
( long "autostop"
<> help "stop in known repositories"
seek :: AssistantOptions -> CommandSeek
seek = commandAction . start
start :: AssistantOptions -> CommandStart
start o
| autoStartOption o = do
liftIO $ autoStart o
| autoStopOption o = do
liftIO autoStop
| otherwise = do
liftIO ensureInstalled
ensureInitialized remoteList
Command.Watch.start True (daemonOptions o) (startDelayOption o)
startNoRepo :: AssistantOptions -> IO ()
startNoRepo o
| autoStartOption o = autoStart o
| autoStopOption o = autoStop
| otherwise = giveup "Not in a git repository."
-- Does not return
autoStart :: AssistantOptions -> IO ()
autoStart o = do
dirs <- liftIO readAutoStartFile
when (null dirs) $ do
f <- autoStartFile
giveup $ "Nothing listed in " ++ f
program <- programPath
haveionice <- pure BuildInfo.ionice <&&> inSearchPath "ionice"
pids <- forM dirs $ \d -> do
putStrLn $ "git-annex autostart in " ++ d
mpid <- catchMaybeIO $ go haveionice program d
if foregroundDaemonOption (daemonOptions o)
then return mpid
else do
case mpid of
Nothing -> putStrLn "failed"
Just pid -> ifM (checkSuccessProcess pid)
( putStrLn "ok"
, putStrLn "failed"
return Nothing
-- Wait for any foreground jobs to finish and propagate exit status.
ifM (all (== True) <$> mapConcurrently checkSuccessProcess (catMaybes pids))
( exitSuccess
, exitFailure
go haveionice program dir = do
setCurrentDirectory dir
-- First stop any old daemon running in this directory, which
-- might be a leftover from an old login session. Such a
-- leftover might be left in an environment where it is
-- unable to use the ssh agent or other login session
-- resources.
void $ boolSystem program [Param "assistant", Param "--stop"]
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, pid) <- createProcess p
return pid
| haveionice = proc "ionice"
(toCommand $ Param "-c3" : Param program : baseparams)
| otherwise = proc program
(toCommand baseparams)
baseparams = catMaybes
[ Just $ Param "assistant"
, Just $ Param $ "--startdelay=" ++ fromDuration (fromMaybe (Duration 5) (startDelayOption o))
, if foregroundDaemonOption (daemonOptions o)
then Just $ Param "--foreground"
else Nothing
autoStop :: IO ()
autoStop = do
dirs <- liftIO readAutoStartFile
program <- programPath
forM_ dirs $ \d -> do
putStrLn $ "git-annex autostop in " ++ d
tryIO (setCurrentDirectory d) >>= \case
Right () -> ifM (boolSystem program [Param "assistant", Param "--stop"])
( putStrLn "ok"
, putStrLn "failed"
Left e -> do
putStrLn (show e)
putStrLn "failed"