This reduces the memory use of a merge by 1/3rd. The space leak was apparently because the whole update-index input was generated strictly, not lazily. I wondered if the change to ByteStrings contributed to this, due to the need to convert with L.pack here. But going back to the old code, I still see a much similar leak, and worse performance besides due to it not using ByteStrings. The fix is to just hPutStr the lines repeatedly. (Note the \0 is written separately, to avoid allocation overheads in adding it to the string.) The Git.pipeWrite interface is probably just wrong for any large inputs to git. This was the only place using it for input of any size. There is still at least one other space leak in the merge code.
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117 lines
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{- git-union-merge library
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.UnionMerge (
) where
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Utils
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Common
import Git
import Git.CatFile
{- Performs a union merge between two branches, staging it in the index.
- Any previously staged changes in the index will be lost.
- Should be run with a temporary index file configured by Git.useIndex.
merge :: String -> String -> Repo -> IO ()
merge x y repo = do
a <- ls_tree x repo
h <- catFileStart repo
b <- merge_trees x y h repo
catFileStop h
update_index repo (a++b)
{- Merges a list of branches into the index. Previously staged changed in
- the index are preserved (and participate in the merge). -}
merge_index :: CatFileHandle -> Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
merge_index h repo bs =
update_index repo =<< concat <$> mapM (\b -> merge_tree_index b h repo) bs
{- Feeds a list into update-index. Later items in the list can override
- earlier ones, so the list can be generated from any combination of
- ls_tree, merge_trees, and merge_tree_index. -}
update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
update_index repo l = do
(p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ Git.gitCommandLine params repo)
mapM_ (\s -> hPutStr h s >> hPutStr h "\0") l
hClose h
forceSuccess p
params = map Param ["update-index", "-z", "--index-info"]
{- Generates a line suitable to be fed into update-index, to add
- a given file with a given sha. -}
update_index_line :: String -> FilePath -> String
update_index_line sha file = "100644 blob " ++ sha ++ "\t" ++ file
{- Gets the contents of a tree in a format suitable for update_index. -}
ls_tree :: String -> Repo -> IO [String]
ls_tree x = pipeNullSplit params
params = map Param ["ls-tree", "-z", "-r", "--full-tree", x]
{- For merging two trees. -}
merge_trees :: String -> String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO [String]
merge_trees x y h = calc_merge h $ "diff-tree":diff_opts ++ [x, y]
{- For merging a single tree into the index. -}
merge_tree_index :: String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO [String]
merge_tree_index x h = calc_merge h $ "diff-index":diff_opts ++ ["--cached", x]
diff_opts :: [String]
diff_opts = ["--raw", "-z", "-r", "--no-renames", "-l0"]
{- Calculates how to perform a merge, using git to get a raw diff,
- and returning a list suitable for update_index. -}
calc_merge :: CatFileHandle -> [String] -> Repo -> IO [String]
calc_merge h differ repo = do
diff <- pipeNullSplit (map Param differ) repo
l <- mapM (\p -> mergeFile p h repo) (pairs diff)
return $ catMaybes l
pairs [] = []
pairs (_:[]) = error "calc_merge parse error"
pairs (a:b:rest) = (a,b):pairs rest
{- Injects some content into git, returning its hash. -}
hashObject :: L.ByteString -> Repo -> IO String
hashObject content repo = getSha subcmd $ do
(h, s) <- pipeWriteRead (map Param params) content repo
L.length s `seq` do
forceSuccess h
reap -- XXX unsure why this is needed
return $ L.unpack s
subcmd = "hash-object"
params = [subcmd, "-w", "--stdin"]
{- Given an info line from a git raw diff, and the filename, generates
- a line suitable for update_index that union merges the two sides of the
- diff. -}
mergeFile :: (String, FilePath) -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO (Maybe String)
mergeFile (info, file) h repo = case filter (/= nullsha) [asha, bsha] of
[] -> return Nothing
(sha:[]) -> return $ Just $ update_index_line sha file
shas -> do
content <- L.concat <$> mapM (catObject h) shas
sha <- hashObject (unionmerge content) repo
return $ Just $ update_index_line sha file
[_colonamode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info
nullsha = replicate shaSize '0'
unionmerge = L.unlines . nub . L.lines